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Janet Fraser

Green pour Vancouver Conseil scolaire (candidat sortant)

Climate Change

Energy-Efficient Buildings & Retrofits

Promesses de Green

Easier, faster permitting for new net-Zero Emissions Buildings.
Make retrofitting easier for building owners by collaborating with the Metro Vancouver Zero Emissions Innovation Center

to create resources such as how-to guides, comprehensive lists of grant and funding options, recognized/certified practitioners and trades companies.

Prohibit gas hookups in all new buildings including for cooking and fireplaces, not just for heating and hot water.
Move from “solar-ready” to “solar-required” in the City’s Building Code, where sunlight permits.
Pursue funding sources to help support energy retrofits of private buildings - such as Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing
Create easier, faster permitting processes for building retrofits that reduce GHGs,

 especially to net zero, including for removing gas heating and appliances and provide modified requirements for older character buildings.

Expand green roof options in the building code for single family and duplex-zoned areas

to absorb and reduce stormwater runoff and keep buildings cooler in the summers and warmer in winters.

Ramp up retrofits of all city-owned buildings to reduce emissions and save public money spent on energy.
Create safe havens in every neighbourhood for people to retreat to during extreme weather

 by retrofitting key public buildings with climate-smart heating and cooling systems (e.g., Seniors’ Centers, Family Places, Neighbourhood Houses).Include educational displays of how much energy is produced, GHGs reduced, and money saved on energy bills.

Urban Heat

Promesses de Green

INCREASE TREE CANOPY CITY-WIDE : to a minimum of 30% tree cover in every neighbourhood, as called for by the Parks Board,

Greens believe in the 3-30-300 rule for a healthier, greener city: every resident should be able to see a minimum of 3 trees from every home, enjoy 30 percent tree canopy cover in every neighbourhood and be within 300 metres of the nearest public park or green space. 30% is a minimum - we'll aim to match Metro Vancouver’s goal of 40% city-wide tree cover with tree species that excel at sequestering GHGs and can cope with changing climate.

Create safe havens in every neighbourhood for people to retreat to during extreme weather

 by retrofitting key public buildings with climate-smart heating and cooling systems (e.g., Seniors’ Centers, Family Places, Neighbourhood Houses).Include educational displays of how much energy is produced, GHGs reduced, and money saved on energy bills.

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I've lived in Marpole for over 20 years, raising my 3 children and being an active in our community - for example in sports, at the food hub and on school Parent Advisory Committees. I've worked as a trustee, scientist, project manager, at-home parent and program administrator.

I grew up and went to school and university in the UK, studying chemistry at the University of Bristol, so had to learn about a new school system here in Vancouver. I continue to un-learn and re-learn on the unceded lands of the Musqueam, Squamish and Musqueam Nations.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I'm running so that each and every student in the Vancouver School Board can graduate with dignity, with purpose and with options for the next steps on their journey. I will serve students with commitment and integrity, centering their interests in my work as a trustee.

I'm really eager to be re-elected as l want to be a part of rolling out the new VSB Education Plan, turning the words of the three goals into actions; (1) student achievement, including physical and mental well-being and a sense of belonging, (2) equity, and (3) the district’s Reconciliation journey. 

I'm also looking to better serve families by enhancing schools as community hubs, and especially for before-and-after school childcare as this is essential for so many families.

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vangreens.ca/janet_fraser www.vangreens.ca/janet_fraser