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Judith Zulu

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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

I am a parent to three children in elementary and middle public schools.

I am a Licensed Practical nurse by Profession. I also have experience serving the community as a peer educator and facilitator in various communities; with people of various ages, cultures on matters related to drug and substance abuse; role of science and technology in health and the environment through affiliations with various organizations.

I am running for office because like all parents, I deeply care about providing the best possible education and learning environment for all children; a kind that supports them reach their maximum potential with enhanced supports for neurodiverse kids as well. I stand to advocate for safe, inclusive and respectful environments that reflect the diverse and multicultural community we live in, so that everyone’s values, needs, identities and faith are recognized equally.

All voices must be listened to because all voices matter!

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