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Sharon Cameron



Promesses de Liberal

Enhance childcare subsidies for low-income Islanders

"Enhance childcare subsidies for low-income Islanders to support their efforts in participating in the labour market" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Add more spaces to existing facilities
Build new facilities in rural areas
Increase funding for staff to support children who require one-on-one assistance

"Increasing funding for inclusion support staff to support children that require one-to-one assistance" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Create a programme to fund school-age centres

"Creating a funding program for school-age centres to support the requirements of parents requiring extended hours of coverage for their children" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Support training and professional development opportunities fro childcare staff
Work with the childcare sector to develop a recruitment and retention programme

"Working with the sector to develop a sustained, long-term recruitment and retention program in order to ensure the required workforce to support expanded spaces" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Increase grants for renovating and expanding existing childcare centres

"Increasing renovation grants to expand existing centres/spaces that reflect actual building costs" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Minimum wage

Promesses de Liberal

Review the annual minimum wage process

"Committing to reviewing the annual minimum wage process and developing a long-term strategy to create a transparent, fair, and predictable process that takes private wage trends into account" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


Promesses de Liberal

Increase social assistance supports to counter inflation
Increase rental subsidies for low-income Islanders
Increase allowable income under social assistance programmes

Prescription drugs & pharmacare

Promesse de Liberal

Expedite access to publicly-funded medications

"Expedite access to publicly funded medications so Islanders get access to newly approved medications" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Public transit

Promesses de Liberal

Increase investment in public transit

Tax measures and rebates

Promesses de Liberal

Re-evaluate the provincial income tax model

"Re-evaluating the provincial income tax model to better align with our Atlantic counterparts to ensure we are competitive in attracting labour to the Island" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Review the excise tax on cannabis

"Undertake a review of excise tax on cannabis to determine how the level of taxation impacts the growth and development of manufacturing on PEI."

Climate Change & the Environment

Climate adaptation

Promesses de Liberal

Launch an expert committee to look into Maritime Electric's delays in getting Islanders reconnected to power, and into putting Maritime Electric's assets under public ownership

"1. Launch an expert committee into the delays of MECL to get Islanders back on-line in a timely fashion as well as issues associated with the current and future capacity of our grid;

2. Ensure that an expert committee also explores the potential opportunities and challenges of MECL assets going under public ownership to ensure better, more cost-effective service to Islanders" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Do advance planning and preparedness for storms

"Undertaking advance planning and preparedness so that PEI is never caught in the kind of state we were in post Fiona" — [Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22]( — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22)

Develop an ongoing working relationship between the Armed Forces and provincial and municipal emergency response personnel, with a codified action plan and yearly training exercises, to prepare for future climate-related disasters

"Developing an ongoing working relationship between the Armed Forces and Provincial and Municipal Emergency Response Personnel and other stakeholders that takes for the form of a codified action plan and yearly training exercises in the event of a climate-related disaster such as Fiona happening again" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Dedicate at least 30% of the province's total capital budget to climate mitigation and adaptation

"Ensuring that the provincial capital budget allocates a minimum of 30% of its total funding to mitigation and adaptation activities to upgrade our infrastructure to both reduce our impact on the climate as well as to prepare for adverse events" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Energy generation

Promesses de Liberal

Provide low-interest financing for building community-owned wind farms

"Encourage the development of community-owned wind farms with the goal of achieving wind generation for 50% of Islanders’ electricity needs through low-interest financing." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Consider cooperating with other provinces on power generation

"Explore regional cooperation to access cleaner sources of energy, including direct negotiation with Newfoundland and Labrador for hydroelectric power" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Green construction and retrofits

Promesses de Liberal

Expand access to funding for green building and retrofitting

"Expand access to energy efficiency/carbon reduction program funding for both Islanders and businesses that undertake green building and retrofitting activities" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Green tech

Promesses de Liberal

Provide career promotion and marketing funding for clean tech hiring

"Provide the sectors with career promotion and marketing funding support to expand its activities aimed at getting more Islanders into the ITC and Clean Tech sectors" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Work with Holland College and UPEI on training programmes for clean tech

"Work with Holland College and UPEI to explore enhancements to existing training as well new training programs that respond to the ITC and Clean Tech sectors’ needs" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Provide new tax rebate programmes for clean tech

"Implement a new and enhanced tax rebate programs to make PEI a more attractive location for ITC and Clean Tech sectors" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


Promesses de Liberal

Establish a permanent, independent land use commission, reporting to the Legislature, with Indigenous and geographic representation

"1. Establishing a permanent and independent land use commission that reports to the Legislature;

2. Ensuring the commission would be expert-based with indigenous and geographic representation;

3. Ensuring the commission has the staffing and resource capabilities to undertake analysis, consultations, and other activities deemed essential to its mandate" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Revise the Lands Protection Act to legislate the existence of the new commission

"Revising the Lands Protection Act and other statutes to define and enshrine the role of the commission" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Mandate the commission to make ongoing assessments of current policy to protect land, and recommend new policy approaches

"Mandate the commission to undertake ongoing assessments of the effectiveness of the current policy and regulatory framework to achieves land protection objectives and, where required, recommend new policy and regulatory approaches." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Public transit

Promesses de Liberal

Increase investment in public transit

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Promesses de Liberal

Develop yearly action plans for emissions-intensive sectors

"Developing yearly action plans for those sectors that make up PEI’s largest source of carbon emissions, including transportation and agriculture, with increased provincial/federal funding aimed at introducing best practices aimed at mitigation" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


K-12 funding

Promesses de Liberal

Emphasise academic and career counselling in earlier grades
Increase funding for education assistances, school psychologists, audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and other resource personnel in schools
Increase focus on student assessments to measure student, teacher, and system performance

"Increasing focus on student assessments (PCAP, PISA, and provincial assessments) as a key measure of student/teacher/education system performance" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Increase investments in professional development supports for teachers
Set targets for how many high school grads move on to post-secondary

Health & Healthcare

Ambulance and emergency wait-times

Promesses de Liberal

Make the Premier in charge of healthcare for two years
Create a new Patients' Rights Act with an independent officer to adjudicate complaints

"A New Patients’ Rights Act that gives Islanders legal rights when it comes to timely access to healthcare services: The Liberal Party believes that Islanders deserve the right to timely, legally guaranteed access to healthcare services, regardless of where they live in PEI. This Act will define the rights that Islanders will have regarding access to healthcare. Implementation and enforcement of the Act will be a ministerial responsibility accompanied by an independent officer of the Legislature to adjudicate complaints and recommend corrective and/or remedial action." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Invest in interim residential services and restorative care beds

"4. Invest in interim residential services and facilities for medically discharged patients who need supports prior to returning home;

5. Invest in restorative care beds so that medically discharged patients have an appropriate care setting to go to recover with the required medical supports" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Expand access to primary care in non-urgent settings

"Expand access to primary care in non-urgent settings to divert patients away from ERs." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Add Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants to ER teams

"Leverage other health professionals such as Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants to become part of the ER care team to address shortages and improve access to care" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Provide ER workers compensation commensurate to the stress and difficulty of the job

"Ensure emergency medicine offers compensation commensurate to the stress and difficultly of working conditions so that nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, and other health care providers view emergency medicine as an attractive specialty of the health profession." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


Promesses de Liberal

Expand funding for diabetes treatment

"Expand funding for diabetes treatment so that Islanders have access to timely and affordable diabetes care" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Long-term care

Promesses de Liberal

Make the national long-term care standards mandatory
Expand nursing care for treating dementia patients in public and private facilities
Develop new expanded training programmes for long-term care
Create a planning model to provide 10-year projections for care needs

"Develop a supply and demand planning model that provides 10-year projections on long-term care, community care, and senior’s housing needs" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Pay community care facilities and nursing care facilities the same for non-health services
Provide subsidies and contractual payments reflecting inflation

"Develop and implement subsidies and contractual payments that reflect the actual inflation and cost of living increases experienced by the sector" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Mental health

Promesses de Liberal

Create a 10-year plan for providing accommodations to people living with mental illness without stable housing
Provide mental health and addictions services online

"Provide online access to mental health and addictions services to be available for every Islander in need" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Expand access to paid mental health services from psychologists

"Expand access to mental health services through the use of psychologists as part of the PEI Health system on a fee-for-service basis" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Add more mental health walk-in clinics and mobile mental health units

"Expand the number of mental health walk-in clinics and mobile mental health units to increase services to Islanders, including 24-7 coverage" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Create a dedicated department of mental health and addictions with its own Minister and budget

"Establish a dedicated department of mental health and addictions with its own Minister, budget, and Deputy Minister to deliver enhanced services to Islanders" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Prescription drugs & pharmacare

Promesse de Liberal

Expedite access to publicly-funded medications

"Expedite access to publicly funded medications so Islanders get access to newly approved medications" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Prevention and treatment

Promesses de Liberal

Expand funding for treating obesity

"Expand funding for obesity treatment with an emphasis on childhood obesity and ensure PEI’s health system recognizes the condition as a chronic disease" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Double spending for health promotion grants

"Double spending for health promotion grants to expand promotion activities to support Islanders" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Improve access to cancer screening and treatment, with emphasis on lung and cervical cancer

"Improve access to cancer screening and treatment with an emphasis on high-risk lung cancer and cervical cancer." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Primary care

Promesses de Liberal

Temporarily add more walk-in clinics by incentivising physicians

"Expand the volume of walk-in clinics on an interim basis by incentivizing physicians to provide these services" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Adjust fees and compensation for family physicians to make the career more attractive

"Adjust fee structure/compensation models, so that family medicine becomes a more attractive career choice"  — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Develop a digital medical specialist programme

"Work with the PEI Medical Society, UPEI, and Holland College to develop a digital medical specialist program to help physicians with support to better manage administrative backlogs and inefficiencies" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Expand the range of conditions pharmacists can diagnose and prescribe for, and programmes they can deliver

"Expand the range of health conditions for which Island pharmacists can diagnose and prescribe in keeping with their scope of practice that reflects what pharmacists can do in the rest of Canada" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

"3. Allow pharmacists to deliver the PEI Smoking and Vaping Cessation Program to allow more Islanders to access these critically important services;

4. Allow pharmacists to deliver contraception management services on a fee-for-service basis to broaden the accessibility of these services for Island women;

5. Allow pharmacists to play a greater role in chronic disease management, including blood pressure and cholesterol diagnosis / treatment and diabetes management;

6. Allow pharmacists to serve as the primary location for vaccine services, including flu and Covid-booster vaccines" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Create a new funding model to encourage pharmacy owners to be more involved in primary care

"Develop a funding model that encourages and supports pharmacy owners to play a greater role in primary care delivery as well as incentivizes pharmacists to deliver expanded services." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Fund physician access to digital health tech specialists

"Provide physicians with access to funded digital health technology specialists to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of medical practices."

Use online tools to provide real-time wait time info for ERs, medical clinics, and other care settings

"Implement online systems and booking options to provide Islanders with real-time information on wait times at ERs, medical clinics, and other care settings to enhance access to non-urgent treatments" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Rural healthcare

Promesses de Liberal

Increase RN and LPN nursing programme spaces, with a focus on training nurses in rural areas

"Increase nursing spaces in RN and LPN programs to address chronic nursing shortages, including a focus on training nurses in rural areas" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Senior at-home care

Promesses de Liberal

Expand the home-care budget
Create a pilot project to provide up to $1,500/mo people who stay at home to care for a loved one, and provide various supports to the caregiver

"Ensure the HomeFirst Homecare Program is focused on supporting the caregiver with system-wide health supports, including:

• Provincial needs assessment to determine level of care requirements;

• Inclusion in the Provincial Homecare program for monitoring and follow-up;

• Access to 911 and Island EMS paramedics mobile integrated health services for in-home care under the guise of an expanded Senior’s Check-In Program;

• Access to advanced first aid training for caregivers;

• Access to mental health supports and training for caregivers;" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Increase funding for the Senior's Home Repair Program

"Expanding funding under the Senior’s Home Repair Program to ensure more seniors have access to funding that allows them to remain in their homes longer" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Seniors' health & services

Promesses de Liberal

Invest in 500 new, affordable seniors' housing units with assisted-living options

"Expand in public investments in 500 new, affordable seniors housing units that provide seniors with assisted living options." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Sexual and reproductive health

Promesses de Liberal

Later expand to fertility treatment
Provide public coverage for prescription contraceptives

"Increase investments in women’s reproductive health starting with public coverage for prescription contraceptives and expansion to fertility treatment funding" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Speech and hearing

Promesse de Liberal

Increase funding for education assistances, school psychologists, audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and other resource personnel in schools

Staffing shortages

Promesses de Liberal

Work with nursing organisations to create a Nursing Sustainability Strategy

"Engage with RN and LPN Nursing organizations to develop a Nursing Sustainability Strategy with the nursing profession that is based on a 10-year workforce projection in order to define projected shortages and recruitment/retention/compensation challenges and solutions" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Address financial compensation for nurses

"Address financial compensation so that nursing becomes a financially-rewarding career that attracts new entrants, retains our current nurses, and brings retired nurses back into active practice" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Cover tuition costs for any nurse who returns to work in PEI

"Increase student enrollment in expanded PEI nursing programs through a Team Nursing Scholarship program that covers the tuition costs for any nurse who returns to work in PEI’s healthcare system" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Allow nurses licensed in other provinces to practice in PEI

"Establish inter-provincial labour mobility among nurses licensed to practice in other provinces to practice in PEI" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Legislate nurse-to-patient ratios

"Establish a workplace where nursing workloads are based upon legislated nurse-to-patient ratios" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Training more staff

Promesses de Liberal

Increase RN and LPN nursing programme spaces, with a focus on training nurses in rural areas

"Increase nursing spaces in RN and LPN programs to address chronic nursing shortages, including a focus on training nurses in rural areas" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Cover tuition costs for any nurse who returns to work in PEI

"Increase student enrollment in expanded PEI nursing programs through a Team Nursing Scholarship program that covers the tuition costs for any nurse who returns to work in PEI’s healthcare system" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Double scholarships and financial recruitment incentives

"Double scholarships/financial recruitment incentives to ensure Island students studying medicine in other provinces will find it attractive to return to PEI to practice" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Double the number of medical residency seats

"Establish return-in-service agreements for Island students studying at a Canadian University where the PEI government has purchased seats and double the number of medical residency seats, including four new seats for students studying outside of Canada" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Housing & Homelessness

Affordable housing

Promesses de Liberal

Create a 10-year plan for providing accommodations to people living with mental illness without stable housing
Invest in 500 new, affordable seniors' housing units with assisted-living options

"Expand in public investments in 500 new, affordable seniors housing units that provide seniors with assisted living options." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Expand low-cost financing to provide $150M of new incentives over 3 years to non-profits, co-ops, and developers building affordable housing
Create new grant/subsidy programmes to support non-profits and co-ops constructing and operating affordable housing

Home construction and supply

Promesses de Liberal

Allow community-funded housing projects to be funded under Community Economic Development Investment Funds
Provide financial and HR support to municipalities to speed up building permit approvals and rezoning

"Provide financial and/or HR support to municipalities to expedite building permit approvals and zoning changes in order to help speed up the construction process" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Make multi-unit residential properties qualifying business for immigrants to invest in in order to qualify for citizenship

"Making multi-unit residential properties qualifying businesses for immigrants to invest in in order to qualify for citizenship under provincial immigration programs" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Explore building housing developments on crown lands

"Explore the strategic use of crown land for housing developments in partnership with communities and PEI’s First Nations" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Bring back the Cabinet Committee on Housing

"Re-institute the Cabinet Committee on Housing to provide for leadership and accountability for housing projects and initiatives" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Home purchases and ownership

Promesse de Liberal

Provide an interest-reducing subsidy on $200K of a mortgage, up to $4K/year for 5 years, for families with an income of $95K or less

"Support first-time homebuyers with an OwnFirst program whereby families with an income of $95,000 or less can get an interest-reducing subsidy on the first $200,000 of their mortgage of up to $4000 per year for a period of 5 years" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Public housing

Promesses de Liberal

Invest in 500 new, affordable seniors' housing units with assisted-living options

"Expand in public investments in 500 new, affordable seniors housing units that provide seniors with assisted living options." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Create a 10-year plan for providing accommodations to people living with mental illness without stable housing

Rental housing

Promesses de Liberal

Increase rental subsidies for low-income Islanders
Allow landlords to adjust rents on vacant properties

"Undertake a more balanced approach to rental legislation that allows PEI landlords to adjust rents on vacant properties in keeping with the approach in the rest of Canada" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Shelters and homeless services

Promesses de Liberal

Keep shelters open 24-hours-a-day
Address the recommendations of the 2019 Community Needs Assessment on Emergency Shelters



Promesses de Liberal

Create a new aerospace and defence tax rebate programme

"Implement a new and enhanced aerospace and defence tax rebate program to make PEI a more attractive location for manufacturing and retrofitting" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Develop a labour market strategy
Consider extending the tax rebate programme

"Assess opportunities for the extension of the tax rebate program more broadly in the advanced manufacturing sector" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Increase funding for the PEI Chapter of Aerospace and Defense Association of Atlantic Canada by 50%

"Increase funding to the PEI Chapter of the Aerospace and Defense Association of Atlantic Canada by 50% to bolster programming for PEI companies" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Work with Holland College and UPEI on training programmes

"Work with Holland College and UPEI to explore enhancements to existing training as well new training programs that respond to the sector’s needs" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


Promesses de Liberal

Expand immigration recruitment
Review land limits under the Lands Protection Act every five years

"Ensuring that land limits are reviewed every five years under the Lands Protection Act to ensure they reflect current ownership levels and market conditions" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Expand high school programming related to agriculture careers

"Expanding high school programming, including the Agriculture in the Classroom initiative, in order to expose students to the range of career opportunities that agriculture offers" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Provide a seasonal worker benefits programme

"Developing a seasonal worker benefits program to serve as a recruitment incentive for Islander working in seasonal sector to expand their time in the labour market" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Speed up initiatives for adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change on farms

"Accelerating on-farm climate adaptation and mitigation initiatives that leverage federal/provincial funding and increase adoption of proven practices" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Expand the Buffer Zone Program and double payments to farmers to protect environmentally-sensitive land
Invest in water infrastructure where potato production is prevalent

"Investing in water infrastructure in clusters where potato production is prevalent to help boost yields in years when rain is not adequate" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Provide incentives to encourage farmers generate renewable power and sell excess power back to Maritime Electric

"Implementing a farm renewable energy program that provides incentives to help farmers develop renewable power generation capacity with the opportunity to sell excess power back to Maritime Electric" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Create a province-wide approach to agricultural land

"Developing a province-wide approach to agricultural land from a land-use planning perspective, given the importance of such land to the province as a whole" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Ensure funding for farmers' access to 3 Phase power is included in any inter-provincial or federal infrastructure agreement

"Supporting farmers in accessing 3 Phase power by ensuring access to funding is included in any future Infrastructure Agreement between the Province and the federal government" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Encourage expansion of livestock herds through price reassurances, low-interest government financing, and grants
Provide low-interest government financing for livestock farmers to build adequate fencing and enhance manure management

Gig and contract workers

Promesse de Liberal

Provide a seasonal worker benefits programme

"Developing a seasonal worker benefits program to serve as a recruitment incentive for Islander working in seasonal sector to expand their time in the labour market" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Minimum wage

Promesses de Liberal

Review the annual minimum wage process

"Committing to reviewing the annual minimum wage process and developing a long-term strategy to create a transparent, fair, and predictable process that takes private wage trends into account" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Seafood, fishing, and aquaculture

Promesses de Liberal

Work with the federal government to create a Seasonal Seafood Workers Program

"Working with the Federal Government to establish a Seasonal Seafood Workers Program, mirroring what is found in the agriculture sector to ensure long-term reliable labour for the industry" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Invest more in climate mitigation infrastructure for small craft wharves and harbours
Assess live holding capacity and cold storage needs

"Assessing live holding capacity and cold storage needs in the sector to support stronger prices when landings significantly increase beyond market demand." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Work with federal partners to provide business risk management programmes

"Supporting our aquaculture sector by working with federal partners to provide business risk management programs, including crop insurance, to provide assistance when a producer experiences a significant loss of product" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Develop a provincial framework for lobster marketing

"Developing a provincial framework that would enhance lobster marketing initiatives that would also engage our federal partners to advance the industry" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Invest more in programmes to support young fishers

"Increasing investment in programs that support young fishers such as the Future Fishers Program" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Revise the Fishers Low Interest Loan Program to support young fishers

"Revising the Fishers Low Interest Loan Program specifically supporting young fishers entering the sector by recognizing dramatic cost escalations over the last decade" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Startups and small businesses

Promesses de Liberal

Revise PEI's population growth strategy to focus on recruiting immigrants who match workforce strategies

"Revisiting PEI’s population growth strategy with a focus on recruiting, integrating, and retaining immigrants to the Island that match our workforce strategies" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Re-evaluate the provincial income tax model to ensure competitiveness

"Re-evaluating the provincial income tax model to better align with our Atlantic counterparts to ensure we are competitive in attracting labour to the Island" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Use Finance PEI and low-interest loan programmes for certain sectors to provide businesses with affordable capital

"Utilizing Finance PEI to ensure the business community has continued access to affordable capital and explore low interest loans programs for certain sectors as we navigate our way forward in a challenging interest rate environment." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


Promesses de Liberal

Offer low-interest loans and start-up grants to some tourism operators

"Offering low-interest loans and start-up grants to assist tourism operators in developing new products/services and/or refreshing existing offerings" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Provide a debt relief programme with low-interest funding through Finance PEI for tourism operators with heavy debt from COVID
Provide funding to TIAPEI to promote tourism job opportunities
Create a programme to provide financial support to operators to provide intern management roles

"Developing a Tourism Management Internship Program to provide financial support to operators to access potential management staff" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Advocate for different EI policies regarding students and the shoulder season

"Advocating to the federal government for EI policies which allow students to continue to work into the shoulder season without financial penalties" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Provide a seasonal worker benefits programme

"Developing a seasonal worker benefits program to serve as a recruitment incentive for Islander working in seasonal sector to expand their time in the labour market" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


Promesses de Liberal

Provide more career-related training in high schools, and expose more students to the trades

"Enhancing exposure to trades and career-related training in our high schools in order to let students better understand the career opportunities that trades provide" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Make the apprenticeship system more affordable and convenient

"Modernizing the apprenticeship system on PEI to make it more affordable and convenient for both students and employers" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Provide a seasonal worker benefits programme

"Developing a seasonal worker benefits program to serve as a recruitment incentive for Islander working in seasonal sector to expand their time in the labour market" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Society & Government

Local government

Promesse de Liberal

Provide financial and HR support to municipalities to speed up building permit approvals and rezoning

"Provide financial and/or HR support to municipalities to expedite building permit approvals and zoning changes in order to help speed up the construction process" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Racism and diversity

Promesses de Liberal

Appoint a Diversity and Inclusion Commissioner

"Appointing a Diversity and Inclusion Commissioner, with supporting infrastructure to operate independently from the government with a mandate to promote equity and inclusion" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Gather data on inclusion, diversity, and racism, and use the data for deciding policy

"Gathering data on inclusion, diversity, racism, and other related issues on PEI through multiple forums and using the information to formulate public policy recommendations, strategies, and action plans"

Monitor issues related to inclusion and equity when providing government services

"Monitoring issues related to inclusion and equity in the provision of government services to Islanders regardless of ethnicity, colour, race, disability and/or sexual orientation on topics such as barriers to opportunity; equitable access to programs and services; systemic racism and discrimination in healthcare, education, social development and services, housing, employment, justice and sport" — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22

Investigate racism, discrimination, and harassment concerns in PEI government and government-funded agencies and organisations

"Conducting investigations, in areas determined by the commissioner, to address concerns of racism, discrimination, and harassment relating to the government of Prince Edward Island and funded agencies and organizations." — Healthcare First: An Action Plan for Islanders, 2023-03-22


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Taking on the challenge to present Islanders with a clear vision for governing, Sharon became the leader of the Liberal Party of Prince Edward Island in November 2022.

Sharon has extensive experience in leadership roles. As a provincial Deputy Minister from 2007-2018, she lead departments including Social Services, Seniors and Labour, Workforce and Advanced Learning, and Executive Council. Her work brought about significant changes, including bringing a focus on poverty and the linkage to economic and social health.

As CEO of the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) when it was recognized as one of the top 25 employers in Atlantic Canada, Sharon’s efforts helped reduce employers’ premiums and increase services to injured workers, all while improving the financial operations of the Board.

Her experience also extends to the education system. She served as a Principal and Vice-Principal at Stonepark Junior High School and as a Vice Principal at Tracadie Consolidated. Following her time as a Deputy Minister, she became Director of Academics and Research Operations at UPEI.

Deeply committed to her community, Sharon has volunteered with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Crimestoppers, Canadian Mental Health Association and PEI United Way. Most recently, she helped established the PEI Meals on Wheels Association and served as the inaugural chair.

Sharon holds a master’s degree in educational psychology and two bachelor’s degrees. She and her husband Fraser live in Cornwall. When not working or volunteering, Sharon enjoys yoga, cycling and playing music in a band.

“I ask for your support so that we can continue to work together to make a difference in our community.”

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