S’il est élu, le gouvernement conservateur supprimerait la taxe fédérale sur le carbone pour les particuliers et la remplacerait par un nouveau Compte d’épargne personnel pour la réduction du carbone. Ainsi, chaque fois qu’une personne achète du carburant à base d’hydrocarbure, elle verse une somme additionnelle dans son compte d’épargne personnel. Cette somme commencerait à 20 $ la tonne pour finalement atteindre 50 $ la tonne à une date ultérieure. L’argent versé dans ce compte d’épargne ne pourrait servir qu’à acheter des produits permettant de réduire leur empreinte carbone, comme un abonnement au transport en commun, un véhicule électrique ou des rénovations écoénergétiques.
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Canada’s Conservatives will work with the provinces to implement an innovative, national, Personal Low Carbon Savings Account. This will put a price on carbon for consumers without one penny going to the government. It will be completely transparent and engage consumers in the process of building a lower carbon future.
Canadians will pay into their Personal Low Carbon Savings Account each time they buy hydrocarbon-based fuel. They will be able to apply the money in their account towards things that help them live a greener life. That could mean buying a transit pass or a bicycle, or saving up and putting the money towards a new efficient furnace, energy efficient windows or even an electric vehicle.
Canadian families and businesses have been trailblazers in the use of affinity or rewards programs and have great expertise in both managing and using them. This program will operate similarly, and may be managed by a consortium of companies as the INTERAC system is.
— Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29
Our plan will ensure that all Canadians can do their part to fight climate change, in the way that works best for them, and at a carbon price that is affordable: starting at $20/tonne and increasing to $50/tonne but no further. Even at this lower carbon price, we will ensure that this does not place an excessive burden on low-income Canadians and will protect farmers by ensuring that they have affordable options.
Businesses that aren’t subject to the Output Based Pricing System but buy fuel will have a Small Business Low Carbon Savings Account that will operate similarly.
— Secure the Environment, retrieved 2021-08-29
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