Thomas Linner is a long-time strategic communications professional for progressive causes and the former Provincial Director of the Manitoba Health Coalition, where he took on the Pallister and Stefanson PC government's cuts and privatization in health care. He has written and appeared extensively in the media as an advocate for evidence-based improvements to the public health care system and community wellness. He is currently the Interim Executive Director of the MFL - Occupational Health Centre, a Community Health Clinic in Winnipeg dedicated to workers’ health and safety.
Thomas has worked for NDP premiers Lorne Calvert in Saskatchewan, as well as Gary Doer and Greg Selinger in Manitoba. He knows how to turn progressive values into pragmatic solutions that help people to build a better life. He is also the former Communications Director for the Saskatchewan NDP.
Thomas is married with two children, and lives with his family in Winnipeg’s Windsor Park neighbourhood. He sits on the board of directors for Heartwood Healing Centre, a Winnipeg-based non-profit dedicated to the healing journey of adult survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.
Thomas is eager to merge his years of experience advocating for progressive causes and his passion for social justice to serve the people of St. Boniface—St. Vital.