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Sacha Christensen

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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

I’m running for School Board Trustee in SD61 to put our students first. Our Schools should reflect the change we want to see in our community, and our School Board Trustees should reflect the community it actually represents.

I’m running to protect the rights of our 2SLGBTQIA+ students, close the graduation gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners, ensure that inclusive education for students with disabilities is a guarantee, and expand support for student enrichment and mental health initiatives.

As a former SD61 student, I know firsthand how our district can be a force for positive change in our community, and am keenly aware of where more work still needs to be done. We need trustees who aren’t afraid of frank discussions, and who will re-center our district’s decisions around the needs of our students. On October 15th, I hope I can count on your support.

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