Born and raised in southern Ontario, Kevin has been living in Essex county since 2000 – first in LaSalle, and then in Amherstburg. He is a University of Toronto Alumni, graduating with a Ph.D. in Aerospace Science and Engineering in 2000 after earning a Masters of Applied Science (in Aerospace Science and Engineering) in 1992 and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Science – Aerospace Option in 1991. Kevin is a licensed profession engineer in both Ontario and Michigan.
Frustrated by the current Canadian politicians both provincially and federally, Kevin feels strongly that M.P.P.s and M.P.s should not be whipped into following party policy ahead of what is best for people in their riding, their province, and their country. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when both Windsor M.P.s voted AGAINST the new Gordie Howe bridge linking Windsor ON to Detroit. MI. How in any way was this representing their constituents? Just because the Conservative government of the day proposed the new bridge should in no way prevent the representatives of Windsor from supporting that bridge – this new crossing is in the best interests of Windsor, Essex county, Ontario, and Canada. We need a third crossing NOW. As a NOTA candidate, Kevin promises the residents of Essex that their voices will be heard. All political decisions will be made based on the what is good for the community, the province, and the country.
An advid outdoorsman, Kevin enjoys boating, kayaking, fishing, and hunting in and around Essex county, and enjoys the sports at WAPC and ATS clubs.
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