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Doug Elford

Safe Surrey pour Surrey Conseil (candidat sortant)
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remis au bureau d’élection de Surrey par le candidat

Doug Elford has lived in Newton for over 35 years.

He was active for years in local sports volunteering as a coach and administrator in the local baseball league.

As a community activist he championed for a safer more liveable community. He was elected to Council in 2018 as a member of the Safe Surrey Coalition.

In his councillor role, Doug has endorsed policies that continue to support a Safer Surrey.

He is the Chairman of the City Audit Committee and the Community Services Committee, Vice Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Committee, Member of the Agriculture & Environment Committee and represents Surrey on the Cloverdale Rodeo Board.

He represents Surrey on the Metro Vancouver Liquid Waste Committee, Zero Waste Committee and is Vice Chair of the Water Committee.

He looks forward to continuing to represent the people of Surrey as we continue to grow into the future.

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