Ceci est une page de 2022 BC Local General Elections.
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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

My name is Oliver Wu. I was born and raised in China and immigrated to Canada with my family in 1999. My daughter attended public schools in District 61. I noticed there was not enough emphasis on academics such as math, science, reading and writing and music.

I’m sad to see our schools not providing quality education to our children or preparing them for their future as productive citizens in a competitive and global world. Education is very important because our future depends on our children.

I can help make better decisions for the schools by listening to parents and teachers, so that we can focus on making strong, resilient and successful graduates. I will take this opportunity to motivate not only the Chinese community but all families to participate in the democratic process in policy making.

Please vote for me to help make our schools better for all students.

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