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Garry Thind

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I’m seeking re-election as a Trustee with the Surrey School Board. I have lived in Surrey for 23 years and have been a Trustee for Surrey School Board for the last 8 years. It has been my pleasure to serve the parents and students of Surrey. My wife Nav and I have 3 beautiful children who attend Sullivan Secondary and Mcleod Road Traditional Elementary Schools in Surrey.

I have served as past President for Rotary Club of Surrey, and currently am serving as a head of the BC region for Pingalwara Society of Ontario, a non-profit charity, where I have raised over $4.8 million since 2002. Currently I am the Chair for Learning Liaison Committee. I have also served on various committees in the past 8 years working as a Trustee, such as Surrey Board Of Trade, Traditional Schools, District Principal Selection, Secondary Vice-Principal Selection and Budget Committee.

With over 15 years of management experience, presently I’m self-employed as a full-time Realtor with Century21 Coastal Realty. I have worked hard to become a voice for the community and all parents and students of Surrey, knowing that we set the direction through good policy development and accountability, and that by setting high standards, our students achieve more. I look forward to the opportunity to serve again.

Raison de la candidature

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I care about all students, staff and for me EVERY CHILD MATTERS. I have learnt a lot in the last 8 years serving as a Trustee and would like to use my experience if I get elected again. On October 15th, please vote for me Garry Thind and my entire Surrey First Education Team.

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