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Immigration et réfugiés plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia, et leurs partis, promettent.

Procédure d'immigration


  • Record all interactions between immigration officers & applicants to ensure oversight, fairness, & accountability.
  • Use technology to speed application vetting.
  • Increase cultural awareness training.
  • Use remote meeting technology to match applicants with immigration officers who best understand their cultural context.
  • Let applicants correct simple application mistakes within a set amount of time.

Lire plus

• Moving the technological infrastructure of immigration online and recording all interactions between immigration officers and applicants to help ensure oversight, fairness, and accountability.

• Introducing technology to speed application vetting by immigration officers.

• Increasing cultural awareness training and using remote meeting technology to match applicants with immigration officers who best understand the cultural context of the applicant.

• Letting applicants correct simple and honest mistakes in an application within a set amount of time.

° Currently, if a person makes an error in an application, the application is rejected, and the person is required to re-submit the application entirely.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Regulate the immigration consultancy industry.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Procédure d'immigration.


  • Un gouvernement libéral rendrait le processus de demande de citoyenneté gratuit pour les résidents permanents qui répondent à tous les critères.
  • Un gouvernement libéral créerait également un programme pour fournir des visas aux conjoints et enfants restés à l’étranger pendant qu’ils attendent que leur demande de résidence permanente soit traitée.

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Reduce processing times that have been impacted by COVID-19 to under 12 months.

Introduce electronic applications for family reunification.

Implement a program to issue visas to spouses and children abroad while they wait for the processing of their permanent residency application, so that families can be together sooner.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Reconnaissance des acquis


En prenant le pouvoir, un gouvernement conservateur créerait un groupe de travail sur la reconnaissance des acquis qui aurait pour tâche d’élaborer de nouvelles stratégies de reconnaissance des compétences (comme les études postsecondaires et les certificats professionnels) acquises dans d’autres pays et valides ici au Canada.

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One area this task force will study is credential pre-qualification – allowing people in other countries to acquire Canadian-standard proficiency through accredited institutions overseas or distance learning with Canadian institutions.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Improve foreign credentials recognition.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Reconnaissance des acquis.


Work with provinces, territories, & regulatory bodies to improve foreign credential recognition.

Retards administratifs


  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur permettrait à ceux qui attendent l’examen de leur demande d’immigration de payer des frais pour en accélérer le traitement.
  • Les recettes ainsi générées permettraient d’engager plus de personnel pour traiter les demandes.
Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Retards administratifs.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Retards administratifs.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Retards administratifs.



  • Un gouvernement conservateur restructurerait le processus d’accueil des réfugiés au Canada.
  • Il supprimerait ainsi les places de réfugiés assistés par le gouvernement, sauf en cas d’exception.
  • Tous les réfugiés arrivant au Canada seraient plutôt accueillis dans le cadre de programmes de parrainage privé ou conjoint.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur permettrait également de parrainer les victimes de persécution les plus vulnérables directement à partir de leur pays d’origine.
  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur ferait du projet Rainbow Refugee Assistance un programme permanent, et créerait un nouveau programme permettant aux promoteurs privés de parrainer directement des réfugiés appartenant à des minorités sexuelles ou religieuses ayant été persécutées.

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• Replace public, government-assisted refugee places with more private and joint sponsorship places. All refugees arriving in Canada will do so under private or joint sponsorship programs, with exceptions in cases of emergency or specific programs (such as the human rights defenders program discussed below).

° This does not mean a reduced financial commitment to refugee sponsorship or lower overall numbers of protected persons. It means that public dollars will be directed through joint sponsorship programs where newcomers benefit from community support and the better outcomes associated with private sponsorship.

° Moving from “private” and “public” sponsorship streams to “private” and “joint” sponsorship streams ensures every refugee family arriving in Canada will do so with a group of dedicated and motivated Canadians, ready to make them feel welcome.

° This also ensures that private sponsors will not always have to bear the full costs of sponsorship, allowing them to help more refugees.

• These changes will revolutionize the experience of compassionate organizations conducting private refugee sponsorship. Sponsors will spend more time helping people in distress with more government support and less government hassle.

When it comes to financial allocations for joint sponsorships, Conservatives will prioritize the following categories:

• Support delivered to the most vulnerable.

• Support delivered through sponsorship agreement holders with a demonstrable track record of successfully integrating refugees.

• Support delivered through a new, specialized, “human rights defender” stream, welcoming human rights advocates such as notable Hong Kong protestors who are particularly vulnerable in their home country as a result of their willingness to stand up for the rights of others.

Canada’s Conservatives have a proud record of assisting the world’s most vulnerable refugees, including our pioneering assistance to LGBTQ+ people, especially from Iran, who would otherwise face a death sentence.

• Canada’s Conservatives will make the Rainbow Refugee Assistance Project a permanent government program. We will work with LGBTQ+ organizations in Canada to encourage and facilitate greater participation by these organizations in refugee sponsorship, and we will lead a global network of free countries to assist the world’s persecuted sexual minorities.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

• Allow private sponsorship of the most vulnerable victims of persecution directly from their country of origin.

• Work with Canadian communities to create a specific program to allow direct private sponsorship of persecuted religious and sexual minorities.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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  • Get rid of the backlog for asylum seekers.
  • Work with Canadians to resettle refugees in communities.
  • Ensure refugees are given the support they need to build successful lives & new homes.
  • Establish a clear & permanent path for resettlement of LGBTQI2S+ refugees.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Réfugiés.


S’il est réélu, un gouvernement libéral travaillerait avec les employeurs et les collectivités pour faire venir 2 000 réfugiés qualifiés au Canada afin de remédier aux pénuries de main-d’œuvre dans des secteurs comme les soins de santé.

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Build on the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot and work with employers and communities across Canada to welcome 2,000 skilled refugees to fill labour shortages in in-demand sectors such as health care.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Réunification familiale


Un gouvernement conservateur mettrait fin au système de loterie pour la réunification des familles, et le remplacerait par le système premier arrivé, premier servi, qui priorise les demandeurs en fonction de critères comme la garde d’enfants ou le soutien familial, et la maîtrise du français ou de l’anglais.


  • End caps on applications to sponsor parents & grandparents.
  • Treat caregivers brought to Canada with respect & dignity, provide them with status, & allow them to reunite with their families without delay.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Réunification familiale.


Un gouvernement libéral s’efforcerait de réduire le délai de traitement des demandes pour faire venir un membre de la famille au Canada à moins de 12 mois, et introduirait les demandes électroniques.

Travailleurs étrangers temporaires


  • Create a trusted employer system so companies don't have to reapply.
  • Work with provinces to harmonise federal & provincial systems.
  • Set clear standards & timelines for Labour Market Assessment processes, including options for fee-based expedited visas when needed.
  • Revise how regions are zoned to ensure rural areas & tourism hotspots are not coupled with urban hubs.
  • Establish a path to permanence.
Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Travailleurs étrangers temporaires.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Travailleurs étrangers temporaires.


Un gouvernement libéral réformerait les programmes d’immigration économique afin de permettre aux travailleurs étrangers temporaires et aux anciens étudiants internationaux de devenir des résidents permanents.



  • Increase the capacity of the Immigration and Refugee Board to hear asylum claims.
  • Strengthen integrity and enforcement overall.
  • Explore requiring more enforceable commitments for visitors to abide by.
  • Allow family members of citizens to come & live in Canada for up to 5 years without permanent status, renewing their stay for additional time, where appropriate, if they purchase health insurance.

Lire plus

• Allow family members of Canadians to come and live in Canada for up to five years without permanent status, renewing their stay for additional time, where appropriate, provided that they purchase health insurance.

• Allow those coming to Canada on a super visa to purchase health insurance from the government of their province or territory on a cost-recovery basis where the provincial or territorial government wishes to offer this option.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Visas.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Visas.


Un gouvernement libéral créerait également un programme pour fournir des visas aux conjoints et enfants restés à l’étranger pendant qu’ils attendent que leur demande de résidence permanente soit traitée.

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Implement a program to issue visas to spouses and children abroad while they wait for the processing of their permanent residency application, so that families can be together sooner.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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