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emilymahbobi.wixsite.com/sd61 emilymahbobi.wixsite.com/sd61

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Emily Mahbobi

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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

Emily attended school in SD61 from Kindergarten through to Grade 12, graduating from Reynolds Secondary in 2014. As a recent graduate she has close connections to educators and feels duty-bound to improve the system through which she was educated.

Emily is a leader in Victoria’s music community. She completed her post-secondary education at the UVic School of Music in 2019. Since graduating, she has taught piano at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, and is now an owner of Quadratic Sound, a local music studio and performance venue dedicated to the growth and accessibility of Victoria’s music scene. At Quadratic Sound, alongside her team, she aims to provide a space for musicians of all backgrounds and skill levels to have the opportunity to play, network, and create.

Emily is the current Chair of Cabaret Voltaire Société & Diversions, a registered non-profit society devoted to showcasing underrepresented, vibrant experimental musicians and artists.

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emilymahbobi.wixsite.com/sd61 emilymahbobi.wixsite.com/sd61