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Éducation plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Salaberry—Suroît, et leurs partis, promettent.

Formation d'emploi


S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur doublerait le montant du crédit d’impôt pour la création d’emploi des apprentis pour les trois prochaines années afin de couvrir les coûts de l’embauche d’apprentis.

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• Double the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit for the next three years to help create more places for apprentices.

• Invest $250 million over two years to create the Canada Job Training Fund. The Fund will provide grants to organizations including employers, apprenticeship training delivery agents, unions, post-secondary institutions, and community organizations for projects that:

° Give laid-off workers immediate access to training,

° Reach out to traditionally underrepresented groups,

° Support the talent needs of small businesses, and

° Otherwise help workers get the training they need - focussing (sic) on areas where there are shortages of skilled workers.

• Create the Working Canadian Training Loan to provide low interest loans of up to $10,000 to people who want to upgrade their skills.

Canada's Recovery Plan, retrieved 2021-08-18

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Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Formation d'emploi.


Require businesses supported through the Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program to include wrap-around supports for training for women & vulnerable groups.

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Make it easier for women and vulnerable groups to access training by requiring businesses supported through the Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program to include wrap-around supports. This could include transportation to and from the training program, computers, food, referral to counselling, housing, and legal support, support in finding child care, and mentoring or coaching.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Allow workers who quit a job to go to school to qualify for EI benefits.
  • Require large employers to spend at least 1% of payroll on training for employees each year.
  • Create a new provincially-directed Workers Development and Opportunities Fund to expand training options beyond those who qualify for EI.

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New Democrats know that we can do better for all workers. We’re committed to working with the provinces to ensure that Canadians have access to education throughout their professional lives, including proactive training and retraining, as well as support when they are unemployed.

Our vision is one where training opportunities are flexible enough to work with people’s busy lives, and significant enough to really improve job prospects.

To get there, we’ll change EI rules to allow workers who quit their job to go to school to qualify for EI benefits, so that families can count on some income support during that period of transition back to school. We’ll also expand options for workers in designated sectors and regions to take EI funded training in advance of losing a job while at the same time promoting investment to ensure that regional economies are creating good jobs that support families and communities. Finally, to make sure that businesses are investing in the training that Canadians need, a New Democrat government will require large employers to spend at least 1 percent of payroll on training for their employees annually.

In order to deliver these changes, we’ll work closely with the provinces to establish national training priorities, and create a new Workers Development and Opportunities Fund to expand training options beyond people who qualify for EI. This fund will be provincially directed, with dedicated support for marginalized workers, those in transitioning sectors and for efforts to improve literacy and essential skills.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Frais de scolarité postsecondaire

Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Frais de scolarité postsecondaire.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Frais de scolarité postsecondaire.


S’il est réélu, un gouvernement libéral éliminerait de façon permanente l’intérêt sur la portion fédérale des prêts d’études et des prêts canadiens aux apprentis et ils prolongeraient le délai de remboursement du prêt pour les personnes célibataires. Ainsi, les nouveaux diplômés n'auront pas à commencer à rembourser leurs prêts avant de gagner au moins 50 000 dollars par an.

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Permanently eliminate the federal interest on Canada Student Loans and Canada Apprentice Loans to support young Canadians who choose to invest in post-secondary education. This will benefit over 1 million student loan borrowers and save an average borrower more than $3,000 over the lifetime of their loan.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

Increase the repayment assistance threshold to $50,000 for Canada Student Loan borrowers who are single. This means that new grads, working hard early in their careers, won’t have to begin repaying their loans until they earn at least $50,000 annually.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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  • Work with the provinces & territories to cap & reduce tuition fees.
  • Work towards rolling post-secondary into the public education system.
  • Remove interest on federal student loans.
  • Forgive up to $20,000 in student debt for graduates.
  • Double the Canada Students Grant.

Lire plus

Our vision is for every Canadian to have access to quality post-secondary education, regardless of their income. Over the long term, this means working with the provinces and territories to cap and reduce tuition fees, and building towards making post-secondary education part of our public education system so kids can go from kindergarten to a career without the barrier of cost. This is an important goal and we believe that with the right leadership and political will, we can get there.

There are steps we can take to make education more affordable right now. Five provinces have already shown leadership in eliminating interest rates on student loans. It’s time for the federal government to do the same, and stop profiting from student debt. New Democrats will remove interest from federal student loans, and to help lift the debt burden from young people starting out, we will introduce a targeted debt forgiveness program for graduates that will forgive up to $20,000 in student debt. In the first year alone, this will wipe out 20% of all student debt and help 350,000 borrowers save money every month.

We’ll also move away from loans and permanently double non-repayable Canada Student Grants. Accessing financial support for your post-secondary education shouldn’t be a debt sentence – we’ll make sure that young people can start out in life without a crushing debt burden.

Ready for Better, retrieved 2021-08-27

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Stages et Formations


S’il est élu, un gouvernement conservateur doublerait le montant du crédit d'impôt pour la création d’emploi des apprentis pour les trois prochaines années afin de couvrir les coûts de l’embauche d’apprentis.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Stages et Formations.


Un gouvernement libéral doublerait son investissement dans le Programme pour la formation et l’ en milieu syndical à 50 millions de dollars par année. Un gouvernement libéral mettrait l’accent sur la participation accrue des femmes, des peuples autochtones, des nouveaux arrivants au Canada, des personnes handicapées, des Noirs et des personnes racialisées.

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Double the Union Training and Innovation program to $50 million a year to support more apprenticeship training opportunities and additional partnerships in the Red Seal trades across Canada, and target more participation from women, Indigenous people, newcomers, persons with disabilities, and Black and racialized Canadians.

Move forward on our plan to establish a new Apprenticeship Service which will connect 55,000 first-year apprentices in Red Seal trades with opportunities at small and medium-sized employers.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Stages et Formations.

Éducateurs dans les écoles publiques

Nous n’avons par de Conservateur politiques sur Éducateurs dans les écoles publiques.
Nous n’avons par de BQ politiques sur Éducateurs dans les écoles publiques.


Un gouvernement libéral augmenterait le créedit d'impôt pour fournitures scolaires aux enseignants admissibles de 15 % à 25 %, et l’étendrait afin d’inclure les appareils technologiques et toute autre fourniture que doit acheter un enseignant dans le cadre de son travail.

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Increase the refundable tax credit to 25% (from 15%).

Expand eligibility criteria to include tech devices and ensure that teaching supplies purchased to perform employment duties are eligible, no matter where that may be.

Forward. For Everyone., retrieved 2021-09-02

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Nous n’avons par de NPD politiques sur Éducateurs dans les écoles publiques.