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Infrastructure plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo, et leurs partis, promettent.

Financement des infrastructures


Shut down the Canada Infrastructure Bank and commit its funds to infrastructure projects such as Public-Private Partnerships.

Lire plus

We will continue already committed projects and return to the successful model used in the last Conservative government of working in partnership with provinces, municipalities, and First Nations to encourage the use of Public-Private Partnerships.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins


  • Support the Federation of Canadian Municipalities request for at least $250M/year in dedicated infrastructure funding starting in 2028-29.
  • Reduce interest rates to municipalities on loans for infrastructure projects.
  • Double current funding to municipalities.
  • Allocate at least 1% of GST to housing & other municipal infrastructure.

Lire plus

● Support the use of city charters to give greater autonomy to cities.

● Make changes to the Canada Infrastructure Bank to reduce interest rates to municipalities on loans for infrastructure projects.

● Institutionalize federal transfers to municipalities through the creation of a Municipal Fund, renaming the Gas Tax funds, which were delinked from gas tax revenue years ago, and retaining the same eligibility as the Gas Tax funds.

● Ensure a permanent doubling of current funding to ensure predictable and reliable funding to municipalities.

● Allocate one per cent of GST to housing and other municipal infrastructure on an ongoing basis to provide a consistent baseline of funding.

● Answer the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ and Vancouver Mayor’s Council’s call for a permanent, dedicated federal public transit fund of $3.4 billion annually starting in 2026-2027, once the existing transit program expires.

● Commit to a multi-year solution to transit operating shortfalls in order to protect and secure shared investments in building out Canada’s transit networks for the decades to come.

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Financement des infrastructures.


  • Devote funding to public infrastructure.
  • Use Community Benefit agreements to guarantee jobs, training, apprenticeships, & support for local businesses as part of infrastructure projects.

Lire plus

Our vision is one where communities can afford to build the infrastructure they need to thrive, from roads and bridges to community centres, long-term care, child care centres and everything in between. These investments will create good jobs in every part of the country; and to get there, we will partner with provinces, territories, First Nations and municipalities to deliver reliable public infrastructure funding that puts people – not profit – first. By using Community Benefit Agreements, we will guarantee that good jobs, training, apprenticeships and support for local businesses are part of every infrastructure project.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins

Infrastructure Internet


  • Connect all of Canada to high-speed internet by 2025.
  • Accelerate the plan to get rural broadband built.
  • Speed up the spectrum auction process and apply "use it or lose" provisions.
  • Disallow the use of Huawei equipment.


  • Build up broadband infrastructure in rural areas.
  • Continue to support the Universal Broadband Fund.
  • Provide an addition $150M annually for 4 years to the Universal Broadband Fund to reach communities at the lowest end of the eligibility spectrum.

Lire plus

● Build up broadband infrastructure in rural areas to help revitalize rural economies and give communities greater access to the services they need.

● Continue to support the Universal Broadband Fund, and retain that funding with an additional $150 M annually over 4 years to reach communities at the lowest end of the eligibility spectrum

● Break up telecom monopolies through changes to CRTC regulation to allow for more equitable treatment of rural consumers

Be Daring., retrieved 2021-09-11

Lire moins


Require that those who have purchased rights to build broadband actually do so.

Lire plus

Require those that have purchased the rights to build broadband actually do so. With this use it or lose it approach, Canada’s large national carriers will be required to accelerate the roll-out of wireless and high-speed internet in rural and northern Canada by progressively meeting broadband access milestones between now and 2025. If these milestones are not met, we will mandate the resale of spectrum rights and reallocate that capacity to smaller, regional providers.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins


  • Declare high-speed Internet as an essential service.
  • Give every Canadian, including those in rural areas, access to affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband within 4 years.
  • Take steps to create a Crown corporation to deliver quality, affordable telecom services.

Lire plus

Expanding cell coverage and delivering reliable, affordable broadband internet to every community in Canada is vital to the economic future of rural Canada and remote communities. But it has been ignored by successive governments for far too long. That’s why we believe that we need to act urgently to close the digital divide now, not ten years from now as the Liberal government proposed. We are committed to declaring high-speed internet an essential service and making sure that every Canadian has access to affordable, reliable high-speed broadband within four years. This will include taking the first steps to create a Crown corporation to ensure the delivery of quality, affordable telecom services to every community.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins

Infrastructure du Nord


Un gouvernement conservateur élargirait également la portée des infrastructures dans le Nord, comme les projets du port et de la route de la baie Grays et le port et la route de Tuktoyaktuk.


Support the Federation of Canadian Municipalities request for at least $250M/year in dedicated infrastructure funding starting in 2028-29.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Infrastructure du Nord.


Create a Northern Infrastructure Fund to fast-track investment & improve infrastructure like roads & broadband Internet for northern communities.

Ports de petits bateaux

Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Ports de petits bateaux.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Ports de petits bateaux.
Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Ports de petits bateaux.

Propositions municipales


Remove requirement for the infrastructure municipalities and First Nations are building to be green for it to receive federal funding.
Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Propositions municipales.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Propositions municipales.
Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Propositions municipales.

Retards dans les infrastructures


S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur ferait de tout blocage des infrastructures publiques ou des réseaux de transport public, comme les chemins de fer, une infraction criminelle punissable.
Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Retards dans les infrastructures.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Retards dans les infrastructures.
Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Retards dans les infrastructures.

Sentier transcanadien


Un gouvernement conservateur verserait 12,5 millions de dollars par année pour poursuivre l’aménagement du Sentier transcanadien.
Nous n’avons par de Vert politiques sur Sentier transcanadien.


Increase annual funding for the Trans-Canada Trail to $13 million.

Lire plus

Continue building and connecting the TransCanada Trail, and creating new opportunities for Canadians to access it, by increasing annual funding to $13 million, growing the trail network by 10% helping create 10,000 jobs over the next five years.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Sentier transcanadien.