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Salvetina Agba

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remis au bureau d’élection de Victoria par le candidat

Salvetina is a mum who wants the best educational experience for children in her community. Her parents are retired teachers so she deeply understands the tremendous job teachers do.

Salvetina is a Psychiatric Nurse and with degree in Music. She has volunteered in many capacities serving her community especially those in need. Salvetina is a critical thinker and has made recognizable life- saving decisions. She believes mental well-being is vital for our children’s success. She believes in the power of music to create positive connective experiences and would like to see its expansion in schools.

Salvetina believes parents play an integral role in their child’s development and knows best. She would like to see parents involved every step of the way as they partner with schools. Salvetina would like to see transparency, confidence in the school system, increased teachers support, mosaic inclusion, support for parental values and zero tolerance for bullying.

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