Test pour la COVID-19 plateformes
Voici ce que les partis de Élection canadienne de 2021 promettent.Conservateur
- Un gouvernement conservateur évaluerait toutes les personnes entrant au pays (aux points d’entrée frontaliers de même que dans les aéroports) afin de dépister d’éventuels symptômes de la COVID, et ce peu importe leur statut vaccinal.
- Il offrirait également des tests de dépistage rapides à domicile.
We will:
• Deploy rapid testing at all border entry points and airports to screen new arrivals.
° Everyone entering Canada (by land as well as by air), irrespective of their vaccination status and whether they are considered an essential worker, will be required to take a rapid test and possibly a PCR test upon arrival.
° Rapid testing will help screen out cases, while PCR tests will provide a higher level of protection.
• Accelerate Health Canada approvals for rapid tests approved by the UK, the US, the EU, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Taiwan. It is unacceptable that bureaucratic barriers have kept these tests out of the hands of Canadians.
• Make at-home rapid tests readily available to all Canadians.
• Immediately provide more rapid tests to provincial governments to allow them to conduct screening, particularly at schools.
• Develop a clear, evidence-based strategy for re-opening our border with clear timelines and metrics. We will restore urgency, rationality, and consistency to border regulations.
• Quickly close the border to travellers from hotspots where new variants are detected.
° We will not allow new variants into Canada as Trudeau has done through his delays in enacting border measures to protect Canadians.
— Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18