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Ajit Mehat

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remis au bureau d’élection de Surrey par le candidat

I was ten years old when Surrey welcomed my family and me to our new home. Since then, I have witnessed Surrey transform from a rural municipality to a vibrant, multicultural city with the potential to outperform the best cities in Canada.

During my 34-year career as a public servant with British Columbia, Ontario, and Canada (including 17 years as a senior executive) I negotiated new criminal legal aid agreements with the provinces and territories, set up the Workplace Health and Safety Agency in Ontario, and created a new Access to Justice Agreement for northern Canada.

If elected, I will bring that experience to make Surrey a safe, family friendly, and prosperous community.

I understand the heavy responsibility and duty to represent all residents of Surrey whether they vote for me or not. That is the promise of public service and democracy.

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