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Jordan Reichert

Indépendant pour District of Saanich Conseil
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am currently a mental health and addictions worker and have spent 15 years working in this field of health care. Working with people who are marginalized, unhoused, stigmatized, and struggling with significant health issues has taught me a great deal of compassion, patience, and understanding of those in need. It has also taught me that mental health and addiction touch the lives of everyone in our society and that it takes a community effort to address them.

In 2014, I graduated from UVic with a double major in sociology and philosophy, and also began working for a national non-profit addressing environmental and animal issues across Canada. For the past 7 years I have volunteered as a co-founder and director of a provincial non-profit building community, creating events, fundraising tens of thousands of dollars for charity, and bringing people together.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
We are living in an extraordinary time where the call to action by every level of government is the greatest it has been in decades. From housing and affordability to transportation, mental health and addictions, and the climate crisis, the struggles we face are present and the response needs to be urgent.

That is why we need strong leaders at the municipal level of government who are unafraid to take bold action and work with other levels of government while not compromising the cornerstone values of what make Saanich such a desirable community to live, play, and grow as individuals, families, and a society.

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jordanreichert.ca www.jordanreichert.ca