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Dean Murdock

Indépendant pour District of Saanich Maire
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I am a former three-term Saanich Councillor and CRD Director.

I was born in Richmond, BC, and moved to Saanich with my family when I was in Grade 6. I grew up in Cordova Bay and graduated from Claremont Secondary.

After high school, I attended Camosun College and the University of Victoria. I completed Bachelors and Masters degrees in Social Sciences at UVic.

I was elected to Saanich Council in 2008. At that time, I was Saanich’s youngest member of Council. I served three terms as a Councillor and a term as CRD Director.

I am a champion for healthier, more engaged communities. I work for the Ministry of Health as the Provincial Lead for Healthy Communities. I have a background in stakeholder engagement and project management. I teach a political science course at Camosun College.

I am husband to my incredible partner, Rachel, and dad to two wonderful children, Caelum and Avery (ages 13 and 10). We have a 15-year-old beagle named Bella.

Raison de la candidature

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Saanich needs leadership that understands how to build on our strengths to create the future we all want. Let's build a stronger Saanich, together.

When I think about Saanich I am reminded how lucky I am to have grown up here. We chose to raise our kids here because of the great neighbourhoods, schools, parks and career opportunities.

But people are telling me that what they love about Saanich is slipping away: Young professionals are leaving because they can’t afford to live here. Pensioners are struggling to make ends meet. Parents worry about their kids getting home safely from school. Heatwaves and floods have people fearful about the impacts of climate change.

We can't solve the challenges we're facing when we're divided. As a Councillor, I worked hard to bring people together and took the time to listen. 

As your mayor, unity will be my priority. We need to restore trust in decision-making. And find solutions that make life better for everyone.

Saanich needs leadership that understands how to build on our strengths to create the future we all want.

Let’s work together to ensure what we love about Saanich doesn’t continue to slip away. 

Let’s build a stronger Saanich, together.

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