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Linda Annis

Surrey First pour Surrey Conseil (candidat sortant)
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remis au bureau d’élection de Surrey par le candidat

Councillor Linda Annis, a resident of Surrey for 22 years, was elected to Surrey City Council in 2018 and serves as Executive Director of Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers. In addition to her public safety work, Linda is past chair of Osteoporosis Canada, and is on the board of Surrey Cares Foundation. Linda has served on the boards of UNITI, the Zajac Ranch for Children, Provincial Capital Commission, and the BC Sports Hall of Fame & Museum. She is a Surrey Library Board trustee, represents the City of Surrey on the board of Metro Vancouver, chairs Surrey’s Heritage Committee, is a member of Surrey’s Community Services Committee and Finance Committee and is the city council liaison for SAFE (Surrey Anti-Gang Family Empowerment Program). She is an active volunteer for numerous not for profit organizations.

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