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Leslie-Anne Goodall

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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

Leslie-Anne is dedicated to helping repair a school system in decline. Children are graduating without basic skills and knowledge required to be successful in their lives. Many parents are feeling that their personal and cultural values are no longer being represented. Leslie-Anne plans to work on returning decision-making to parents by ensuring transparency and a focus on academic excellence, rather than political agendas.

Leslie-Anne believes having volunteer parents in the classroom would allow families to be part of the process. Education should inspire personal responsibility, achievement and hard work and help others who may struggle to meet the standard.

Our teachers need to feel supported in their role as educators and be able to focus on core competencies such as math, science, reading/writing, arts and physical education without the pressures of competing political interests outside the classroom.

Leslie-Anne will work to see that these goals are achieved.

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