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Scott Anderson

Indépendant pour Vernon Maire
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Owned a construction company, Legislative Assistant to an MP (Ottawa), Financial Advisor, and Captain, Canadian Armed Forces. Has worked on the rigs, as a salesperson, and as a university teacher. As comfortable on a jobsite as in a boardroom or a classroom.


Born in Canada (Winnipeg), seven years in India (New Delhi), two years in Mexico (Mexico City), returned to Canada. Owned a construction company, Legislative Assistant to an MP (Ottawa), Financial Advisor, and Captain, Canadian Armed Forces. Has worked on the rigs, as a salesperson, and as a university teacher. Currently owns a recycling company and a corporate communications company. As comfortable on a jobsite as in a boardroom or a classroom.


·        Two Term City Councillor at City of Vernon - Local Government

·        Former Commissioned Officer at Canadian Army

·        Chief executive officer at ADR Environmental Ltd (Parent company of Dump Runz)

·        Former leader at British Columbia Conservative Party

·        Director at Vernon Fish & Game club

·        Writer

·        Vice Chair Biosolids Committee (Vernon-Kelowna)


·        1st Class Honours, Political Studies, University of Manitoba

·        Graduate Studies, Political studies, University of Manitoba

·        Graduate Studies, Political studies, University of British Columbia

·        MA Equivalent Public Affairs, Defense Learning Centre

·        Currently working on PhD proposal/thesis Political Studies (municipal governance)

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Vernon needs real leadership

Vernon council has done great things, but it hasn't achieved its full potential. With a leader who understands both the position of mayor within a so-called "weak mayoral system" and the possibilities presented by it.

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andersonscott.ca www.andersonscott.ca