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Mike Clancy

Candidat NOTA pour Brantford—Brant
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Vote Mike Clancy for Caring
Employment Counsellor and Citizens Advocate:
I enjoy helping people escape poverty and fighting corruption to win money and dignity for Canadians.
Check out maturedemocracy.net
Vote Mike Clancy for Caring!

Check out maturedemocracy.net

My Main Priority

Proud, loving father of Christina and Astrid.

Experience Working for YOU

Employment Counselling and Community Economic Development:

When I helped citizens escape poverty, I saw the health and happiness of their children improved dramatically.

Ombudsman Ontario and Citizens Advocate

 Fought greedy cruel corporations and government to win money and dignity for Canadians.

American Interference in Canada's Democracy

Since NAFTA was signed, public service managers can operate like an American HMO, earning their bonus and promotions, by violating the criminal code by wrongly denying OW, ODSP, WSIB, and Employment Insurance benefits to entitled workers causing workers to lose their families, become homeless, lose hope and some kill themselves. Nurses complain that healthcare managers earn a bonus by closing emergency rooms and denying healthcare to patients so patients died when sent home too soon after surgery.

My Gratitude to Canada

In my childhood, Canada kept her promise to never again abandon a citizen to face disasters, penniless and alone.

Canada rejected America’s 18**th century constitution that gave the rich the legal right to own other people who are disposable.**

Two protestant ministers Stanley Knowles and Tommy Douglas forced Liberals and Conservatives to create a 20**th century constitution protecting universal public healthcare and social safety net to care for and protect Canadians with rent control, affordable housing, affordable university, full employment, and pensions.**

So, my family suddenly escaped poverty

In gratitude, my sisters and I went to work caring for others,

When Free Trade was signed, Liberals and Conservatives broke that promise to care.

So we have been abandoned. Cause and effect. Costs are high, Incomes are low.

Vote Mike Clancy for Caring. Let's keep the promise of Canada to care for her people.

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