Développement des ressources naturelles plateformes
Voici ce que les partis de Élection canadienne de 2021 promettent.Conservateur
- Un gouvernement conservateur encouragerait les communautés autochtones à devenir des partenaires des projets d’exploitation des ressources naturelles, comme les pipelines et les mines, en offrant 5 milliards de dollars en prêts garantis aux groupes autochtones afin qu’ils puissent investir dans des projets d’exploitation de ressources énergétiques.
- Un gouvernement conservateur obligerait également les futurs gouvernements fédéraux à consulter les communautés autochtones concernées avant d’annuler des projets qui ont déjà été approuvés et il établirait un processus clair pour déterminer qui devrait représenter les communautés lors des consultations s’il doit s’agir d’une autre personne que le chef élu.
Work with First Nations and other Indigenous groups to ensure they are partners in prosperity and the development of our natural resources by creating a Canadian Indigenous Enterprise Corporation.
° Based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, it will apply rigorous market analysis to guarantee loans to Indigenous groups so they can invest in natural resource projects and related infrastructure.
° We will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects.
— Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18
To promote mutually beneficial conversations between Indigenous communities and resource project proponents, we will provide $10 million per year to organizations that foster collaboration and encourage partnerships between these two groups.
— Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18
• Working with Indigenous-led organizations, such as the First Nations Major Project Coalition, the Indigenous Resource Network, the Indian Resource Council, the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers, the National Coalition of Chiefs, and First Nations LNG Alliance, to support communities that wish to become partners in good projects that meet high environmental standards.
• Creating the Canadian Indigenous Opportunities Corporation that will support First Nations and Inuit organizations seeking to purchase an equity stake in major projects.
° Based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, it will apply rigorous market analysis to guarantee loans to Indigenous groups so they can invest in natural resource and infrastructure projects.
° We will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects across the country.
• Requiring future governments to consult with Indigenous Communities before cancelling approved projects when they have signed or are negotiating benefit agreements or partnerships.
• Implementing Article 18 of UNDRIP by working with First Nations to develop a transparent process that communities can use to identify who represents them in consultations if it is to be someone other than elected Chiefs.
• Working with First Nations and other Indigenous rights holders to develop a consultation process that allows for more meaningful dialogue.
• Creating a streamlined environmental review process for major projects that partner with First Nations during the environmental assessment phase.
° This will encourage early partnerships, allow the incorporation of traditional knowledge, and build confidence in the assessment process.
° For clarity, such agreements will not be prejudicial to First Nations consultation.
• Supporting Indigenous Protected Areas that safeguard culturally significant areas without alienating future benefits that may accrue to the impacted Indigenous community if used in a way that maintains those safeguards.
° Support an Indigenous Guardians program that will support communities in developing and maintaining protected areas, among other things.
— Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18