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Ali Zahra

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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

My Name Is Ali Zahra.

My wife and I moved to Victoria in 2009, where my kids were born and raised. They are presently in Grade 5th and 9th. I watched them go through public school system and through it all learned a lot. I liked some and didn’t like some so I’m hoping to help change and balance.

Last year I joined my son with his classmates & teachers protesting the cut in the musical program in front of the school board building.

I graduated in Accounting & Auditing Major in 1990 and since then I worked as Accountant in different companies.

And for the last 15 years I’ve been running my own business.

So I am hoping to bring the administrative & accounting knowledge I have to help in guiding local policies toward more effective, inclusive & efficient operation of schools in the district.

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