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Logement et sans-abrisme plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Vancouver South, et leurs partis, promettent.

Blanchiment d'argent


S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur s’attaquerait au problème du blanchiment d'argent sur le marché immobilier au Canada en instaurant les recommandations de la Commission d’enquête sur le blanchiment d'argent en Colombie-Britannique au niveau fédéral et en mettant à jour la législation pour aider les forces de l’ordre et les poursuivants à cerner et freiner le blanchiment d'argent dans le marché de l’immobilier canadien et à entamer des poursuites.

Lire plus

• Implement comprehensive changes to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, and give FINTRAC, law enforcement, and prosecutors the tools necessary to identify, halt, and prosecute money-laundering in Canadian real estate markets

• Establish a federal Beneficial Ownership Registry for residential property.

• Closely examine the findings and recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia, which is doing important work, and quickly implement recommendations at the federal level.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Work with the provinces to create a public beneficial ownership registry, to clarify who owns properties.
  • Require reporting of suspicious transactions.


Un gouvernement libéral créerait l’Agence canadienne des crimes financiers pour enquêter et lutter contre toutes les formes de crimes financiers graves, incluant le blanchiment d'argent dans le marché immobilier.

Lire plus

Establish the Canada Financial Crimes Agency as Canada’s first ever, national law enforcement agency solely dedicated to investigating and combatting all forms of major financial crime.

Increase the power of federal regulators to respond to housing price fluctuations and ensure a more stable Canadian housing market.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Establish Canada’s first ever, nation-wide agency whose sole purpose is to investigate these highly complex crimes and enforce federal law in this area. Coupled with an investment of $200 million over the next four years, and new federal powers, this agency will bring together, under one roof, existing law enforcement resources of the RCMP, the intelligence capabilities of the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FINTRAC), and expertise of the Canada Revenue Agency.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Pour faciliter l’achat d’une maison, un gouvernement conservateur retravaillerait les tests de résistance hypothécaire afin que davantage de Canadiens puissent obtenir de meilleurs taux. Un gouvernement conservateur favoriserait également les hypothèques de sept à dix ans, augmenterait la limite d’admissibilité à l’assurance hypothécaire et l’indexerait de manière à ce qu’il augmente avec la hausse du prix des maisons.

Lire plus

Encourage a new market in seven- to ten-year mortgages to provide stability both for first-time home buyers and lenders, opening another secure path to homeownership for Canadians, and reducing the need for mortgage stress tests.

Remove the requirement to conduct a stress test when a homeowner renews a mortgage with another lender instead of only when staying with their current lender, as is the case today. This will increase competition and help homeowners access more affordable options.

Increase the limit on eligibility for mortgage insurance and index it to home price inflation, allowing those in high-priced real estate markets with less than a 20% down-payment an opportunity at home-ownership.

Fix the mortgage stress test to stop discriminating against small business owners, contractors and other non-permanent employees including casual workers.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Re-introduce 30-year terms on CMHC insured mortgages on entry-level homes for first time home buyers.
  • Double the Home Buyer's Tax Credit to $1,500.
  • Provide resources to help co-housing, including CMHC-backed co-ownership mortgages.

Lire plus

While making affordable rental housing more available is critical, New Democrats believe that the dream of homeownership shouldn’t be forever out of reach for Canadian families. That’s why we will re-introduce 30-year terms to CMHC insured mortgages on entry-level homes for first time home buyers. This will allow for smaller monthly payments, freeing up funds to help make ends meet for young families. We’ll also give people a hand with closing costs by doubling the Home Buyer’s Tax Credit to $1,500.

For Canadians who are open to innovative paths to home ownership, a New Democrat government will provide resources to facilitate co-housing, such as model co-ownership agreements and connections to local resources, and ease access to financing by offering CMHC-backed co-ownership mortgages.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Un gouvernement libéral réduirait de 25 % le montant imposé par la SCHL sur l’assurance prêt hypothécaire, et augmenterait le seuil limite du montant hypothécaire assuré par la SCHL à 1,25 million de dollars, et l’indexerait en fonction de l’augmentation du prix des maisons.

Lire plus

Allow you to choose between the current shared-equity approach or a loan that is repayable only at the time of sale.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Reduce the price charged by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation on mortgage insurance by 25%. For a typical homebuyer, this will save $6,100.

Increase the insured mortgage cut-off from $1 million to $1.25 million, and index this to inflation, to better reflect today's home prices.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Un gouvernement conservateur rétablirait l’approche Priorité au logement pour lutter contre l’itinérance.

Lire plus

To address homelessness, we will:

• Re-implement the Housing First approach, which has been watered down by the current federal government, to aid in the fight against Canada’s addictions crisis.

• Revise the federal government’s substance abuse policy framework to make recovery its overarching goal.

• Invest $325 million over the next three years to create 1,000 residential drug treatment beds and build 50 recovery community centres across the country.

• Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health challenges and addiction, such as land-based treatment programs developed and managed by Indigenous communities as part of a plan to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate addictions treatment and prevention services in First Nations communities with high needs.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Fully implement the right to housing.
  • Work toward ending homelessness in Canada within a decade.
  • Support the creation of more social housing & other affordable options.
  • Work with provinces & municipalities to fast-track the purchase, lease, & conversion of hotels & motels for emergency housing relief until more permanent solutions are available.
  • Expand income security programs.

Lire plus

We need the courage – and meaningful action – to build a Canada without poverty, where all Canadians can count on quality public services and community supports to help them lead dignified lives. A core component of our approach is fully implementing the right to housing, and working toward the goal of ending homelessness in Canada within a decade. In a country as wealthy as Canada, there is no excuse to leave any Canadian living in poverty or without a safe roof over their head.

Our affordable housing strategy will include measures to support Canadians at risk of becoming homeless, taking the lead from communities about local needs and adopting a “housing first” approach. To help people find an affordable home in the long term, we will support the creation of more social housing and other affordable options. To deliver help to the most vulnerable right away, we’ll also work with the provinces and municipalities to fast-track the purchase, lease and conversion of hotels and motels for emergency housing relief until more permanent, community-based solutions are available.

Poor health and poverty are linked, and a national pharmacare program will mean that all Canadians can access the prescription medicine they need, regardless of their income or address. Better access to mental health and addictions support will also form a key part of our approach to tackling poverty.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen that it is possible for the government to step up and provide basic income to Canadians in difficult circumstances, and that this support can be transformational. That’s why New Democrats will begin work to expand income security programs, beginning with seniors and people living with disabilities, to build towards a future where all individuals residing in Canada have access to a guaranteed livable basic income.

We also know that developing a national, public, universal child care program is critical for lifting women and their families out of poverty, and an important way to give all kids a good start in early learning.

Finally, making sure that all Canadians can access healthy, affordable food is a cornerstone of our Canadian food strategy. A national school nutrition program will make sure that no child enters their classroom hungry. Children should always have access to healthy food – and the ability to concentrate on learning. In addition, New Democrats will ensure that a reformed Nutrition North program is able to better respond to the needs of Northern families, to put an end to chronic food insecurity in the North.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Un gouvernement libéral investirait 567 millions de dollars pour aider les communautés à réduire l’itinérance chronique.

Lire plus

Appoint a new Federal Housing Advocate within the first 100-days of a new mandate to ensure the federal government's work toward eliminating chronic homelessness, as well as other housing commitments, are fulfilled.

Move forward with our plan to invest in Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy to support communities across the country.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Offre de logement


  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur libérerait au moins 15 % des biens immobiliers du gouvernement fédéral (qui comprend plus de 37 000 bâtiments) pour le logement.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur créerait une mesure incitant les propriétaires fonciers à donner des propriétés à des fiducies foncières dans le but de bâtir des logements abordables.

Lire plus

• Leverage federal infrastructure investments to increase housing supply. We will:

° Build public transit infrastructure that connects homes and jobs by bringing public transit to where people are buying homes; and

° Require municipalities receiving federal funding for public transit to increase density near the funded transit;

• Review the extensive real estate portfolio of the federal government – the largest property owner in the country with over 37,000 buildings – and release at least 15% for housing while improving the Federal Lands Initiative;

• Incent developers to build the housing Canadians both want and need, by:

° Encouraging Canadians to invest in rental housing by extending the ability to defer capital gains tax when selling a rental property and reinvesting in rental housing, something that is currently excluded; and

° Exploring converting unneeded office space to housing.

• Continue the Conservative commitment to Reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples by enacting a “For Indigenous, By Indigenous” strategy – long called for by Indigenous housing advocates, who have been ignored by this Liberal government;

° Canada’s Conservatives are committed to putting a stop to federal paternalism and instead partnering with Indigenous communities and empowering Indigenous Peoples with the autonomy to meet their own housing needs.

• Enhance the viability of using Community Land Trusts for affordable housing by creating an incentive for corporations and private landowners to donate property to Land Trusts for the development of affordable housing.

° The incentive will mirror that which exists for donating land to ecological reserves.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Create 500,000 affordable housing units, or more, over the next 10 years, with half done in the next 5 years.
  • Set up dedicated "fast-start funds" for building co-op, social, and non-profit housing.
  • Provide federal land for housing projects.
  • Waive GST/HST on construction of affordable rental units.

Lire plus

That’s why a New Democrat government will create at least 500,000 units of quality, affordable housing in the next ten years, with half of that done within five years. This will be achieved with the right mix of effective measures that work in partnership with provinces and municipalities, build capacity for social, community, and affordable housing providers, to provide rental support for co-ops, and meet environmental energy efficiency goals. This ambitious plan will create thousands of jobs in communities all across the country, jump-starting the economic recovery, and helping Canadians get the affordable housing they need.

In order to kick-start the construction of co- ops, social and non-profit housing and break the logjam that has prevented these groups from accessing housing funding, we will set up dedicated fast-start funds to streamline the application process and help communities get the expertise and assistance they need to get projects off the ground now, not years from now. We’ll mobilize federal resources and lands for these projects, turning unused and under-used properties into vibrant new communities.

A New Democrat government will also spur the construction of affordable homes by waiving the federal portion of the GST/HST on the construction of new affordable rental units – a simple change that will help get new units built faster and keep them affordable for the long term.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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  • Construire 250 000 logements supplémentaires au cours des quatre prochaines années .
  • Investir 4 milliards de dollars dans un nouveau fonds d'accélération du logement, qui fournira aux municipalités un financement basé sur les demandes .
  • Investir dans la technologie des permis électroniques .
  • Augmenter de façon permanente le financement du Fonds national de co-investissement dans le logement de 2,7 milliards de dollars sur quatre ans, afin d'augmenter le nombre de logements abordables .
  • S’il est réélu, un gouvernement libéral accorderait 0,6 milliard de dollars pour aider à convertir des bureaux et des locaux commerciaux vides en logements. Cela comprendrait des bâtiments commerciaux et des édifices appartenant au gouvernement fédéral.

Lire plus

Our plan will build or revitalize an additional 250,000 homes over 4 years. On top of the 285,000 homes currently being built each year, this will mean nearly 1.4 million homes will be built, preserved, or revitalized by 2025-26 under a re-elected Liberal government.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Invest $4 billion in a new Housing Accelerator Fund which will grow the annual housing supply in the country’s largest cities every year, creating a target of 100,000 new middle class homes by 2024-25. This application-based fund will offer support to municipalities that: grow housing supply faster than their historical average; increase densification; speed-up approval times; tackle NIMBYism and establish inclusionary zoning bylaws; and encourage public transit-oriented development. This fund will support a wide range of eligible municipal investments, including red tape reduction efforts, and reward cities and communities that build more homes, faster.

Help speed up the time it takes to build more homes by investing in e-permitting technology and help communities streamline the planning process.

Work with municipalities to identify vacant or underused property that should be converted to housing on the principle of use it or lose it.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Permanently increase funding to the National Housing Co-investment fund by a total of $2.7 billion over 4 years, more than double its current allocation.

These extra funds will be dedicated to helping affordable housing providers acquire land and buildings to build and preserve more units, extending the model of co-operative housing to new communities, accelerating critical repairs so that housing supply remains affordable and is not lost, and developing projects for vulnerable groups, such as women, youth, and persons with disabilities.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Double our existing Budget 2021 commitment to $600 million to support the conversion of empty office and retail space into market-based housing. We’ll convert space in the federal portfolio, and commercial buildings.

Work with municipalities to create a fast-track system for permits to allow faster conversion of existing buildings, helping maintain the vibrancy of urban communities.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Prix du logement


Pour refroidir le marché de l'habitation, un gouvernement conservateur empêcherait les acheteurs étrangers (personnes qui n’habitent pas au Canada ou qui n’ont pas l’intention de s’installer au pays) d’acheter des maisons. Cette interdiction resterait en place pendant deux ans, après quoi elle serait révisée. Un gouvernement conservateur encouragerait plutôt les investissements étrangers pour bâtir des logements locatifs abordables.


  • Place a 20% tax on the sale of homes to people who aren't citizens or permanent residents.
  • Double the Home Buyer's Tax Credit to $1,500.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Prix du logement.

Protections pour les locataires et propriétaires

Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Protections pour les locataires et propriétaires.
Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Protections pour les locataires et propriétaires.


  • Un gouvernement libéral étofferait les droits des acheteurs d’une propriété au moyen d’un vaste éventail de mesures, notamment en interdisant les offres à l’aveugle qui empêchent les acheteurs éventuels de connaître l’offre des autres.
  • En veillant à ce que les acheteurs puissent procéder à une inspection technique de la propriété avant de l’acheter.
  • En exigeant des banques et des prêteurs qu’ils offrent un report d’hypothèque pouvant se prolonger jusqu’à six mois en cas de perte d’emploi ou d’un autre événement perturbateur majeur.
  • Et en exigeant des prêteurs hypothécaires qu’ils agissent dans le meilleur intérêt de leurs clients.
  • Un gouvernement libéral imposerait une surtaxe aux propriétaires qui augmentent leurs loyers de façon excessive après avoir expulsé leurs locataires pour effectuer des rénovations.

Lire plus

Create a national Home Buyers’ Bill of Rights so that the process of buying a home is fair, open, and transparent.

Convene federal and provincial regulators to develop a national action plan to increase consumer protection and transparency in real estate transactions.

The Home Buyers’ Bill of Rights will:

• Ban blind bidding, which prevents bidders from knowing the bids of other prospective buyers, and ultimately drives up home prices.

• Establish a legal right to a home inspection to make sure that buyers have the peace of mind that their investment is sound.

• Ensure total transparency on the history of recent house sale prices on title searches.

• Require real-estate agents to disclose when they are involved in both sides of a potential sale to all participants in a transaction.

• Move forward with a publicly accessible beneficial ownership registry.

• Ensure banks and lenders offer mortgage deferrals for up to 6 months in the event of job loss or other major life event.

• Require mortgage lenders act in your best interest so that you are fully informed of the full range of choices at your disposal, including the First Time Home Buyer Incentive.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Stop “renovictions” by deterring unfair rent increases that fall outside of a normal change in rent.

Require landlords to disclose, on their tax filing, the rent they receive pre- and post-renovation, and implement a proportional surtax if the increase in rent is excessive.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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