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Cherise Okeymow

Indépendant pour Langley City Conseil


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I am a Langley "Lifer" who has been actively and successfully involved in a variety of branches of our community. I am currently a Career Advisor at one of the largest High Schools in BC and my first focus will be on Youth.

Cherise Okeymow, current Career Advisor at Walnut Grove Secondary works with students to successfully transition out of high school. After completing her BBA at KPU she launched a business selling emergency preparedness products across Canada earning recognition from Langley Chamber and Surrey Board of Trade as finalist, Women in Business, and Business of the Year. Her next chapter included management of the Langley Community Farmers Market, brining community connections to work winning the Community Impact Award, nomination for top 40 under 40. Cherise currently volunteers for Langley Volunteer Bureau and Soroptimist international.  

This mother of three lives to set an example. Cherise was born with a rare eye condition called Achromatopsia classifying her as legally blind, which has contributed to her strong advocacy, work ethic and drive to succeed. There are many ways Cherise would like to serve Langley City including addressing homelessness, supporting local business and commitment Youth initiatives

Raison de la candidature

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Cherise brings a unique perspective as a youth advocate and person with a disability. She has a variety of unique and impactful experiences and successes that show her dedication and drive to be a change agent in whatever she takes on.

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