- Construire 250 000 logements supplémentaires au cours des quatre prochaines années .
- Investir 4 milliards de dollars dans un nouveau fonds d'accélération du logement, qui fournira aux municipalités un financement basé sur les demandes .
- Investir dans la technologie des permis électroniques .
- Augmenter de façon permanente le financement du Fonds national de co-investissement dans le logement de 2,7 milliards de dollars sur quatre ans, afin d'augmenter le nombre de logements abordables .
- S’il est réélu, un gouvernement libéral accorderait 0,6 milliard de dollars pour aider à convertir des bureaux et des locaux commerciaux vides en logements. Cela comprendrait des bâtiments commerciaux et des édifices appartenant au gouvernement fédéral.
Our plan will build or revitalize an additional 250,000 homes over 4 years. On top of the 285,000 homes currently being built each year, this will mean nearly 1.4 million homes will be built, preserved, or revitalized by 2025-26 under a re-elected Liberal government.
— Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02
Invest $4 billion in a new Housing Accelerator Fund which will grow the annual housing supply in the country’s largest cities every year, creating a target of 100,000 new middle class homes by 2024-25. This application-based fund will offer support to municipalities that: grow housing supply faster than their historical average; increase densification; speed-up approval times; tackle NIMBYism and establish inclusionary zoning bylaws; and encourage public transit-oriented development. This fund will support a wide range of eligible municipal investments, including red tape reduction efforts, and reward cities and communities that build more homes, faster.
Help speed up the time it takes to build more homes by investing in e-permitting technology and help communities streamline the planning process.
Work with municipalities to identify vacant or underused property that should be converted to housing on the principle of use it or lose it.
— Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02
Permanently increase funding to the National Housing Co-investment fund by a total of $2.7 billion over 4 years, more than double its current allocation.
These extra funds will be dedicated to helping affordable housing providers acquire land and buildings to build and preserve more units, extending the model of co-operative housing to new communities, accelerating critical repairs so that housing supply remains affordable and is not lost, and developing projects for vulnerable groups, such as women, youth, and persons with disabilities.
— Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02
Double our existing Budget 2021 commitment to $600 million to support the conversion of empty office and retail space into market-based housing. We’ll convert space in the federal portfolio, and commercial buildings.
Work with municipalities to create a fast-track system for permits to allow faster conversion of existing buildings, helping maintain the vibrancy of urban communities.
— Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02