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Nicole Duncan

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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

Nicole Duncan is a business consultant and has a child currently attending school in SD61. Advocating for an inclusive and vibrant public education system is a top priority for Nicole, who believes in the intrinsic value of public education.

Nicole has served the community as a Trustee since 2018, working diligently with a focus on student supports, student safety and privacy rights, climate accountability, financial oversight and transparency, administrative fairness and respectful Board governance. Prior to her term as a Trustee, Nicole worked for many years as a vocal parent advocate in our District demonstrating her commitment to public education as an active volunteer and through her service on the Executive of a Parent Advisory Council.

Nicole is motivated by the importance of meeting the needs of our diverse learning community. To achieve this will require careful financial management and a solutions-oriented Board of Education.

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