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Gary Tymoschuk

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am in my 8th year as a Surrey School Trustee.

I currently chair the Board of Education’s Audit Committee and Policy Committee. I also serve on the Learning Liaison Committee and Finance Committee.

I am very proud of the Board’s accomplishments over the past four years.

I have a history of successful career and community leadership, with over 20 years experience as a vice president in the private and non-profit sectors. I have been a member of over 20 committees, commissions, and boards over the years, including as chair and vice chair several times.

My wife and I are long-time Surrey residents of the Fleetwood area, having made it our home since 1986. Our three adult children are all graduates of Surrey Schools.

My goal is to continue to work collaboratively with my Board colleagues to provide safe, caring, and inclusive schools and to enhance student learning.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I, along with my Surrey First Education team mates have the experience as well as the drive and desire to provide safe, caring and inclusive schools where students can successfully prepare themselves for post secondary education or their chosen career path.

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surreyfirsteducation.ca www.surreyfirsteducation.ca