- Un gouvernement libéral obligerait les plateformes numériques qui font de l’argent en publiant du contenu médiatique à reverser une partie de leurs revenus à des organes de presse canadiens.
- Un gouvernement libéral verserait également 50 millions de dollars sur cinq ans pour soutenir les médias locaux dans des collectivités mal desservies.
Introduce legislation, within 100 days, that would require digital platforms that generate revenues from the publication of news content to share a portion of their revenues with Canadian news outlets. This legislation would be based on the Australian model and level the playing field between global platforms and Canadian news outlets. The bill will also allow news publishers to work together to prepare for collective negotiation.
— Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02
Support the production of news in underserved communities with $50 million over five years through the Local Journalism Initiative.
Develop a new $50 million Changing Narratives Fund to empower diverse communities, including BIPOC journalists and creatives, with the tools to tell their own stories and promote diverse voices in arts and culture and across media.
— Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02