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Brian Guy

Indépendant pour Vernon Conseil
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
As a scientist, I make decisions based on data and good information. I'm a successful business owner and leader. I understand the risks and costs of climate change, and related opportunities to make the city more resilient and more livable. I led Vernon's Climate Action Plan.

I'm a leader with a proven track record of success in the business and non-profit sectors. I founded and led a successful business based in downtown Vernon (Summit Environmental Consultants), bringing more than thirty-five young professionals and their families to the community. I went on to build environmental consulting businesses across western and northern Canada. I'm a Professional Geoscientist, with extensive experience in Okanagan water issues, and I've made significant volunteer contributions to the community.

I'm a leader in addressing the impacts of climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to make communities stronger and more livable.  Since 2018 I've served as co-chair of the City of Vernon Climate Action Advisory Committee, which developed the City’s Climate Action Plan, which was approved by Council in 2021.

Recently I've worked with Purppl, a Kelowna-based social purpose accelerator, to coach an Indigenous-owned environmental consulting business to help achieve long-term success.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I want to help make the City more resilient and more livable as we adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, through implementing the Climate Action Plan. I want to continue the current progress towards addressing housing supply, affordability, and diversity.

The City faces numerous challenging issues. I believe that my experience and expertise in governance, leadership, financial management, strategic planning, risk assessment, and decision-making will help City council provide the leadership the community needs to effectively address these issues. I have the time to commit to the work as I’m now retired.

I believe that my thoughtful, comprehensive, balanced, collaborative, fiscally prudent, and inclusive approach will help council reach decisions that benefit all members of the Vernon community. A focus for me will be implementing the Climate Action Plan, which was approved by Council in 2021.

I believe that Vernon can become more resilient, economically stronger, more livable, healthier, and more diverse, and I am committed to working with Council and the community to achieve those goals.

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