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Relations avec les autochtones et réconciliation plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan, et leurs partis, promettent.



  • Formally repudiate the doctrines of terra nullius, discovery, & others of superiority.
  • Establish a process to transition from the Indian Act, based on free, prior, & informed consent.
  • Implement the recommendations of the 1996 Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
  • Work with Indigenous Peoples & their governing institutions on a nation-to-nation basis.
  • Recognise the rights of non-status & Métis as Indigenous.

Lire plus

1. Formally repudiate the doctrine of terra nullius, the doctrine of discovery, and other doctrines of superiority.

2. Guided by Indigenous leadership, establish a process to transition out from under the Indian Act.

● With Indigenous leaders at the helm, establish processes for self-governing Indigenous Peoples and nations to transition out from under the Indian Act, grounding this in the doctrine of free, prior, and informed consent.

3. Implement the recommendations of the 1996 Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

4. Affirm the inherent right of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation to determine child and family services.

● Support kinship ties and ensure sufficient funding and resources so that families are kept together.

5. Work with First Nations, the Métis Nation, and Inuit and their governing institutions on a nation-to-nation basis.

● Advance and implement agreements, and work in collaboration with nations to co-develop and co-design policy and programs that will benefit First Nations, Métis Nation, and Inuit.

6. Recognize the rights of non-status and Métis as “Indigenous.”

● Accept CAP-Daniels recognition of non-Status and Métis as “Indigenous”

● Accept UNDRIP recognition of the rights that Indigenous people possess, applying equally to all Indigenous people regardless of distinction, residence or status.

● Work towards the settlement of community land and resource rights for Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) communities

● Respect and act on 2018 CAP-Canada Political Accord

● Include off-reserve Status, non-Status, Métis and Southern Inuit in the implementation of calls to action in Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP), Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), and National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls & 2SLGBTQQIA+.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

3. Build community capacity to support exercising self-determination.

● Support self-determination with effective, fully-funded organizations to represent and provide services to communities by expanding Basic Organizational Capacity (BOC) funding for Indigenous representative organizations.

● Representation of youth, Elders, 2SLGBTQQIA+, and distinct identities among off-reserve Indigenous people must be adequately funded to ensure those perspectives are included.

● Support research and identification of off-reserve Indigenous communities across Canada, with registration and membership systems.

○ Support the application of trusted research and data on urban Indigenous populations to acknowledge under-counting.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

Lire moins


  • Co-develop a National Action Plan for Reconciliation, including ensuring rights to self-determination & self-government.
  • Support Inuit self-determination.
  • Recognise Métis self-determination & pursue government-to-government negotiations on issues.

Lire plus

We will also respect Inuit self-determination by co-developing the federal government’s Arctic Policy Framework through shared governance within the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee, including through the adoption of an Inuit Nunangat policy in full partnership with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. We will support the economic and social self-reliance of Inuit by addressing the massive infrastructure deficit in Northern communities, including housing, access to high-speed broadband, and airports, and ensuring that federal election ballots include Indigenous languages like Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun.

New Democrats recognize Métis self-determination and in government, we will respect the path forward established by the Métis National Council and its governing members. We will pursue government-to-government negotiations on issues including self-government, education, housing and health.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins


  • Train young Indigenous leaders, including through the Institute of Corporate Directors.
  • Allow the First Nations Finance Authority to monetise government funding.
  • Consult with First Nations to overhaul current funding models, with the goal of making it easier for First Nations to escape Third-Party Management, reduce red tape, and better incentives for moving towards block funding.

Lire plus

• Increase Indigenous governance capacity by training young Indigenous leaders including through the Institute of Corporate Directors.

• Empower the First Nations Finance Authority to monetize government funding, leveraging the market to supercharge First Nations infrastructure.

• Remain open to exploring innovative new models to fund and deliver social services and critical infrastructure.

• Develop, in collaboration with Indigenous groups, a National Action Plan that addresses violence against Indigenous women and girls.

• Consult with First Nations on overhauling the current funding models, with the goal of making it easier for First Nations to escape Third-Party Management, reducing red tape, and providing a clearer path with better incentives for moving towards block funding.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins


  • Un gouvernement libéral appuierait les processus dirigés par des Autochtones visant l’autodétermination, ce qui comprend la mise en œuvre des traités, des revendications territoriales et des ententes d’autonomie gouvernementale.
  • Un gouvernement libéral appuierait également les processus guidés par les Premières Nations pour abandonner graduellement la Loi sur les Indiens et financerait les travaux qui viennent appuyer les lois, les systèmes juridiques et les traditions autochtones.

Lire plus

Continue to support Indigenous-led processes for rebuilding and reconstituting nations, advancing self- determination and work in partnership on implementation of treaties, land claim and self-government agreements with appropriate oversight mechanisms to hold the federal government accountable.

Continue to support First Nations-led processes to transition away from the Indian Act.

Accelerate resolution of outstanding land claims.

Continue to advance the priorities of Indigenous communities to reclaim full jurisdiction in the areas that matter to them such as child and family services, education, health care, policing, tax, and the administration of justice.

Further support and fund the revitalization of Indigenous laws, legal systems, and traditions.

Host a First Ministers Meeting on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation priorities.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Développement des ressources naturelles

Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Développement des ressources naturelles.
Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Développement des ressources naturelles.


  • Un gouvernement conservateur encouragerait les communautés autochtones à devenir des partenaires des projets d’exploitation des ressources naturelles, comme les pipelines et les mines, en offrant 5 milliards de dollars en prêts garantis aux groupes autochtones afin qu’ils puissent investir dans des projets d’exploitation de ressources énergétiques.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur obligerait également les futurs gouvernements fédéraux à consulter les communautés autochtones concernées avant d’annuler des projets qui ont déjà été approuvés et il établirait un processus clair pour déterminer qui devrait représenter les communautés lors des consultations s’il doit s’agir d’une autre personne que le chef élu.

Lire plus

Work with First Nations and other Indigenous groups to ensure they are partners in prosperity and the development of our natural resources by creating a Canadian Indigenous Enterprise Corporation.

° Based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, it will apply rigorous market analysis to guarantee loans to Indigenous groups so they can invest in natural resource projects and related infrastructure.

° We will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

To promote mutually beneficial conversations between Indigenous communities and resource project proponents, we will provide $10 million per year to organizations that foster collaboration and encourage partnerships between these two groups.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

• Working with Indigenous-led organizations, such as the First Nations Major Project Coalition, the Indigenous Resource Network, the Indian Resource Council, the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers, the National Coalition of Chiefs, and First Nations LNG Alliance, to support communities that wish to become partners in good projects that meet high environmental standards.

• Creating the Canadian Indigenous Opportunities Corporation that will support First Nations and Inuit organizations seeking to purchase an equity stake in major projects.

° Based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, it will apply rigorous market analysis to guarantee loans to Indigenous groups so they can invest in natural resource and infrastructure projects.

° We will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects across the country.

• Requiring future governments to consult with Indigenous Communities before cancelling approved projects when they have signed or are negotiating benefit agreements or partnerships.

• Implementing Article 18 of UNDRIP by working with First Nations to develop a transparent process that communities can use to identify who represents them in consultations if it is to be someone other than elected Chiefs.

• Working with First Nations and other Indigenous rights holders to develop a consultation process that allows for more meaningful dialogue.

• Creating a streamlined environmental review process for major projects that partner with First Nations during the environmental assessment phase.

° This will encourage early partnerships, allow the incorporation of traditional knowledge, and build confidence in the assessment process.

° For clarity, such agreements will not be prejudicial to First Nations consultation.

• Supporting Indigenous Protected Areas that safeguard culturally significant areas without alienating future benefits that may accrue to the impacted Indigenous community if used in a way that maintains those safeguards.

° Support an Indigenous Guardians program that will support communities in developing and maintaining protected areas, among other things.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Développement des ressources naturelles.

Eau potable


  • Invest in & upgrade critical infrastructure to ensure safe water access & to be able to lift boil water advisories in every community.
  • Support Indigenous-led processes to implement safe drinking water & wastewater management systems.


Make investments required to ensure clean water and lift all drinking water advisories for good now.


Un gouvernement conservateur tenterait de mettre fin aux avis à long terme sur l'eau potable.


Un gouvernement libéral ferait tous les investissements nécessaires pour mettre fin aux avis d'ébullition d'eau dans les communautés des Premières Nations et investirait 6 milliards de dollars pour garantir un accès durable à de l’eau potable propre pour les Premières Nations.

Lire plus

Make any investments necessary to eliminate all remaining advisories.

Make sure that resources and training are in place to prevent future ones.

Continue to move forward on our agreement in principle to resolve national class action litigation related to safe drinking water in First Nations communities.

Maintain our commitment to invest $6 billion to ensure sustainable access to clean water for First Nations.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Enfants autochtones


  • Recognise that Indigenous children in residential schools have been replaced by Indigenous children in foster care.
  • Stop fighting the Human Rights Tribunal Orders regarding compensation for child & family victims.
  • Ensure non-status First Nations' children living off-reserve have access to Jordan's Principle.
  • Adopt recommendations on funding for First Nations Child & Family Services from the Institute for Fiscal Studies & Democracy's 2020 report.

Lire plus

● Recognize that Indigenous children in residential schools have been replaced by Indigenous children in foster care; Indigenous children account for 7.7 per cent of children in Canada, but 52.2 percent of children in care;

● Stop fighting the Canada’s Human Rights Tribunal orders requiring the government to compensate the child and family victims of Canada’s discrimination; and ensure non-status First Nations’ children living off reserve have access to Jordan’s Principle.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

6. Adopt recommendations on funding for First Nations Child and Family Services from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Democracy’s 2020 report.

● Adopt a results framework for the well-being of children, families, and communities, such as the Measuring to Thrive framework proposed in the report.

● Budget for results with a block funding approach 13 that addresses gaps and is linked to the results framework.

○ Undertake a full assessment of current capital stock.

● Establish a non-political First Nations policy and practice secretariat to support First Nations and First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) agencies to transition to First Nations governance.

● Establish a group of FNCFS agencies and First Nations willing to be early adopters of the new performance and funding approach to model implementation.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

Lire moins


  • Immediately take action to respect, support, & resource Indigenous jurisdiction over child welfare systems, backed up with long-term, predictable funding guaranteed in legislation.
  • Fully implement Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders on funding of child welfare services on reserve.
  • Implement the Spirit Bear Plan.
  • Stop litigation against Indigenous children.
  • Fully implement Jordan's Principle.

Lire plus

Indigenous children and young people have the right to culture, language and to be raised in their own communities – all of which are vital to overall well-being. By implementing the United Nations Declaration, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action and supporting self-determination, New Democrats will make sure that all First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children, young people and families are treated with the justice, respect and care that they deserve.

New Democrats will take immediate action to respect, support and resource Indigenous jurisdiction over child welfare systems, and will back this commitment with long-term, predictable funding guaranteed in legislation so that Indigenous peoples can exercise their jurisdiction and authority over matters involving their own children and families.

We also commit to ending discrimination against Indigenous children, young people and families by fully implementing the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders which ordered the Canadian government to stop chronically underfunding child welfare services on reserve, and working with the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society to implement the Spirit Bear Plan. We will put an immediate end to government litigation against Indigenous children.

A New Democrat government will also fully implement Jordan’s Principle, working with the provinces and territories to end the delays and ensure equitable access to health services and educational supports for Indigenous children from coast to coast to coast. We’ll end the court challenge and ensure that Jordan’s Principle applies to children off-reserve. And we will create a Spirit Bear Day to promote awareness of Jordan's Principle and of the challenges faced by First Nations children when accessing government services.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Enfants autochtones.


Un gouvernement libéral financerait entièrement le principe de Jordan et l’Initiative : Les enfants inuits d'abord, il répondrait aux besoins des enfants métis et verserait une indemnisation à ceux qui ont subi des préjudices dans le cadre du programme des Services à l'enfance et à la famille des Premières Nations.

Lire plus

Continue to fully implement the Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Children, Youth and Families and continue to support communities looking to lift up jurisdiction over child and family services.

Continue to reform child and family services in Indigenous communities.

Continue to work with Indigenous communities to help children and families stay together.

Permanently ensure that First Nations youth who reach the age of majority receive the supports they need for up to two additional years and implement the orders of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Continue to work with Indigenous partners to ensure fair and equitable compensation for those harmed by the First Nations Child and Family Services program.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Move forward on building an Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care system that meets the needs of Indigenous families, wherever they live.

Ensure more Indigenous families have access to high-quality programming.

Create 3,300 new spaces.

Invest in Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern communities.

Continue to support before and after school care for First Nations children on reserve.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Continue to fully fund Jordan’s Principle.

Continue to fully fund Inuit Child First Initiative.

Continue to work with the Métis Nation to fund the unique needs of Métis children.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Enjeux autochtones

Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Enjeux autochtones.


Expand access to broadband Internet & cell service for rural & remote communities.


  • Streamline the application process for broadband programs for Indigenous communities.
  • Provide more support & develop more flexible funding arrangements.
  • Provide technical support during the application process.


Require that those who have purchased rights to build broadband actually do so.

Lire plus

Require those that have purchased the rights to build broadband actually do so. With this use it or lose it approach, Canada’s large national carriers will be required to accelerate the roll-out of wireless and high-speed internet in rural and northern Canada by progressively meeting broadband access milestones between now and 2025. If these milestones are not met, we will mandate the resale of spectrum rights and reallocate that capacity to smaller, regional providers.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Entreprises autochtones

Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Entreprises autochtones.


  • Work with Indigenous communities to support locally-driven economic development.
  • Create good jobs through infrastructure & public service investments.
  • Work with Indigenous entrepreneurs to find solutions for accessing capital & invest in Indigenous social enterprises & entrepreneurship.
  • Prioritise procurement from Indigenous companies where possible.
  • Dedicate regional economic development support.

Lire plus

We believe that the economic recovery from COVID-19 must further reconciliation and economic justice for Indigenous peoples. A New Democrat government will work with Indigenous communities to support locally-driven economic development and create good jobs through infrastructure and public service investments, and expanded access to broadband internet and cell service for rural and remote communities. We commit to working with Indigenous entrepreneurs to find solutions for accessing capital and scale up, investing in Indigenous social enterprise projects and entrepreneurship, and to ensure that the federal government prioritizes procurement from Indigenous companies where possible.

Smaller Indigenous communities left behind by the current funding model need dedicated regional economic development support to help expand economic opportunities in a way that reflects the community’s social and cultural values.

A New Democrat government will also create a Northern Infrastructure Fund to fast-track investment and focus on improving much-needed infrastructure like roads and broadband internet for communities in the north.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins


  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur versera 4 millions de dollars sur trois ans pour engager et former des agents de développement économique locaux et régionaux afin d’offrir des possibilités d’affaires aux entreprises autochtones.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur élaborerait également un Programme de mentorat des entreprises autochtones, pour aider les entrepreneurs autochtones à se bâtir un réseau et à obtenir des conseils.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur fixerait des cibles destinées aux ministères les incitant à travailler avec davantage d’entreprises autochtones et il fournirait une rétroaction utile aux entreprises autochtones afin qu’elles décrochent des contrats avec le gouvernement.

Lire plus

• Provide $4 million over three years in targeted funding for the hiring and training of local and regional economic development officers.

• In collaboration with municipal and First Nations organizations, promote mechanisms that foster relationships between municipalities and neighbouring First Nations.

• Utilizing the existing infrastructure of Indigenous national organizations (NACCA & CCAB), provide capacity building and business education to enhance and promote Indigenous business success and success stories.

• Develop an Indigenous Business Mentorship Program where Indigenous communities and entrepreneurs can connect with and receive guidance from others who have succeeded.

• Modernize the First Nations Land Management Act to bring it more in line with the Framework Agreement.

• Commit $25 million to a national police support and community training program to reduce the incarceration rates of Canada’s Indigenous communities.

• Working with Indigenous community groups, establish a national working group in the Canadian public service to encourage applications from Canada’s Indigenous communities.

• Improve opportunities for Indigenous businesses to receive government contracts by:

° Setting active targets and accountability mechanisms for departmental procurement officers.

° Ensuring procurement rules don’t unnecessarily exclude legitimate Indigenous businesses.

° Providing constructive feedback to unsuccessful bidders.

° Working with ISED, investigating new measures (or enhancing previous measures) through the Industrial and Technological Benefits policy to increase Indigenous business involvement in the defence and security industries.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins


Un gouvernement libéral élargirait le Programme d’entrepreneuriat autochtone afin de permettre aux entreprises autochtones d’avoir accès plus facilement à des prêts pour créer de nouvelles entreprises et les aider à trouver des programmes de soutien adaptés à leur situation.

Lire plus

Expand the Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program to enable businesses to access a new, zero-interest loan when a 10% advance is not possible.

Create a navigator position to help Indigenous entrepreneurs find programs that apply to their situation.

Work with all government departments to analyze and, as appropriate, adjust eligibility criteria to ensure that programs are as inclusive as possible.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Femmes et filles autochtones disparues et assassinées


Implement all Calls for Justice from the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls.


  • Work with Indigenous women, the families of the missing & murdered, & Indigenous communities to implement the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls.
  • Establish a comprehensive plan to address violence against Indigenous women, girls, & LGBTQI2S+ People.
  • Ensure full gender equality for First Nations status.

Lire plus

The report from the National Inquiry must not sit on a shelf. New Democrats will work in partnership with Indigenous women, the families of the missing and murdered, and communities to implement the Inquiry’s Calls for Justice and the calls to action brought forward by communities. This includes establishing a comprehensive, plan to address violence against Indigenous women, girls and LGBTQI2S+ People — ensuring that all those fleeing violence have access to culturally appropriate programming, emergency shelters and transitional housing.

We believe it’s wrong that Indigenous women, and their children, still do not have equal status rights — including the right to pass on the ability to qualify for Indian status registration. Successive Conservative and Liberal governments have failed to fix this gross inequality. New Democrats will act to ensure full gender equality for First Nations status as a matter of priority, consistent with Canadian and international court rulings.

New Democrats acknowledge that respect for Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit people must be made real by ensuring equitable access and self- determination over land, culture, language, housing, child care, income security, employment, education, and physical, mental, sexual, and spiritual health.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Femmes et filles autochtones disparues et assassinées.


Un gouvernement libéral créerait un plan d’action national 2021 sur les femmes, les filles et les personnes 2ELGBTQQIA+. Pour ce faire, un gouvernement libéral travaillerait avec les communautés autochtones, les provinces et les partenaires territoriaux.

Lire plus

Accelerate the implementation of the Federal Pathway to Address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People with Indigenous partners.

Accelerate our work with all partners in our collective and shared priorities in the 2021 National Action Plan.

Create a standing Federal-Provincial-Territorial table on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People to facilitate and coordinate this work.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Fonds versés aux réserves

Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Fonds versés aux réserves.


Fund on-reserve emergency management & prevention, including firefighting training & equipment.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Fonds versés aux réserves.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Fonds versés aux réserves.

Logement autochtone


  • Allow Indigenous organisations to access financing through CMHC for self-determined housing needs.
  • Allocate funding toward urban Indigenous housing providers.
  • Develop & implement an Urban, Rural, & Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy.
  • Transfer federal lands & property to off-reserve Indigenous organisations to create housing.
  • Establish a For Indigenous, By Indigenous housing support program.

Lire plus

1. Guided by First Nations, Inuit and Metis Nation, develop inclusive and culturally appropriate Urban Indigenous Housing Strategies - for Indigenous Peoples and  by Indigenous Peoples - as proposed by the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association’s Indigenous Caucus.

2. Reinvest in housing for Indigenous communities

● Change the legislation that prevents Indigenous organizations from accessing financing through CMHC to invest in self-determined housing needs.

● Allocate funding towards urban Indigenous housing providers.

● Develop and implement an Urban, Rural, and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy.

● Ensure that all housing in Indigenous communities is built following principles laid out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

● Leverage federal lands and real property for transfer to off-reserve Indigenous organizations to create housing and economic development opportunities.

● Assist urban and rural Indigenous people in identifying emergency accommodations and affordable housing options for youth, Elders, 2SLGBTQQIA+, and vulnerable populations.

● Establish a “For Indigenous, By Indigenous” housing support program for all off-reserve and urban Indigenous communities, and include off-reserve Status and non-Status Indigenous Peoples.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

Lire moins


  • Work with Indigenous communities to implement a co-developed, fully-funded Indigenous National Housing Strategy within 100 days of assuming office.
  • Address the mould crisis.

Lire plus

New Democrats will address the Indigenous housing crisis and put an end to chronic overcrowding and long-wait lists by working with Indigenous communities to implement co-developed, fully funded Indigenous National Housing Strategy within our first 100 days in office. This innovative, ground-up strategy will mean sustainable and dedicated funding to meet the needs of Indigenous peoples, whether in urban, rural or remote communities.

We believe that the federal government must immediately step up to tackle the mold crisis affecting tens of thousands of homes, and provide support for First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples to ensure that their homes are safe and healthy. We will also ensure that Indigenous communities have the resources to make homes greener and more energy efficient, working to keep the benefits of good jobs, training and investment close to home.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins


Créer une de construction de logements « pour les Autochtones, par les Autochtones ».


Un gouvernement libéral travaillerait avec ses partenaires autochtones afin de créer un centre national du logement autochtone chargé de superviser les programmes fédéraux de logement autochtone, et d’élaborer une strategie de logement pour les Autochtones en région urbaine, rurale et nordique.

Lire plus

Work with Indigenous partners to co-develop an Urban, Rural, and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy and support this strategy with dedicated investments.

Work with Indigenous partners to create a National Indigenous Housing Centre with Indigenous people overseeing federal Indigenous housing programs once fully realized.

Make additional investments in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation housing, as we continue to work towards meeting our 2030 commitment on closing the gaps for Indigenous Infrastructure.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Invest a further $2 billion in Indigenous housing for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation, with over half of the funding available by the upcoming summer construction period.

Co-develop a new Indigenous Urban, Rural, and Northern Housing Strategy with Indigenous partners and organizations that will be a stand-alone companion to the National Housing Strategy, supported by a $300 million initial investment.

Co-develop and fund Canada’s first-ever National Indigenous Housing Centre, through which Indigenous people will fully oversee federal Indigenous housing programs once fully realized.

Continue to support the establishment of Indigenous-led institutions in housing and infrastructure, such as the First Nations Infrastructure Institute, that assists First Nations with their infrastructure needs.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Pensionnats autochtones


  • Provide sustainable funding for new & existing Indigenous Healing Centres to address the harms caused by residential schools.
  • Honour the TRC request for funding for work on the Missing Children & Unmarked Burials Project.
  • Call on the Pope to apologise on behalf of the Catholic Church for its involvement in residential schools.


  • Fund the search for grave sites at former residential schools.
  • Fund the maintenance, commemoration, reburial, & protection of residential school cemeteries according to the wishes of Indigenous families, Survivors, & communities.
  • Establish memorials.
  • Appoint a special prosecutor to pursue those involved in residential schools.
  • Require churches & governments to hand over records.
  • Fund healing.

Lire plus

A New Democrat government will fully fund the search for grave sites at former residential schools, as well as the maintenance, commemoration, reburial and protection of residential school cemeteries according to the wishes of Indigenous families, residential school Survivors and communities. We will also work with nations and Survivors to establish memorials to those lost to residential schools.

In order for there to be reconciliation, New Democrats recognize that there must also be truth, accountability and justice. We will ensure the appointment of a special prosecutor to pursue those who inflicted great harm on Indigenous children in Canada’s residential school system. We will require that churches and governments hand over any and all records that could be helpful in identifying the children who lay buried in unmarked graves, or in finding individuals who were involved in their deaths.

Finally, recognizing the need for special supports to address the inter-generational impacts of colonialism and residential schools, a New Democrat government will support and fully fund community-driven solutions for healing, including projects similar to the former “Aboriginal Healing Foundation”.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

And we believe that all Canadians should be aware of the contributions and history of Indigenous peoples and understand the legacy of residential schools. We will work with the provinces to establish Indigenous history education programs for all Canadians, based on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action 62 and 63 – and ensure that the development and implementation of these programs are led by Indigenous peoples.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins


  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur développerait un plan pour mettre en place les appels à l’action 71 à 76 des 94 appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur ferait également ériger un monument à Ottawa pour honorer les survivants des pensionnats autochtones et créerait une série de ressources pour les Canadiens de tous âges au sujet des pensionnats.

Lire plus

Develop a comprehensive plan to implement TRC Calls to Action 71 through 76.

Fund the investigation at all former residential schools in Canada where unmarked graves may exist, including the sites where children have already been discovered.

Ensure that proper resources are allocated for communities to reinter, commemorate, and honour any individuals discovered through the investigation, according to the wishes of their next of kin.

Develop a detailed and thorough set of resources to educate Canadians of all ages on the tragic history of residential schools in Canada.

Build a national monument in Ottawa that honours residential school survivors and all the children who were lost.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins


  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement libéral ferait construire un monument national à Ottawa en l'honneur des survivants et des victimes des pensionnats autochtones.
  • Un gouvernement libéral offrirait également un soutien aux communautés qui souhaitent poursuivre les efforts de recherche sur les anciens sites des pensionnats, externats et hôpitaux autochtones.
  • Un gouvernement libéral nommerait un interlocuteur spécial qui collaborerait avec les communautés autochtones, les gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux afin de faire avancer la justice sur l’affaire des tombes anonymes et de formuler des recommandations au sujet des sépultures anonymes des pensionnats autochtones afin de rendre justice aux personnes concernées.

Lire plus

Continue work to build a national monument in Ottawa to honour residential school survivors and all the children who were taken from their families and communities.

Move forward on work with Indigenous partners to appoint a Special Interlocutor who will work with Indigenous communities, provincial and territorial governments, to develop the necessary legal and regulatory framework to advance justice regarding unmarked graves and make recommendations relating to federal laws, regulations, policies, and practices surrounding unmarked and undocumented graves and burial sites at residential schools.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Provide the necessary supports for communities who wish to continue to undertake the work of burial searches at the former sites of these institutions.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Police et Système judiciaire

Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Police et Système judiciaire.


  • Remove most mandatory minimum sentences.
  • Increase the discretion of judges during sentencing.
  • Ensure bail programmes are culturally appropriate.
  • Increase funding for community justice programmes focused on healing & restorative justice.
  • Uphold use of Gladue principles.
  • Develop a First Nations justice & policing strategy.
  • Take steps to end discriminatory policing practices.

Lire plus

New Democrats believe government must work to end systemic discrimination against Indigenous peoples in the justice system. In accordance with Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action 30, 31 and 32, we will remove most mandatory minimums, increase the discretion of judges during sentencing, ensure bail programs are culturally appropriate, bolster funding for community justice programs that focus on healing and restorative justice rather than incarceration, and uphold the use of Gladue principles in court proceedings.

We will work with Indigenous communities to enhance community safety and develop a First Nations justice and policing strategy. We will make First Nations Policing an essential service with long term, sufficient and equitable funding, while taking steps to end discriminatory policing practices like carding. New Democrats also believe that Inuit should have control over policing in their own communities, and we will allow the Inuit to independently oversee policing in Nunavut. We will also work with the Inuit to develop a long-term strategy for recruiting and retaining Inuit and Inuktitut speakers to work in community safety roles.

A New Democrat government will uphold and strengthen the Directive on Civil Litigation Involving Indigenous Peoples that puts an end to costly and adversarial legal battles with Indigenous communities. We will also keep residential school Survivors at the heart of decisions around justice for their experiences, ensuring fair compensation for St. Anne's residential school Survivors, Métis Survivors, and those who survived abuse in day schools.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Police et Système judiciaire.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Police et Système judiciaire.



Implement all 94 Truth & Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action.


  • Work in partnership with Indigenous peoples to fully implement UNDRIP & the Truth & Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action.
  • Co-develop a National Action Plan for Reconciliation.
  • Establish a National Council for Reconciliation.
  • Replace consultation with a standard of free, prior, & informed consent.
  • Respect treaties.
  • Ensure funds for commemorating a National Day for Truth & Reconciliation.

Lire plus

In partnership with Indigenous peoples, a New Democrat government will fully implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action.

New Democrats will work with Indigenous peoples to co-develop a National Action Plan for Reconciliation, drawing directly from the Calls to Action and the Declaration to ensure that Canada’s laws, policies, and practices are consistent with Canada’s human rights commitments – including cultural rights, land rights, and rights to self-determination and self-government.

Through legislation, we will establish a National Council for Reconciliation to provide oversight and accountability for this process, reporting regularly to Parliament and Canadians.

A New Democrat government will replace mere consultation with a standard of free, prior and informed consent for Indigenous communities affected by government policies – including for all decisions affecting constitutionally protected land rights, like energy project reviews. We are committed to good-faith, consent-based engagement and negotiations consistent with the Tsilhqot’in decision, an approach that honours Canada’s legal and constitutional obligations.

We will recognize and respect treaties, supporting Indigenous Nations who are building and re-building their governance structures.

We will also respect Inuit self-determination by co-developing the federal government’s Arctic Policy Framework through shared governance within the Inuit- Crown Partnership Committee, including through the adoption of an Inuit Nunangat policy in full partnership with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. We will support the economic and social self-reliance of Inuit by addressing the massive infrastructure deficit in Northern communities, including housing, access to high-speed broadband, and airports, and ensuring that federal election ballots include Indigenous languages like Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun.

New Democrats recognize Métis self-determination and in government, we will respect the path forward established by the Métis National Council and its governing members. We will pursue government-to-government negotiations on issues including self-government, education, housing and health.

A New Democrat government will work in partnership with Indigenous communities across the country to help protect and revitalize the incredible diversity of Indigenous languages in Canada with new legislation and stable funding. In response to Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action 80, we will ensure there are funds to communities to commemorate a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to acknowledge the painful legacy of colonization, honour the Survivors of residential schools, and help communities across Canada commit to meaningful reconciliation.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

And we believe that all Canadians should be aware of the contributions and history of Indigenous peoples and understand the legacy of residential schools. We will work with the provinces to establish Indigenous history education programs for all Canadians, based on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action 62 and 63 – and ensure that the development and implementation of these programs are led by Indigenous peoples.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Réconciliation.


Un gouvernement libéral verserait un financement pour la construction d’un établissement accueillant le Centre national de vérité et réconciliation. Il soutiendrait alors la poursuite de ses activités.

Lire plus

Provide funding towards the construction of a permanent home for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

Provide sustained financial support for the Centre for core operations in fulfilling the mandate issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission with dedicated support for the work on Missing Children and Unmarked Graves.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

We will also continue to accelerate implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Santé autochtone


  • Uphold Jordan's Principle in full.
  • Support First Nations, Métis, & Inuit in rebuilding traditional knowledge systems around healing & wellness, including formally including traditional healing within mental wellness & home & community care programmes.
  • Devote sufficient resources for maternal & infant care.
  • Expand access to non-insured health benefits to all Indigenous people, regardless of Status, residency, membership.

Lire plus

● Uphold Jordan’s Principle in full, ensuring Indigenous Peoples receive the health care they need without being delayed by bureaucratic disagreements over jurisdiction.

● Implement Calls to Action 18-24 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, improving health care for Indigenous Peoples.

● Support First Nations, Métis and Inuit in (re)building traditional knowledge systems around healing and wellness, including the formal inclusion of traditional healing within mental wellness and home and community care programs. This process must be led by First Nations, Métis Nation and Inuit organizations.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

● Support healthcare services that incorporate traditional practices and recognize the role of extended families and elders.

● Devote sufficient resources for maternal and infant care, and culturally appropriate reproductive health services that uphold reproductive autonomy.

● Increase investments in Indigenous-led mental health (See “Life with Dignity - Expanded and enhanced mental health support”)

● Sustain the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative to continue capacity building in the healthcare profession for Indigenous communities.

● Expand access to non-insured health benefits (NIHB) to all Indigenous people, regardless of Status, residency, membership or any other factors.

● Ensure that compensation funds are made available to the spouses and families of all Aboriginal veterans.

● Allocate dedicated funding to support communities providing culturally appropriate home and community care for seniors, ensuring that Elders remain connected to their communities and culture.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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  • Close the health gap in Indigenous communities.
  • Support health self-determination.
  • Implement Joyce's Principle.
  • Invest in Indigenous healthcare infrastructure, supplies, & diagnostic equipment.
  • Build a treatment centre for residents affected by long-term mercury exposure.
  • Compensate families affected by mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows.
  • Support food sovereignty.
  • Reform Nutrition North.

Lire plus

Joyce’s Principle will be the basis for a new approach to tackling systemic racism in health care under a New Democrat government. This principle is named for Joyce Echaquan, an Atikamekw woman who died tragically in hospital after suffering racist care. Joyce's Principle demands that all Indigenous people have an equal right to the highest standard of physical and mental health, with a right to access traditional medicines.

We will make sure that people can get the treatment they need in their community through investments in Indigenous health care infrastructure, medical supplies and diagnostic equipment. We will work in partnership with Indigenous communities to improve access to mental health and addiction treatment services both on and off reserve – including an evidence-based action plan to prevent suicide, backed by dedicated federal resources, fully implementing the New Democrat motion on suicide prevention passed by the House of Commons.

A New Democrat government will also work with communities and care providers to ensure that Indigenous-led, culturally appropriate home care and long-term care is available for Elders, in their home communities and languages.

We will support Indigenous food sovereignty, and reform the Nutrition North program to improve families’ access to food, including country and traditional food. New Democrats will work with northerners to turn Nutrition North into a social program that benefits communities in the North directly, rather than simply subsidizing companies.

Finally, we will build a treatment centre for residents affected by long-term mercury exposure and compensate families affected by the inter-generational problem of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Santé autochtone.


Fully implement Joyce's Principle & ensure it guides work in co-developing distinctions-based Indigenous Health legislation to foster health systems free from racism & discrimination.

Lire plus

Fully implement Joyce’s Principle and ensure it guides our work in co-developing distinctions-based Indigenous Health legislation to foster health systems free from racism and discrimination where Indigenous peoples are respected and safe.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Santé mentale


  • Increase support for Indigenous-led, culturally safe, mental health programs & services.
  • Ensure all programming is guided by the First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum Framework.
  • Establish permanent funding for land-based, trauma-informed, community addictions care for Indigenous peoples.
  • Double the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative's budget.

Lire plus

2. Increase investments in Indigenous-led mental health

● Increased support for Indigenous-led, culturally safe, mental health programs and services, rooted in Indigenous healing practices, land-based healing and the principle of self-determination.

● Ensure all programming is guided by the First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum Framework.

● Establish permanent program funding for the delivery of land-based, trauma-informed, community addictions care for Indigenous peoples.

● Increase targeted investment in the mental health workforce serving Indigenous communities.

● Double the current budget of the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative.

● Take active steps to implement Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, specifically those related to mental health.

3. Support First Nations, Métis and Inuit in (re)building traditional knowledge systems around healing and wellness

● Incorporate the formal inclusion of traditional healing within mental wellness and home and community care programs.

● Ensure this process is led by First Nations, Métis Nation and Inuit organizations.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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  • Work in partnership with Indigenous communities to improve access to mental health & addiction treatment services both on & off reserve, including an evidence-based action plan to prevent suicide.
  • Dedicate federal resources.

Lire plus

We will work in partnership with Indigenous communities to improve access to mental health and addiction treatment services both on and off reserve – including an evidence-based action plan to prevent suicide, backed by dedicated federal resources, fully implementing the New Democrat motion on suicide prevention passed by the House of Commons.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Un gouvernement conservateur investirait également 1 milliard de dollars sur cinq ans pour créer des programmes de santé mentale et de traitement de la toxicomanie chez les Autochtones, incluant des programmes de traitement sur le territoire et offerts dans des langues autochtones.

Lire plus

• Provide $1 billion over five years to boost funding for Indigenous mental health and drug treatment programs.

• Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health and addiction, such as land-based treatment programs and programs delivered in Indigenous languages.

• Support the development of mental health and drug treatment programs by Indigenous people to develop capacity at the community level and allow for the delivery of culturally appropriate programs delivered in the appropriate Indigenous language.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Un gouvernement libéral engagerait 1,4 milliard de dollars de plus dans une stratégie de bien-être et de santé mentale élaborée par les Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis.

Lire plus

Commit an additional $1.4 billion for a distinctions- based mental health and wellness strategy with First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis Nation, expanding on our recent commitment of $597.6 million, for a total investment of $2 billion over five years.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Treaties & Land Claims


  • Uphold Canada's fiduciary responsibility, fulfill Canada's responsibilities in agreements, honour treaties, & respect all rights of Indigenous Peoples, including rights of self-government.
  • Work towards creating an Indigenous Lands & Treaties Tribunal Act .
  • Immediately implement the land claims agreements already negotiated & lacking funding, particularly in the territories.

Lire plus

1. Uphold fiduciary responsibilities, honour treaties, and respect all rights of Indigenous Peoples.

● Uphold Canada’s fiduciary responsibility, fulfill Canada’s responsibilities in agreements, honour treaties, and respect all rights of Indigenous Peoples, including their inherent rights of self-government.

2. Work towards the creation of an Indigenous Lands and Treaties Tribunal Act.

● In partnership with Indigenous Peoples, work towards the creation of an Indigenous Lands and Treaties Tribunal Act to establish an independent body that will decide on specific claims, ensuring that treaty negotiations are conducted and financed fairly and that treaty negotiations and claims resolutions do not result in the extinguishment of aboriginal and treaty rights.

3. Immediately implement the land claims agreements already negotiated and languishing for lack of funding, particularly for First Nations in the territories.

● Ensure that negotiations of treaties and self-government are not based on the extinguishment of Indigenous title and rights, and on assimilation, but on reconciliation of rights and title, and that negotiations recognize the diversity of traditional self-governance.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Treaties & Land Claims.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Treaties & Land Claims.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Treaties & Land Claims.

Éducation autochtone


  • Ensure access to quality educational opportunities based on expressed cultural, political, & social priorities of Indigenous governments, following meaningful consultation.
  • Support developing Indigenous education curricula that are language & culture-specific.
  • Remove the 2% funding gap for post-secondary education.
  • Support & sustain the transmission, proliferation, & regeneration of Indigenous cultural works & languages.

Lire plus

4. Ensure access to quality education for every First Nations, Métis Nation, and Inuit child.

● Ensure that every First Nations, Métis and Inuit child has access to quality educational opportunities based on the expressed cultural, political and social priorities of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, following meaningful consultation.

● Support the development of Indigenous education curricula that are language and culture-specific.

● Increase access to post-secondary education for Indigenous youth by removing the two per cent funding cap, as well as fully funding the program backlog.

● Support and sustain the transmission, proliferation, and regeneration of Indigenous cultural works and languages.

● Educate non-Indigenous Canadians on the histories, customs, traditions and cultures of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples of Turtle Island.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

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  • Implement Shannen's Dream of equitable access to education with federal investments & infrastructure.
  • Provide financial assistance & increased education opportunities for children who grew up in care.
  • Provide support for post-secondary distance learning for rural & remote students.

Lire plus

In government, New Democrats will ensure that every child is provided a safe place to learn and an opportunity to succeed, whether on or off reserve. We will implement Shannen’s Dream of equitable access to education, backed by federal investments and infrastructure, so no student will be forced to learn in dangerous environments, as we have witnessed in Kashechewan First Nation.

Recognizing that barriers to post-secondary education and training continue, we will support Indigenous youth and help them bridge the gap to post-secondary education through expanded financial assistance and increased educational opportunities for children who grew up in care, and distance education for rural and remote students.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Éducation autochtone.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Éducation autochtone.