For several years, Stacey has spent her time engaged in community building work: organizing community outreach events, leading creative arts workshops with newcomers, and advocating for equality and anti-racism work. Stacey approaches all she does from a place of compassion, but it's been her willingness to work with people, her fearlessness, and perseverance that have helped her make a difference. She comes to the table prepared for the conversation. She's eager to learn from others and to meaningfully listen. Stacey has sat on the boards of Langley Pos-Abilities Society and Triple A Senior Housing. She's ready to engage with and amplify the voices of students, their families and district staff. Stacey is a proven leader and advocate and is ready to bring that experience to the board table. A resident of the Willoughby community for the last 17 years, during which Stacey’s two kids have attended school in the community.
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