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Nathalie Chambers

Indépendant pour District of Saanich Conseil (candidat sortant)
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My family and I live, lease and operate our organic farm business Madrona farm in the Blenkinsop Valley.

First elected to the District of Saanich Council in 2018, I have listened and learned our community supports strong civic engagement, community planning, a healthy environment, disciplined use of public funds, safe neighborhoods and a genuine spirit of inclusivity.

Saanich residents clearly expressed these values. This year, I’m seeking re-election to council and election to the Capital Regional District because I want local government to respect these values too.

On council, I’ve maintained an independent voice, so I can always put Saanich citizens first. I am 100% Not developer funded.

In Saanich, let’s support civic engagement, protect the environment, ensure public, safety, pay livable wages to workers, and build public housing that is truly affordable, not just profitable for developers.

Thank you,
Nathalie Chambers

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