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Sargy Chima

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remis au bureau d’élection de Surrey par le candidat

Born in Vancouver and have lived in various parts of Surrey for almost forty years.

A hockey mother, wife, federal government employee and National Vice-President of Canada Employment Immigration Union.

A third generation Canadian, my grandfather came to Canada in 1908 and my brother Herb Dhaliwal served as Canada’s federal cabinet minister, 1993 –2003.

As a long-time resident of Surrey, I am well-aware of issues facing residents of the city.

Surrey has immense potential to become a model Canadian city. Together we can help identify, explore and help Surrey reach that goal of a city offering a vibrant economic base and a decent quality of life.

Surrey can do better and deserves better and together we can do it!

Request you to put your confidence in me and together we can help make Surrey a place where businesses want to invest and people want to come and live.

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