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Tyson Strandlund

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Proud member of the Métis Nation of BC, committed to public education as an essential foundation for a democratic society.

Born and raised in Victoria, Tyson is a proud member of the Métis Nation of BC. He is dedicated to ensuring a safe and effective learning environment, while keeping public education completely provincially funded, without added fees, and universally accessible to guarantee equity for all students. Tyson is a firm believer that public education is a vital foundation of any democratic society, and that students, parents, and unions should all be participants in decision making processes.

Tyson completed his BA and MA through the University of Victoria’s history department, the latter in the Cultural, Social, & Political Thought program. A long-time supporter of Indigenous solidarity movements, Tyson wrote his MA thesis on the history of decolonization and national liberation struggles in the 20th century, and is committed to ensuring that Indigenous education is protected and supported.  Tyson’s academic writings on decolonization, racism, and nationalism have been featured in several scholarly publications including The Bangla Journal and The Spark! Tyson has also given a number of conference presentations on Indigenous history and struggles, even chairing a webinar with Bolivian former president Evo Morales for National Indigenous Peoples Day in June of 2020. In 2019, Tyson contributed to the formulation of new policies on the decolonization of Venezuela’s education system with elected parliamentarians and student leaders that were ultimately implemented in government legislation. Presently he is writing a book chapter for a biographical anthology about the Indian anti-colonial activist and educator M. N. Roy.  

A recipient of the Geraldine and Peter Shostak Scholarship in Ukrainian Studies, awarded for accomplishments in the study of Ukrainian culture, history, music, fine arts, and Slavic languages, Tyson’s education also reflects his Ukrainian heritage, having spent a semester abroad studying in Kyiv prior to the war at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. 

During his own time in middle school and high school, Tyson was deeply involved in the music program, singing and playing a variety of instruments in various ensembles, but specializing as a piano player - a skill which later gave him part-time job opportunities teaching music lessons and as an entertainer. Tyson retains a love of music to this day, and understands the importance of supporting music programs in our schools.

For over a decade, Tyson has been actively involved in supporting a range of progressive causes in Victoria, including the labour movement, the peace movement, and the student movement during his time at university, and sits on the executive committees of several volunteer organizations operating across Canada. During his studies at UVic, Tyson also worked as a teaching assistant where he deepened his appreciation and admiration for pedagogy. Presently, Tyson works as a regional director for a non-profit organization focused on educating the public around social, historical, and political issues.

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tysonstrandlund.com www.tysonstrandlund.com