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Judy Brownoff

Indépendant pour District of Saanich Conseil (candidat sortant)
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Born Toronto, lived Edmonton, Jasper — taught skiing at Marmot & worked for RCMP — from large cities to small towns to Saanich, a place I call home. I owned two businesses — I know thoughtful & diligent planning for the future is key — no unwanted expensive surprises!

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I want to Move Saanich Forward to be the best it can — both rural & urban living. Working together with our diverse community, we can create an affordable, accessible, sustainable, safe, healthy, generous & prosperous Saanich, a place for all ages and abilities.

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judybrownoff.ca www.judybrownoff.ca