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Kiran K Hundal

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remis au bureau d’élection de Surrey par le candidat

An active community member, Kiran Hundal has worked in the education system as an administrative assistant, running elementary schools to adult learning centers with the utmost care and quality. She has called Surrey home for the last 36 years where she is raising her family. Kiran moved to Canada from India as a child and appreciates the values and freedoms Canada offers its citizens. However, she is saddened to see everyday rights being taken away from residents and the common taxpayers’ voices being ignored. As a mom first and citizen of Surrey, she demands transparency through an open-door policy and clear communication within the city hall. Kiran is committed to advocating for affordable housing, groceries, making opportunities more accessible, and maintaining our growing city for generations to come. She would like to be a voice for the everyday citizen and build Surrey into a model for other cities to follow.

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