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Relations internationales plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Repentigny, et leurs partis, promettent.


Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Afghanistan.


Un gouvernement libéral augmenterait le nombre de réfugiés afghans admissibles au Canada, de 20 000 à 40 000.

Lire plus

Continue to help support Afghan citizens through humanitarian assistance and to work with our allies to protect democratic and human rights, including for women, girls, and minorities. We will continue to facilitate the safe passage and resettlement of Afghan citizens and will increase the number of eligible refugees from 20,000 to 40,000. Many of these individuals will be women, children and minorities fleeing the Taliban, or individuals who supported Canada and our allies over the past two decades. As with the Syrians who have resettled in Canada over the past five years, these individuals will enrich our communities and make invaluable contributions to Canadian society.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Afghanistan.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Afghanistan.



  • Work with allies to lead a robust & coordinated international response to China's disregard of the rule of law.
  • Call out human rights abuses by China.
  • Protect Hong Kong pro-democracy asylum seekers.
  • Provide support for those facing threats by Chinese government entities here in Canada.

Lire plus

A New Democrat government will stand up to China with a strong and coherent strategy to defend Canadian interests at home and abroad. We will work with our allies to lead a robust and coordinated international response to China’s disregard of the rule of law. New Democrats will call out human rights abuses by China, stand with Hong Kong pro-democracy asylum seekers, and provide coordinated support for those facing threats by Chinese entities here in Canada.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins


  • Expand the coalition of states supporting Canada's initiative to condemn & eradicate the practice of arbitrary detention.
  • Advance an action plan to coordinate collective international responses to specific incidents of arbitrary detention.

Lire plus

Expand the broad coalition of more than 65 states that have supported Canada’s initiative to condemn and eradicate the practice of arbitrary detention and advance an action plan to coordinate collective international responses to specific incidents of arbitrary detention.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Chine.


Un gouvernement conservateur travaillerait avec ses alliés pour retirer le Canada des chaînes d’approvisionnement critiques avec la Chine. Il reconnaîtrait également le traitement des Ouïghours comme un génocide et interdirait l’importation de produits issus du travail forcé des Ouïghours. Un gouvernement conservateur interdirait l’usage de la technologie de Huawei dans le cadre de l’infrastructure 5G du Canada.

Lire plus

• Work with our allies to build a “coalition of democracies” with the goal of decoupling critical parts of our supply chains from China.

• As the Government of Canada, recognize the Uyghur genocide and encouraging our allies to do the same.

• Ban imports that have been produced using forced and enslaved Uyghur labour.

• End policies that grant special treatment to Hong Kong, recognizing that Beijing’s decision to crack down on its autonomy eliminates the rationale for the special treatment.

• Support the people of Hong Kong fighting for freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law by:

° Supporting a “Young Talents” program to encourage young people from Hong Kong to study in Canada.

° Waiving records of arrest, charge or conviction related to pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong when processing visas.

° Providing documentation for those fleeing Hong Kong and seeking asylum in Canada who cannot obtain documentation from Hong Kong authorities.

• Withdraw from the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

• Ban Huawei from Canada’s 5G infrastructure and further investigate the company’s role in providing surveillance capabilities that have been used against the Uyghur people and other persecuted minorities in China.

• Advise universities against partnerships with China’s state-controlled companies and organizations and prohibit federal granting councils from participating in these partnerships.

• Join the UK proposition for a Digital 10 to protect free societies’ data and cyber sovereignty.

• Crack down on China’s foreign influence operations on Canadian soil by:

° Making it clear to China’s diplomats that any involvement in intimidation or threats to anyone in Canada provides grounds to be declared persona non grata and expelled from Canada;

° Revoking visas of Chinese nationals identified by national security agencies as conducting espionage or stealing intellectual property.

° Revoking the licenses of China’s state-run and state-controlled broadcasters that spread disinformation.

° Banning senior public office holders for five years after leaving office (including former Prime Ministers, Ministers, Clerks of the Privy Council, Deputy/Assistant Deputy Ministers and Ambassadors) from employment or contracts with China’s government or an entity controlled by China’s government. The ban would include doing work through a consulting or law firm.

• Use Canada’s Magnitsky sanctions law to sanction China’s worst human rights offenders.

• Grant asylum to mainland Chinese proponents of freedom and persecuted minorities, including Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners and others.

• Do everything to ensure that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is not a platform for China’s global propaganda.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Climate Change


Help low-income countries deal with the impacts of climate change, including climate financing to help protect the people most vulnerable.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Climate Change.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Climate Change.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Climate Change.


Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Corruption.


Help establish an International Anti-Corruption Court.

Lire plus

Help establish an International Anti-Corruption Court, to prevent corrupt officials and authoritarian governments from raiding the resources of their citizens and impeding development.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Corruption.


Advance the idea of an International Corruption Court.

Lire plus

Advance the idea of an International Corruption Court to prosecute the world’s worst offenders who deny progress and democracy on the backs of the world’s most vulnerable.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Culture canadienne

Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Culture canadienne.


  • Mandate BCD & EDC to support the growth of creative industries in new markets.
  • Launch a new cultural diplomacy strategy with an annual budget of $20M.

Lire plus

Help Canadian cultural industries succeed abroad by issuing a mandate to BDC and EDC to support the growth of creative industries in new markets.

Launch a new cultural diplomacy strategy with an annual budget of $20 million per year to leverage the work done by our artists and cultural industries to support Canada’s diplomatic goals.

Forge an international coalition to work on a new UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Content Online.

Celebrate Canada’s unique francophone cultures through the promotion of the French language across our diplomatic missions and in our work to transform the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Culture canadienne.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Culture canadienne.

Droits de la personne


Make sure Canadian-made weapons aren't fuelling conflict & human rights abuses abroad.


  • Un gouvernement libéral introduirait une loi pour éliminer le travail forcé des chaînes d’approvisionnement canadiennes.
  • Un gouvernement libéral placerait la démocratie et les droits de la personne au cœur des priorités stratégiques du Canada en matière de relations internationales et il établirait un Centre canadien pour la paix, pour l’ordre et pour la bonne gouvernance.

Lire plus

Make Canada’s commitment to democracy and human rights a core strategic priority, including expanding fast and flexible support for fragile and emerging democracies, increasing Canada’s diplomatic presence in regions of strategic importance, and working more closely with democratic partners to promote open, transparent, and inclusive governance around the world.

Establish a Canadian Centre for Peace, Order and Good Government to expand the availability of Canadian expertise and assistance to those seeking to build peace, advance justice, promote human rights, inclusion, and democracy, and deliver good governance.

Establish Canada as a safe haven for those facing persecution by leading the world in providing safe resettlement to those fleeing political or security crises, especially human rights defenders, journalists, feminists, LGBTQ2 activists, members of religious or ethnic minorities at risk, and other persecuted groups who remain under threat. We will expand the new immigration stream for human rights defenders and work with civil society groups to ensure safe passage and resettlement of people under threat, including from Afghanistan.

Continue to help support Afghan citizens through humanitarian assistance and to work with our allies to protect democratic and human rights, including for women, girls, and minorities. We will continue to facilitate the safe passage and resettlement of Afghan citizens and will increase the number of eligible refugees from 20,000 to 40,000. Many of these individuals will be women, children and minorities fleeing the Taliban, or individuals who supported Canada and our allies over the past two decades. As with the Syrians who have resettled in Canada over the past five years, these individuals will enrich our communities and make invaluable contributions to Canadian society.

Expand the broad coalition of more than 65 states that have supported Canada’s initiative to condemn and eradicate the practice of arbitrary detention and advance an action plan to coordinate collective international responses to specific incidents of arbitrary detention.

Enable staff at Canada’s embassies around the world to support the work of feminists, LGBTQ2 activists, and human rights defenders by quadrupling our annual investment in the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.

Defend the right to free expression and oppose the mistreatment or arbitrary detention of journalists, building on the Media Freedom Coalition that we established with the UK.

Support women leaders and feminist groups who are leading efforts to promote peace and protect the rights of women and vulnerable groups, including new funding through the Women’s Voice and Leadership program.

Help establish an International Anti-Corruption Court, to prevent corrupt officials and authoritarian governments from raiding the resources of their citizens and impeding development.

Continue to engage with our international allies and partners and convene a multilateral meeting to raise additional humanitarian funds and build consensus on how to support and establish an enduring democracy in Lebanon.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Introduce legislation to eradicate forced labour from Canadian supply chains and ensure Canadian businesses that operate abroad are not contributing to human rights abuses.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Droits de la personne.


  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur mettrait à jour les lois pour empêcher l’importation de produits issus de l’esclavage.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur mettrait également à jour la Loi de Sergei Magnitsky pour permettre au Parlement et à des groupes de citoyens de faire directement pression sur le ministre pour qu’il désigne des responsables en vertu de la Loi et exiger que le ministre réponde par écrit aux pétitions ayant un certain degré de soutien.

Lire plus

• Dramatically revise supply chain legislation to meaningfully enforce Canada’s commitment not to import products made with slave labour.

• Make it a criminal offence for Canadians to go abroad to benefit from serious violations of human rights, such as becoming complicit in organ trafficking through receiving an organ that has been forcibly harvested.

• Place limits on the ability of the Government of Canada to grant waivers permitting those complicit in or responsible for serious human rights violations to come to Canada.

• Require the Minister of Foreign Affairs to table an annual report in Parliament outlining the work of the government to protect and promote human rights and democracy;

• Require the Government of Canada to maintain a public list of prisoners of conscience of particular concern, and create mechanisms by which citizens can petition to add names to that list.

• Create an International Human Rights Advisory Committee, with representation from a broad range of cultural and religious communities in Canada, advising the government on international human rights issues.

• Amend the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act to prevent Canadian development assistance that undermines international peace and security.

• Update the Sergei Magnitsky Law to allow Parliament and groups of citizens to directly petition the Minister to list officials under the law and require the Minister to respond in writing to petitions that have achieved a certain threshold of support.

• Restore Canadian leadership in advocating for persecuted sexual minorities in the face of repression. The Trudeau government has dispensed with standing as strong allies of LGBTQ advocates, bowing before authoritarians. A Conservative government will speak clearly and confidently for the inalienable human dignity of LGBTQ people and deploy resources to help their activists.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins


Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Inde.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Inde.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Inde.


  • Resume free trade talks with India.
  • Propose regular joint security exercises with India.
  • Pursue a long-term strategic nuclear energy and energy transition partnership.
  • Launch technology, medicine, energy, and infrastructure initiatives, with clearly articulated objectives.


Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Iran.


Un gouvernement libéral travaillerait avec d’autres pays pour tenir l’Iran responsable d’avoir abattu le vol PS752 et il continuerait d’aider les familles et les proches des victimes.

Lire plus

Continue to work with international partners to hold Iran accountable for the illegal shootdown of PS752 and continue to provide support to the families and loved ones of the victims as they fight for justice and reparations. We will also continue to advance Canada’s Safer Skies Initiative, to prevent such tragic events in the future.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Iran.


  • S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur imposerait des sanctions aux individus qui enfreignent les droits de la personne en Iran.
  • Il désignerait le CGRI, une branche de l’armée iranienne, comme un organisme terroriste.
  • Et demanderait justice et indemnisation pour les victimes du vol PS752 d’Ukrainian Airlines, appliquant sanctions les de Magnitsky contre les responsables.

Lire plus

• Hold the Iranian regime accountable for its reckless nuclear ambitions, malevolent state support of international terrorism, and human rights violations.

• Impose Magnitsky sanctions on gross human rights violators.

• Fulfill the motion adopted by Parliament and designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity.

• Engage with Iranians promoting women’s rights, human rights, and democracy.

• Establish an international Cyrus Trust supporting good relations between the peoples of the region in the areas of art, culture, academia, and civil society.

• Demand justice and compensation for families of victims of downed Ukrainian Airlines flight PS752, applying Magnitsky sanctions and pursuing legal avenues against those responsible.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins

Israël et Palestine


  • Work towards a just & lasting two-state solution that respects human rights & upholds international law.
  • Play an active role in advancing peace, including by suspending arms sales to Israel until the end of the occupation.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Israël et Palestine.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Israël et Palestine.


  • Un gouvernement conservateur déclarerait Jérusalem comme la capitale d’Israël et y installerait l’ambassade du Canada.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur s’opposerait également à la politisation du Tribunal pénal international et à son intrusion dans les négociations israélo-palestiniennes.
  • Un gouvernement conservateur favoriserait le commerce avec les territoires palestiniens et les investissements dans ces territoires.

Lire plus

• Set clear objectives to enhance economic, political, and security cooperation to benefit both countries.

• Recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the Canadian embassy to Jerusalem.

• Return Canada to its longstanding policy of not singling out Israel for criticism at the United Nations and international fora.

• Combat the delegitimization of Israel, including opposing the denial of the 5,000 years of indigenous Jewish history throughout the Middle East.

• Boycott Durban IV in September 2021.

• Oppose the International Criminal Court’s politicization and intrusion into bilateral Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

• Promote and support regional initiatives that foster peace between Israel and its neighbours.

To support the aspirations of the Palestinian people and a two-state solution leading to a Palestinian state, Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Support the current religious status quo surrounding Al-Aqsa / Temple Mount and recognize the special role that Jordan plays in the safeguarding of Holy Sites in Jerusalem.

• Enhance aid in a targeted manner in the areas of governance and institutional capacity building in support of eventual Palestinian statehood.

• Establish a Canada-Palestinian Territories Trust Account at the International Monetary Fund, with the objective of providing training and economic instruments upon the arrival of a two-state solution.

• Invest in the economic empowerment of Palestinian women and support economic and civil society projects and an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace.

• Expand trade initiatives and encourage economic cooperation between Canada and the Palestinian territories and, following the establishment of a Palestinian state, negotiate a separate free-trade agreement.

• Following the successful negotiation of a final status agreement, upgrade Canada’s representation to an embassy to a future Palestinian state.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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La Francaphonie

Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur La Francaphonie.


Celebrate Canada’s unique francophone cultures through the promotion of the French language across Canada's diplomatic missions & in transforming the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Lire plus

Celebrate Canada’s unique francophone cultures through the promotion of the French language across our diplomatic missions and in our work to transform the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur La Francaphonie.


Encourage economic cooperation between democratic member countries of the OIF, and facilitate trade and investment between Canadian companies and OIF countries, particularly between Canada and Africa.


Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Liban.


Un gouvernement libéral convoquerait une réunion avec ses alliés internationaux afin de recueillir des fonds humanitaire supplémentaire et pour conclure une entente sur la façon de soutenir et d’établir une démocratie au Liban.

Lire plus

Continue to engage with our international allies and partners and convene a multilateral meeting to raise additional humanitarian funds and build consensus on how to support and establish an enduring democracy in Lebanon.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Liban.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Liban.

Liberté de religion

Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Liberté de religion.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Liberté de religion.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Liberté de religion.


Mandate an Office of Religious Freedom and Conscience following Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Lire plus

Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that the Office of Religious Freedom and Conscience provides advice to Canadian ministers on threats to international security, engages in diplomacy to religious communities, and informs Canadian international development programs to promote freedom, pluralism, religious co-existence, and tolerance.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Lire moins

Nations Unies

Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Nations Unies.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Nations Unies.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Nations Unies.


  • Audit all Canadian positions in multilateral institutions, in relation to national interests.
  • Advocate against the International Criminal Court becoming a political body.
  • Pursue reform of the UN Human Rights Council to prohibit human rights abusers from becoming members.

Paix mondiale


  • Support nuclear disarmament.
  • Recommit to peacekeeping.
  • Make sure Canadian-made weapons aren't fuelling conflict & human rights abuses abroad.
Nous n’avons par de Libéral politiques sur Paix mondiale.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Paix mondiale.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Paix mondiale.

Santé globale


  • Generously support global efforts to make vaccines freely available to the most vulnerable.
  • Support the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Waiver to waive intellectual property restrictions on manufacturing vaccines.
  • Contribute more to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Lire plus

To improve global health and help end the COVID-19 pandemic everywhere, Canada should fully and generously support global efforts to make vaccines freely available to the world’s most vulnerable. This includes supporting the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Waiver (TRIPS), that would waive intellectual property rights for COVID vaccines and ensure technology transfer, so that low-income countries can start making vaccines locally and save lives.

New Democrats also believe that we have an important role to play in ensuring that long- term strategies are in place to strengthen health systems in developing countries. Canada should also contribute more to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to end these epidemics and support heath care systems in developing countries.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

Lire moins


D’ici la fin de 2022, un gouvernement libéral réélu donnerait au moins 200 millions de doses de vaccins aux populations vulnérables partout dans le monde dans le cadre de l’initiative COVAX.

Lire plus

Donate at least 200 million vaccine doses to vulnerable populations around the world through COVAX by the end of 2022 and provide additional funding to support enhanced testing and production capacity in developing countries.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Santé globale.
Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Santé globale.


Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Ukraine.


Extend Canada's support to Ukraine against Russian aggression through Operation Unifier.

Lire plus

Remain a leading contributor to NATO operations, including by extending Operation Reassurance in Eastern Europe and maintaining Canada’s regular participation in NATO’s aerial and maritime patrol operations. We will also extend Canada’s support to Ukraine and opposition to Russian aggression, through Operation Unifier.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Ukraine.


  • Allow visa-free travel for Ukrainians visiting Canada.
  • Expand Operation UNIFIER in Ukraine.
  • Extend Operation REASSURANCE in Eastern Europe.
  • Restore the provision of RADARSAT-2 data to Ukraine.
  • Provide defensive military aide.
  • Support democratic reforms.

Lire plus

• Allow visa-free travel for Ukrainians visiting Canada.

• Expand Operation UNIFIER in Ukraine, Canada’s military training operation.

• Extend Operation REASSURANCE in Eastern Europe, Canada’s largest current international military operation.

• Restore the provision of RADARSAT-2 data to Ukraine, currently denied by the Liberals.

• Provide Ukraine with defensive military aid, including enhanced Canadian assistance to NATO training for Ukrainian armed forces.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Équipe de développement international


  • Increase Canada's international development assistance, with the goal of contributing 0.7% of Gross National Income.
  • Help low-income countries deal with the impacts of climate change, including climate financing to help protect the people most vulnerable.


  • S’il est réélu, un gouvernement libéral augmenterait les sommes que le Canada consacre à l’aide au développement international, et ce, tous les ans jusqu’en 2030, afin d’atteindre les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies.
  • Un gouvernement libéral investirait également dans de nouveaux fonds destinés à l’éducation des filles et des réfugiés et il doublerait son financement voué aux organismes communautaires de défense des droits des femmes.

Lire plus

Increase Canada’s international development assistance every year towards 2030 to realize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Donate at least 200 million vaccine doses to vulnerable populations around the world through COVAX by the end of 2022 and provide additional funding to support enhanced testing and production capacity in developing countries.

Continue to build on Canada’s historic support for education so the world’s most marginalized children have access to the inclusive, equitable and quality education they need and deserve, including new funding for girls’ and refugees’ education.

Double our funding to grassroots women’s rights organizations and continue to make significant investments in comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services as well as the global care economy.

Provide greater assistance to people living with disabilities in developing countries.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Équipe de développement international.


  • Maintain current aid levels while realigning international development programs.
  • Avoid funding the Belt & Road initiative.
  • Legislate $250M/y allocation to build resilience in fragile democracies.
  • Reform "Direction & Control" regulation.
  • Deploy a "Canadian Innovation Relief" fund.

Lire plus

  • Canada’s Conservatives will align international development with Canadian peace and security priorities. We will:
    • Ensure that Canadian development assistance will not advance the Communist Party of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
    • Amend the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act so that aid dollars do not support the interests of hostile regimes.
    • Support young people at risk of radicalization through Canadian leadership that prioritizes justice, democracy, and pro-pluralism education, as a defining feature of promoting development outcomes and improving global security. Canada’s Conservatives will:
      • Proactively advocate for and invest in education programs that emphasize inclusion, pluralism, and human rights, inspired by local narratives and traditions.
      • Defund programs aligned against Canadian values (including those delivered by UNRWA unless it is significantly reformed) and replace them with new education initiatives that uphold universal human dignity, pluralism, and peaceful coexistence.
      • Partner with and scale local civil society to deliver leadership, integrity, and teamwork skills to young people.
      • Support reforms in policing and justice systems that strengthen the rule of law, ensure the provision of justice to the world’s most marginalized, and provide the most vulnerable with the security they require to better their conditions.
  • As part of our efforts to advance justice, we will place a significant focus on combating extremism, human trafficking and the use of child soldiers, and abolishing all forms of modern-day slavery.
  • We will launch strategic partnerships in international development with regional allies where combined efforts and complementary strengths multiply impact.
    • This will include engagement with the Blue Dot and Clean networks in real and digital infrastructure.
  • Canada’s Conservatives will legislate a $250 million allocation from Canada’s annual International Assistance Envelope to build resilience in fragile democracies. This allocation will serve as a Canadian endowment for bilateral democracy programs, offering training, resources, and support to those confronting authoritarians and fighting for the success of their democracies.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

• Strengthen Canadian support for long-term agricultural development through partnerships, technology and information sharing, and training with producers in emerging economies.

• Identify, establish, and build coalitions in strategic locations worldwide that can cooperate on developing a global network of food security infrastructure which Canadian organizations can contribute to building and stocking.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

Canada’s Conservatives will reform onerous “Direction and Control” regulation, ensuring accountability for spending without requiring projects in developing countries to be directly controlled by Canadian charities.

• This change will allow Canadian organizations to develop respectful partnerships with organizations working on the ground in developing countries and reduce aid dependency by transferring administrative and control functions to empower local people and organizations.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

• Build markets and diaspora partnerships for poverty alleviation and economic development.

° Canada’s Conservatives will partner with diaspora communities in Canada in financing and improving development impact. This will involve scaling the development impact of remittances, and the greater use of market-based financing vehicles.

• End the fragmented manner in which the Liberals have managed our development finance institutions and instead consolidate Canada’s development finance by establishing a Canada Development Finance Corporation.

• Implement a “Post-Pandemic Compact for Growth Plan.” As the world emerges from the pandemic, now is the time to leverage investment, innovation and infrastructure around vaccine distribution and long-term health security in the poorest, most disadvantaged regions of the world.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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