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Jobs, Businesses, & Labour plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats River Heights, et leurs partis, promettent.


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  • Permanently reduce the rent for agricultural Crown lands by 50%
  • Triple funding for Veterinary Service Districts

    "To improve animal welfare across the province, PCs are also pledging to triple funding for Veterinary Service Districts, which maintain clinics across the province on behalf of veterinarians and the industry. This will attract new vets to rural Manitoba, improve services for both companion and large animals, and further help livestock producers with accessible service." — pcmanitoba.com, retrieved 2023-09-17

  • Double funding for the Winnipeg Humane Society's One Health Program

    "A re-elected PC government will also double the funding committed to the Winnipeg Humane Society for the One Health Program, which provides veterinary care in underserved rural and remote communities." — pcmanitoba.com, retrieved 2023-09-17


  • Create a "Debt Compromise Board" to assist in negotiating debt restructures

    "We will create a new “Debt Compromise Board” which will provide Manitoba businesses and farmers a forum where they can meet with their lender to find ways to restructure debts so we keep farmers on the farm and businesses up and running." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Create a "Manitoba Business Development Bank" to invest in and provide equity capital for entrepreneurs, farmers, and start-ups

    "Manitoba Liberals commit to establish the Manitoba Business Development Bank with a mandate to provide equity capital and investments to Manitoba entrepreneurs, farmers and independent businesses, for start-up and scale-up of their operations. Our goal is to help Manitoba entrepreneurs, whatever their background, to grow and build wealth for themselves and the province. It will be available on First Nations and also help commercialize innovation and research at Post-secondary institutions." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

Nous n’avons par de NDP politiques sur Agriculture.

Business taxes

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  • Phase out the Payroll Tax over 8 years

    "Following last week’s affordability promises of continuing to reduce income taxes and eliminating the Land Transfer Tax for first-time homebuyers, the PCs announced today that they would also phase out the anti-competitive Payroll Tax on Manitoba businesses over eight years, with a 50-per-cent reduction in four years." — pcmanitoba.com, retrieved 2023-09-17

Nous n’avons par de NDP politiques sur Business taxes.

Film & TV

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Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Film & TV.


  • Give a cash advance upfront for movie productions made in Manitoba, instead of after expenses

    "He promised to modernize the Film and Video Production Tax Credit by giving a cash advance upfront to companies that come to Manitoba to make movies and create jobs instead of after they’ve incurred expenses." — mbndp.ca, 2023-09-20

Fishing & Aquaculture

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  • Provide $20M for expanding aquaculture

    "The PCs pledge commits $20 million toward the expansion of aquaculture throughout Manitoba, in order to leverage further cost-sharing from the federal government." — pcmanitoba.com, retrieved 2023-09-17


  • Invest in restoring and protecting freshwater fish species and habitats

    "A Manitoba Liberal Government will also invest in the restoration and protection of freshwater fish species and habitats to ensure that fishers in Manitoba can continue to harvest fish sustainably while we protect our waterways from invasive species." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


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  • Provide $10M for the Waverley West Recreation Campus Aquatic Facility
  • Provide $5M to redevelop the Brandon Sportsplex Arena

    "This $5-million commitment will help to fund an overhaul of the facility to continue serving the community for years to come." — pcmanitoba.com, 2023-09-25


  • Consult with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities on which highways, roads, and bridges need immediate repair and upgrade

    "Repairing highways, provincial roads, bridges and intersections that need immediate repair and upgrade as determined in consultation with Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM), while enhancing the role of Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure in long-term strategic planning for the province" — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Expand cellular service along transportation corridors and in rural and northern Manitoba

    "Working with communities, cellular providers and Manitoba Hydro Telecom to expand cellular service along transportation corridors while improving broadband internet to rural and northern Manitoba"  — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Build an airport at Wasagamack First Nation
  • Fund a feasibility study into replacing the Arlington Bridge in Winnipeg
  • Fund a feasibility study into relocating rail in Winnipeg
  • Provide capital and operational funding for the Keystone Centre

    "Providing ongoing capital and operational funding for the Keystone Centre to maintain its role as a driver of economic activity in Western Manitoba" — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


  • Create a blue ribbon panel to look into infrastructure
  • Fund road improvements for PR 280, PR 374, and PR 391, and build more rest stops on Highway 6

    "Support funding for road improvements for PR 280 to benefit Tataskweyak Cree Nation, PR 374 to benefit Pimicikamak Cree Nation and PR 391 to benefit Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.

    Improve safety on Highway 6 with more rest stops." — mbndp.ca, 2023-09-23

  • Build an airport at Wasagamack First Nation
  • Fund a new 40-firefighter fire hall in Waverley West
  • Rebuild the Park Community Centre in Brandon with a new childcare facility

    "The Manitoba NDP pledged to invest up to $1 million to demolish and rebuild the Park Community Centre. Their plans for the new building would include a childcare centre. Kinew said his government would work with the city and the community to design a space that best serves the needs of the community." — mbndp.ca, 2023-08-14

  • Study rail-relocation with municipalities and the federal government

    "We will work with municipalities and the federal government to launch a rail-relocation study to prevent environmental damage and keep Manitobans safe." — 2023 Election Platform

Mining and minerals

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  • Work with industry and northern communities to increase employment 50%

    "If re-elected, the PCs will work with industry and northern communities to increase employment by 50 per cent from today’s levels, and set a challenge to double exploration investments in the province to $310 million annually by 2030." — pcmanitoba.com, retrieved 2023-09-29


  • Work with Indigenous communities and municipalities to rebuild the mining sector

    "In partnership with Indigenous communities and municipalities, we will work to rebuild Manitoba’s mining sector to ensure it is environmentally sustainable by creating a pathway for mining operations to proceed and create the kind of environment that will lead to a substantial increase in mining investment in Manitoba." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


  • Develop a Critical Minerals Strategy with Indigenous Peoples

    "Develop a real Critical Minerals Strategy to sustainably grow our critical minerals sector in partnership with Indigenous Peoples." — mbndp.ca, retrieved 2023-09-19

Poverty and the minimum wage

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Nous n’avons par de PC politiques sur Poverty and the minimum wage.


  • Provide a guaranteed income for people with severe physical or mental disabilities, and people over 60

    "The implementation of a provincial guaranteed dignified income (Mincome) for people with severe physical or mental disabilities, as well as people over 60. It will be top-up based on the previous year’s income" — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Allow people on EIA to receive up to $500/month from volunteering

    "Remove barriers to work and volunteer for people on EIA, including by increasing the amount a person can receive when volunteering from $100 to $500 a month" — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

Nous n’avons par de NDP politiques sur Poverty and the minimum wage.


  • Develop and implement a Guaranteed Basic Income program for Manitoba, with the aim of replacing the patchwork of social assistance programs currently administered by the provincial government.
  • Require that Manitoba’s minimum wage rate be set at that level that allows a single working-age adult working full time, full year to achieve an after-tax income equal to the weighted average MBM low-income threshold for Manitoba
  • Annually indexing this wage rate to the most current MBM threshold. For November 2022 the minimum rate would be $ 16.75 per hour

Startups and small businesses

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Nous n’avons par de PC politiques sur Startups and small businesses.


  • Create a "Manitoba Business Development Bank" to invest in and provide equity capital for entrepreneurs, farmers, and start-ups

    "Manitoba Liberals commit to establish the Manitoba Business Development Bank with a mandate to provide equity capital and investments to Manitoba entrepreneurs, farmers and independent businesses, for start-up and scale-up of their operations. Our goal is to help Manitoba entrepreneurs, whatever their background, to grow and build wealth for themselves and the province. It will be available on First Nations and also help commercialize innovation and research at Post-secondary institutions." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change

  • Create a "Debt Compromise Board" to assist in negotiating debt restructures

    "We will create a new “Debt Compromise Board” which will provide Manitoba businesses and farmers a forum where they can meet with their lender to find ways to restructure debts so we keep farmers on the farm and businesses up and running." — Dougald Lamont & the Manitoba Liberals — Real Choice, Real Change


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  • Create a skills training and recruitment fund with an initial $16M investment

    "OAK BLUFF — To address Manitoba’s labour shortages and put the province on the path to filling 100,000 jobs over the next five years, a re-elected PC government will kick-start a new skills training and recruitment fund with a $16-million initial investment targeted to support the most in-demand industries, Kevin Klein, PC candidate for Kirkfield Park, announced today."

    "Manitoba’s Labour Market Outlook forecasts 114,300 job openings over the next five years due to economic growth and a retiring workforce. Transportation and warehousing (5,700 jobs), construction (8,400 jobs), manufacturing (7,900 jobs), and wholesale and retail trade (15,400 jobs) are among the industries that will see the highest number of openings."

    "The PCs will work with industry, sector councils, and post-secondary institutions to develop initiatives under the fund, including microcredentials, new training seats, expanding youth apprenticeships, and on-the-job training, as well as leverage matching private-sector investments to ensure a skilled, educated workforce, Klein said." — pcmanitoba.com, retrieved 2023-09-17

Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Trades.