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Rich Coleman


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remis au bureau d’élection de Langley Township par le candidat

Over the past 38 years of my involvement in this community I have been able to work successfully with all parties to get things done. This has helped to build numerous schools, the Langley Events Centre, four overpasses, several parks, housing units, the expansion of the Langley Memorial Hospital and the Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre to name a few.

All of these projects were accomplished by working with Stake Holders to get things done. Working together we can continue to build an even greater Langley community, which will be an excellent example for all others.

Raison de la candidature

remis au bureau d’élection de Langley Township par le candidat
I am seeking the position for Mayor because I love Langley. I believe in public service and I want to continue to serve this community.

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