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John Gibeau

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remis au bureau d’élection de Surrey par le candidat

John Gibeau, an agricultural business owner in Cloverdale, and past president of the Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce, appreciates that Surrey’s 22,000 acres of farmland makes a significant contribution to food security in the province. His focus is to work towards higher food production, which will create additional agriculture jobs and less reliance on imported food.

As a past board member for one of Surrey’s largest social services agencies, he is keenly aware that affordable housing and homelessness affects all of us and we must continue to be innovative and never give up until the majority of those looking for homes or treatment, are properly cared for.

He has worked as a Burnaby RCMP officer and a New Westminster Municipal Police officer. With the transition to the Surrey Police Service (SPS) well underway, he fully supports the endeavor, and looks forward to working with the new municipal police administration.

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