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Climate Change

Energy-Efficient Buildings & Retrofits

Promesses de Green

Easier, faster permitting for new net-Zero Emissions Buildings.
Create safe havens in every neighbourhood for people to retreat to during extreme weather

 by retrofitting key public buildings with climate-smart heating and cooling systems (e.g., Seniors’ Centers, Family Places, Neighbourhood Houses).Include educational displays of how much energy is produced, GHGs reduced, and money saved on energy bills.

Ramp up retrofits of all city-owned buildings to reduce emissions and save public money spent on energy.
Expand green roof options in the building code for single family and duplex-zoned areas

to absorb and reduce stormwater runoff and keep buildings cooler in the summers and warmer in winters.

Create easier, faster permitting processes for building retrofits that reduce GHGs,

 especially to net zero, including for removing gas heating and appliances and provide modified requirements for older character buildings.

Pursue funding sources to help support energy retrofits of private buildings - such as Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing
Move from “solar-ready” to “solar-required” in the City’s Building Code, where sunlight permits.
Prohibit gas hookups in all new buildings including for cooking and fireplaces, not just for heating and hot water.
Make retrofitting easier for building owners by collaborating with the Metro Vancouver Zero Emissions Innovation Center

to create resources such as how-to guides, comprehensive lists of grant and funding options, recognized/certified practitioners and trades companies.

Green Space

Promesses de Green

INCREASE TREE CANOPY CITY-WIDE : to a minimum of 30% tree cover in every neighbourhood, as called for by the Parks Board,

Greens believe in the 3-30-300 rule for a healthier, greener city: every resident should be able to see a minimum of 3 trees from every home, enjoy 30 percent tree canopy cover in every neighbourhood and be within 300 metres of the nearest public park or green space. 30% is a minimum - we'll aim to match Metro Vancouver’s goal of 40% city-wide tree cover with tree species that excel at sequestering GHGs and can cope with changing climate.

Expand city support for the Green Streets, Green Blocks, and neighbourhood green grants programs, that connect people with the environment.
Plant smarter for climate change.

Invest in rewilding and native plantings, enhance storm sewer infrastructure with blue-green networks and bioswales, and consider drought and storm resistant plantings.

Reallocate a minimum of 11 percent of neighbourhood streets from car to community use

and encourage residents to engage in the next phase of the Vancouver Plan, to have a say in how and where we can create more green spaces and mini-parks that support biodiversity, access to nature, and ecosystem restoration.

Strategically design parks for greater green space connectivity,

 to support an increase in biodiversity and create a connected network for everyday users.

Ensure development is contributing funds for new public parks and green spaces and pursue matching funding from senior governments.
Pursue an equitable distribution of parks and recreation sites across the city.
Enhance access to all parks and recreation centres for visitors with diverse mobility needs, to support equal opportunity and access for all

Urban Heat

Promesses de Green

Create safe havens in every neighbourhood for people to retreat to during extreme weather

 by retrofitting key public buildings with climate-smart heating and cooling systems (e.g., Seniors’ Centers, Family Places, Neighbourhood Houses).Include educational displays of how much energy is produced, GHGs reduced, and money saved on energy bills.

INCREASE TREE CANOPY CITY-WIDE : to a minimum of 30% tree cover in every neighbourhood, as called for by the Parks Board,

Greens believe in the 3-30-300 rule for a healthier, greener city: every resident should be able to see a minimum of 3 trees from every home, enjoy 30 percent tree canopy cover in every neighbourhood and be within 300 metres of the nearest public park or green space. 30% is a minimum - we'll aim to match Metro Vancouver’s goal of 40% city-wide tree cover with tree species that excel at sequestering GHGs and can cope with changing climate.

Public Spaces & Services

Green Space

Promesses de Green

INCREASE TREE CANOPY CITY-WIDE : to a minimum of 30% tree cover in every neighbourhood, as called for by the Parks Board,

Greens believe in the 3-30-300 rule for a healthier, greener city: every resident should be able to see a minimum of 3 trees from every home, enjoy 30 percent tree canopy cover in every neighbourhood and be within 300 metres of the nearest public park or green space. 30% is a minimum - we'll aim to match Metro Vancouver’s goal of 40% city-wide tree cover with tree species that excel at sequestering GHGs and can cope with changing climate.

Expand city support for the Green Streets, Green Blocks, and neighbourhood green grants programs, that connect people with the environment.
Plant smarter for climate change.

Invest in rewilding and native plantings, enhance storm sewer infrastructure with blue-green networks and bioswales, and consider drought and storm resistant plantings.

Reallocate a minimum of 11 percent of neighbourhood streets from car to community use

and encourage residents to engage in the next phase of the Vancouver Plan, to have a say in how and where we can create more green spaces and mini-parks that support biodiversity, access to nature, and ecosystem restoration.

Strategically design parks for greater green space connectivity,

 to support an increase in biodiversity and create a connected network for everyday users.

Ensure development is contributing funds for new public parks and green spaces and pursue matching funding from senior governments.
Pursue an equitable distribution of parks and recreation sites across the city.
Enhance access to all parks and recreation centres for visitors with diverse mobility needs, to support equal opportunity and access for all
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Tricia is a trained lawyer working in Indigenous relations. As a rowing coach in her spare time, Tricia is dedicated to supporting accessible recreation and community building.

Born in the Paris of the Prairies (a.k.a. Winnipeg), Tricia chose Vancouver as her home in 2011 after finishing law school.

Tricia devotes her time outside of work to coaching beginner rowers at the Vancouver Rowing Club in Stanley Park, where she sat on the Club’s Board of Directors. As a coach, Tricia focuses on creating an inclusive space for people from all walks of life embarking on a new and challenging endeavour, and as part of the Club’s leadership team she has worked to build a stronger and more equitable community.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I’m running because I believe we all need places to connect with the outdoors and each other. In a city where so many of us live in small spaces, we need to invest in enhancing and expanding the public places where we get active and build community.

Partager ce profil

vangreens.ca patricia.riley@vangreens.ca