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Bobbi Taylor

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remis au bureau d’élection de Surrey par le candidat

I have been a Surrey resident with my family for the last 17 years. I have been a part of advocacy for the diverse learners for the last 13 years. I have four children who have been and are currently in the Surrey School system. I have sat beside families in team meetings, listened to families struggles and successes, and listened to staff in the district.

I also sit on many committees, not just locally, but provincially as well I want to see transparency from the Board and have an open-door welcome for all those who have a vested interest in education in our district.

I have been an active participant in the PAC and have helped implement the Inclusion Committee with DPAC. I am also the 2021 winner of the George Mathews award with BCCPAC. 

I want to see equitable education for all.

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