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Mena Westhaver

Indépendant pour District of Saanich Conseil
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Mena is an energetic, action-oriented leader who is passionate about community. Positive results of Mena’s leadership and dedication to Saanich have been proven. Please visit Mena's website www.menaforsaanich.ca to learn of her hard work. Mena will be a voice for community.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am here to serve Saanich. Through lived experiences, two successful businesses and working in Saanich Community Services, I am energetic and care. I am concerned about safety, climate change, housing, cost of living and I want community to be able to live here for generations.

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menaforsaanich.ca www.menaforsaanich.ca