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Indigenous Issues plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Vancouver Quadra, et leurs partis, promettent.

Drinking water

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Drinking water.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Drinking water.


Make investments required to ensure clean water and lift all drinking water advisories by 2021.

Lire plus

This means making the investments required to ensure clean water and lift all drinking water advisories for good by 2021, and supporting Indigenous-led water management training programs and water system operations as an immediate priority.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Lire moins

Grassy Narrows

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Grassy Narrows.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Grassy Narrows.
Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Grassy Narrows.
Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Grassy Narrows.

Indigenous children

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous children.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous children.


  • Take action to respect, support, and resource Indigenous jurisdiction over child welfare systems, backed with long-term funding guaranteed in legislation.
  • Fully implement the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders.
  • Implement the Spirit Bear Plan.
  • Implement Jordan's Principle.

Lire plus

New Democrats will take immediate action to respect, support, and resource Indigenous jurisdiction over child welfare systems, and will back this commitment with long-term, predictable funding guaranteed in legislation so that Indigenous peoples can exercise their jurisdiction and authority over matters involving their own children and families.

We also commit to ending discrimination against Indigenous children, young people, and families by fully implementing the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders, which ordered the Canadian government to stop chronically underfunding child welfare services on reserve, and working with the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society to implement the Spirit Bear Plan.

A New Democrat government will also fully implement Jordan’s Principle, working with the provinces and territories to end the delays and ensure equitable access to health services and educational supports for Indigenous children from coast to coast to coast.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Indigenous children.

Indigenous culture

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous culture.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous culture.
Nous n’avons par de NDP politiques sur Indigenous culture.
Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Indigenous culture.


  • Implement the Calls to Action from the TRC, and recommendations from the IMMIWG.
  • Work in partnership with the AFN to implement their agenda for the 2019 election.
  • Support and sustain transmission, proliferation, and regeneration of Indigenous cultural works and languages.

Lire plus

Implement the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as well as the recommendations from the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Work in partnership with the Assembly of First Nations to implement their agenda for the 2019 election.

Ensure that every First Nations, Métis and Inuit child has access to quality educational opportunities based on the expressed cultural, political and social priorities of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, following meaningful consultation.

Support the development of Indigenous education curricula that are language and culture specific.

Increase access to post-secondary education for Indigenous youth by removing the two per cent funding cap, as well as fully funding the program backlog.

Support and sustain the transmission, proliferation, and regeneration of Indigenous cultural works and languages.

Educate non-Indigenous Canadians on the histories, customs, traditions and cultures of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples of Turtle Island.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Indigenous education

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous education.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous education.


  • Ensure every child has equal access to learning, backed with federal investments.
  • Provide financial support for indigenous youth to continue onto post-secondary.
  • Work with provinces to establish Indigenous history education programmes, led by Indigenous peoples.

Lire plus

In government, New Democrats will ensure that every child is provided a safe place to learn and an opportunity to succeed, whether on or off reserve. We will implement Shannen’s Dream of equitable access to education, backed by federal investments and infrastructure, so no student will be forced to learn in dangerous environments as we have witnessed in Kashechewan First Nation.

Recognizing that barriers to post-secondary education and training continue, we will support Indigenous youth and help them bridge the gap to post-secondary education through expanded financial assistance and increased educational opportunities for children who grew up in care, and distance education for rural and remote students.

And we believe that all Canadians should be aware of the contributions and history of Indigenous peoples and understand the legacy of residential schools. We will work with the provinces to establish Indigenous history education programs for all Canadians, based on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action 62 and 63 – and ensure that the development and implementation of these programs are led by Indigenous peoples.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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  • Remove 2% cap on increases in education funding for Indigenous students and ensure access to post-secondary education.
  • Ensure every Indigenous child has access to quality education opportunities based on cultural, political, and social priorities of Indigenous governments.

Lire plus

Ensure that every First Nations, Métis and Inuit child has access to quality educational opportunities based on the expressed cultural, political and social priorities of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, following meaningful consultation.

Support the development of Indigenous education curricula that are language and culture specific.

Increase access to post-secondary education for Indigenous youth by removing the two per cent funding cap, as well as fully funding the program backlog.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Indigenous employment

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous employment.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous employment.


  • Develop a new fiscal relationship between the Crown and Indigenous government.
  • Create jobs through infrastructure and expanded access to broadband Internet and cell service.
  • Commit to Indigenous entrepreneurs.
  • Create a Northern Infrastructure Fund for roads and Internet.

Lire plus

A new fiscal relationship means secure funding to support programs and services, and access to revenue streams to help close the socio-economic gap and support self-government.

Making sure that Indigenous communities thrive also means working in partnership with Indigenous peoples to expand economic opportunities and create good jobs in Indigenous communities all across the country.

A New Democrat government will work with Indigenous communities to encourage economic development and create good jobs through infrastructure investments and expanded access to broadband internet and cell service for rural and remote communities. We commit to working with Indigenous entrepreneurs to find solutions for accessing capital and scale up investing in Indigenous social enterprise projects and entrepreneurship.

Smaller Indigenous communities left behind by the current funding model need dedicated regional economic development support to help expand economic opportunities in a way that reflects the community’s social and cultural values.

A New Democrat government will also create a Northern Infrastructure Fund to fast-track investment and focus on improving much needed infrastructure like roads and broadband internet for communities in the North.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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  • Establish a national benefits-sharing framework to ensure First Nations directly benefit form major resource projects in their territories.
  • Have at least 5% of federal contracts awarded to Indigenous-led businesses.
Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Indigenous employment.

Indigenous health care

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous health care.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous health care.


  • Support Indigenous health self-determination.
  • Improve mental health and addiction treatment services, including an action plan to prevent suicide, backed by dedicated federal resources.
  • Ensure availability of culturally appropriate home and long-term care for Elders.

Lire plus

New Democrats will make sure that the federal government steps up to close the health gap in Indigenous communities, and supports Indigenous health self-determination. We recognize that healing the ongoing trauma caused by colonialism and residential schools will require long-term partnership and reliable, ongoing funding.

We will make sure that people can get the treatment they need in their community through investments in Indigenous health care infrastructure and diagnostic equipment. We will work in partnership with Indigenous communities to improve access to mental health and addiction treatment services – including an evidence-based action plan to prevent suicide, backed by dedicated federal resources, fully implementing the New Democrat motion on suicide prevention passed by the House of Commons.

A New Democrat government will also work with communities and care providers to ensure that Indigenous-led, culturally appropriate home care and long-term care is available for Elders, in their home communities and languages.

We will support Indigenous food sovereignty, and reform the Nutrition North program to improve families’ access to food, including country and traditional food.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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  • Co-develop distinctions-based Indigenous Health legislation, backed with investments.
  • Work with First Nations communities to ensure Indigenous control over the development and delivery of services.


  • Uphold Jordan's Principle in full.
  • Implement Calls to Action 18-24 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
  • Support First Nations, Métis, and Inuit rebuilding traditional knowledge systems.

Lire plus

Uphold Jordan’s Principle in full, ensuring Indigenous People receive the health care they need without being delayed by bureaucratic disagreements over jurisdiction.

Implement Calls to Action 18-24 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, improving health care for Indigenous Peoples.

Support First Nations, Métis and Inuit in (re)building traditional knowledge systems around healing and wellness, including the formal inclusion of traditional healing within mental wellness and home and community care programs. This process must be led by First Nations, Métis and Inuit organizations.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

End drinking water and boil water advisories by investing and upgrading critical infrastructure to ensure safe water access in every community.

Prioritize high quality safe and affordable housing, particularly in the north, and ensure an equitable distribution of resources for energy efficiency retrofits.

Improve food security in northern communities by consulting with residents on Arctic farming, working with non-profit groups to build greenhouses or hydroponic towers and funding education programs in nutrition and horticulture.

Support health-care services that incorporate traditional practices and recognize the role of extended families and elders.

Together with First Ministers and Indigenous leaders, revisit the Blueprint on Aboriginal Health: A 10-Year Transformative Plan abandoned in 2006.

Devote sufficient resources for maternal and infant care, mental health services and treatment for diabetes and tuberculosis.

Sustain the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative to continue capacity building in the health care profession for Indigenous communities.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Indigenous housing

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous housing.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous housing.


  • Implement co-developed First Nations, Métis, and Inuit housing strategies with sustainable and dedicated funding for urban, rural, and remote communities.
  • Tackle the mould crisis.
  • Make resources available to make homes greener and more energy efficient.

Lire plus

New Democrats will address the Indigenous housing crisis and put an end to chronic overcrowding and long wait lists by working with Indigenous communities to implement co-developed First Nations, Métis, and Inuit housing strategies. These innovative, ground-up strategies will mean sustainable and dedicated funding to meet the needs of Indigenous peoples, whether in urban, rural, or remote communities.

We believe that the federal government must immediately step up to tackle the mould crisis affecting tens of thousands of homes, and provide support for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples to ensure that their homes are safe and healthy. We will also ensure that Indigenous communities have the resources to make homes greener and more energy efficient, working to keep the benefits of good jobs, training, and investment close to home.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Indigenous housing.
Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Indigenous housing.

Indigenous rights

Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous rights.


  • Co-develop a National Action Plan for Reconciliation.
  • Establish a National Council for Reconciliation.
  • Replace consultation with free, prior, and informed consent for Indigenous communities affected by policies.
  • Respect treaties and Inuit and Métis self-determination.

Lire plus

New Democrats will work with Indigenous peoples to co-develop a National Action Plan for Reconciliation, drawing directly from the Calls to Action and the Declaration to ensure that Canada’s laws, policies, and practices are consistent with Canada’s human rights commitments – including cultural rights, land rights, and rights to self-determination and self-government.

Through legislation, we will establish a National Council for Reconciliation to provide oversight and accountability for this process, reporting regularly to Parliament and Canadians.

A New Democrat government will replace mere consultation with a standard of free, prior, and informed consent for Indigenous communities affected by government policies – including for all decisions affecting constitutionally protected land rights, like energy project reviews. We are committed to good-faith, consent-based engagement and negotiations consistent with the Tsilhqot’in decision, an approach that honours Canada’s legal and constitutional obligations.

We will recognize and respect treaties, supporting Indigenous Nations who are building and re-building their governance structures.

We will also respect Inuit self-determination by co-developing the federal government’s Arctic Policy Framework through shared governance within the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee, including through the adoption of an Inuit Nunangat policy in full partnership with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. We will support the economic and social self-reliance of Inuit by addressing the massive infrastructure deficit in Northern communities.

New Democrats recognize Métis self-determination and in government, we will respect the path forward established by the Métis National Council and its governing members. We will pursue government-to-government negotiations on issues including self-government, education, housing, and health.

A New Democrat government will work in partnership with Indigenous communities across the country to help protect and revitalize the incredible diversity of Indigenous languages in Canada with new legislation and stable funding. In response to Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action 80, we will establish a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to acknowledge the painful legacy of colonization, honour the Survivors of residential schools, and help communities across Canada commit to meaningful reconciliation.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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  • Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the end of 2020.
  • Develop a framework for repatriating cultural property and ancestral remains.
  • Work with First Nations to implement the TRC and IMMIWG.
  • Support processes for reconstituting nations.

Lire plus

Introducing co-developed government legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the end of 2020.

Developing a framework for repatriating First Nations cultural property and ancestral remains.

Continuing to work with First Nations to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Calls for Justice.

Supporting a First Nations-led processes for rebuilding and reconstituting their nations, advancing self-determination and a transition away from the Indian Act.

Working with First Nations to redesign federal policies on additions-to-reserves, and the Specific Claims process to ensure timely and just resolution to specific claims.

Continuing to make progress on Indigenous priorities, meeting regularly through the Assembly of First Nations – Canada Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Priorities.

Hosting a First Ministers’ Meeting on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis priorities, and continuing to advance meaningful inclusion of First Nations partners in federal and intergovernmental decision-making processes that have an impact on Indigenous rights and interests.

From Forward, retrieved 2019-09-30.

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  • Honour treaties and respect the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  • Make Indigenous nations equal partners in setting national policy priorities.
  • Fully implement the TRC and MMIWG report.
  • Develop a national strategy for housing, water, food, and healthcare.

Lire plus

The Green Party recognizes the call by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) for Indigenous self-determination. The Green Party acknowledges that Indigenous Peoples have stewarded lands and waters in their traditional territories for centuries. A Green government will respect Indigenous sovereignty over self-defined and self-governed lands – whether First Nations, Métis or Inuit – and respect all rights that their title to land entails, including the right to stewardship. We respect Inuit sovereignty over Inuit Nunagat. We support the full implementation of treaties and other self-government agreements between Canada and Indigenous governments. A Green government will uphold and fulfill Canada’s responsibilities in all agreements with Indigenous Peoples.

A Green government will re-introduce legislation to enshrine UNDRIP in Canadian law and implement the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

The Green Party rejects the Indian Act as racist and oppressive legislation and is committed to dismantling the Act in full partnership and with First Nations taking the lead role in the process. The Indian Act uses race-based criteria to define who is and who is not an Indian and infringes on the right of First Nations people to define themselves. Greens will support Indigenous Peoples’ work and efforts towards self-determination to ensure no one is left behind or excluded from their rightful heritage. While dismantling the Indian Act will be a complex exercise in which Indigenous Peoples have the deciding role, we will establish processes for self-governing Indigenous Peoples and nations who choose to “opt out” of the Indian Act.

A Green government will welcome a genuine nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples in Canada that is truly grounded in the UNDRIP doctrine of free, prior and informed consent.

As described in the Democracy section, a Green government will create an inclusive policy and governance body – the Council of Canadian Governments. This will include Indigenous nations and peoples as equal partners with other levels of government in the development of shared national goals, and will be the vehicle for the revamped First Ministers’ meetings.

Greens endorse the comprehensive agenda prepared by the Assembly of First Nations for the 2019 election, covering a range of policy areas that address the inequities and mistreatment experienced by First Nations across Canada. These include measures relating to reconciliation, health, education, housing, climate change, environmental protection, justice, rights, economic development, infrastructure and skills training.

A Green government will pledge to work in good faith as partners with the AFN to achieve their agenda, only negotiating the priority allocation of funds in line with the Green Party’s commitment to fiscal responsibility. We will work with the Métis National Council and Congress of Aboriginal Peoples to meet the Supreme Court decision in Daniels with meaningful funding and action. We will respect and work with the Inuit through the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and respect their territory, covering one third of the land mass of Canada.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Lire moins

Indigenous self-determination

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous self-determination.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous self-determination.
Nous n’avons par de NDP politiques sur Indigenous self-determination.
Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Indigenous self-determination.


  • Formally repudiate the doctrine of terra nullius, the doctrine of discovery, and other doctrines of superiority.
  • Establish processes for self-governing Indigenous Peoples and nations to transition out form under the Indian Act.
  • Implement UNDRIP and RCAP recommendations.

Lire plus

Formally repudiate the doctrine of terra nullius, the doctrine of discovery, and other doctrines of superiority.

With Indigenous leaders at the helm, establish processes for self-governing Indigenous Peoples and nations to transition out from under the Indian Act, grounding this in the doctrine of free, prior, and informed consent.

Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and reform all judicial, legislative, and executive branches of the federal government so that they are consistent with the Declaration.

Implement the recommendations of the 1996 Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Affirm the inherent right of Indigenous communities to determine child and family services. Support kinship ties and ensure sufficient funding and resources so that families are kept together.

Include representatives from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit governments on the Council of Canadian Governments to improve policy coherence and optimize public spending with respect to higher order policy priorities

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Indigenous theatre

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous theatre.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous theatre.
Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Indigenous theatre.
Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Indigenous theatre.

Indigenous women, LGBTQI2S+

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Indigenous women, LGBTQI2S+.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Indigenous women, LGBTQI2S+.


  • Implement the National Inquiry's Calls for Justice, including a comprehensive plan to address violence against Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQI2S+ people.
  • Ensure gender equality for First Nations status.
  • Ensure equitable access and self-determination.

Lire plus

New Democrats will work in partnership with Indigenous women, the families of the missing and murdered, and communities to implement the Inquiry’s Calls for Justice and the calls to action brought forward by communities. This includes establishing a comprehensive, plan to address violence against Indigenous women,girls, and LGBTQI2S+ people — ensuring that all those fleeing violence have access to culturally appropriate programming, emergency shelters, and transitional housing.

We believe it’s wrong that Indigenous women and their children still do not have equal status rights — including the right to pass on the ability to qualify for Indian status registration. Successive Conservative and Liberal governments have failed to fix this gross inequality. New Democrats will act to ensure full gender equality for First Nations status as a matter of priority, consistent with Canadian and international court rulings.

New Democrats acknowledge that respect for Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit people must be made real by ensuring equitable access and self-determination over land, culture, language, housing, child care, income security, employment, education, and physical, mental, sexual, and spiritual health.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Indigenous women, LGBTQI2S+.
Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Indigenous women, LGBTQI2S+.

On-reserve services & infrastructure

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur On-reserve services & infrastructure.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur On-reserve services & infrastructure.


Address critical infrastructure needs such as housing, all-weather roads, high-speed Internet, health facilities, treatment centres, and schools in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities by 2030.
Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur On-reserve services & infrastructure.

Reconciliation & environment

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Reconciliation & environment.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Reconciliation & environment.


  • Recognize inherent rights, title, and treaty rights.
  • Ensure that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis have a seat at high-level decision making tables to direct climate change efforts.
  • Expand the Indigenous Guardians Program.
  • Develop plans to respond to climate change emergencies.

Lire plus

New Democrats will put reconciliation at the core of this effort, upholding Indigenous knowledge and respecting inherent sovereignty. We recognize that as original peoples of this country, Indigenous peoples have intimate connections to their homelands, territories, and resources and have provided stewardship since time out of memory. Indigenous peoples are best placed to protect cultural and biological diversity through control over their territory – and so the recognition of inherent rights, title, and treaty rights will be at the heart of our approach to addressing climate change.

To make full and equal partnership the basis of Canada’s efforts, New Democrats will ensure that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis leadership have a seat at high-level decision making tables to help direct climate change efforts in Canada.

We will also expand the Indigenous Guardians Program, invest in Indigenous-led science, and support the creation of Indigenous-managed protected areas – and make sure that species recovery efforts respect Indigenous rights and embrace traditional knowledge to increase biodiversity.

Indigenous communities are not only stewards of their territories – they are also on the front lines dealing with the impacts of climate change every day. A New Democrat government will work jointly with Indigenous leadership and communities to develop coordinated action plans to respond to climate change emergencies like wildfires and floods. This work will be informed by Indigenous traditional and ecological knowledge and legal systems, and include improving existing infrastructure, developing new infrastructure, and supporting response efforts to keep people safe.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Reconciliation & environment.

Reconciliation & justice

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Reconciliation & justice.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Reconciliation & justice.


  • Follow Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action 30, 31, and 32.
  • Enhance community safety and Indigenous policing, and take steps to end practices such as carding.
  • Ensure fair compensation for St. Anne's residential school, Métis, and day school survivors.

Lire plus

New Democrats believe government must work to end systemic discrimination against Indigenous peoples in the justice system. In accordance with Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action 30, 31, and 32, we will increase the discretion of judges during sentencing, ensure bail programs are culturally appropriate, bolster funding for community justice programs that focus on healing and restorative justice rather than incarceration, and uphold the use of Gladue principles in court proceedings.

We will work with Indigenous communities to enhance community safety and provide the necessary resources for Indigenous policing, while taking steps to end discriminatory policing practices like carding.

A New Democrat government will support the Directive on Civil Litigation Involving Indigenous Peoples that puts an end to costly and adversarial legal battles with Indigenous communities. We will also keep residential school Survivors at the heart of decisions around justice for their experiences, ensuring fair compensation for St. Anne’s residential school Survivors, Métis Survivors, and those who survived abuse in day schools.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Lire moins

Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Reconciliation & justice.
Nous n’avons par de Green politiques sur Reconciliation & justice.

Treaties & land claims

Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Treaties & land claims.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Treaties & land claims.
Nous n’avons par de NDP politiques sur Treaties & land claims.


  • Move forward with a new co-developed, distinctions-based process for reviewing, maintaining, and enforcing Canada's treaty obligations, supported by a new National Treaty Commissioner's Office.
  • Work with First Nations to redesign policies on additions-to-reserves.

Lire plus

Moving forward with a new co-developed, distinctions-based process for the ongoing review, maintenance, and enforcement of Canada’s treaty obligations between the Crown and Indigenous communities. This work will be supported by a new National Treaty Commissioner’s Office which will be designed and established with Indigenous partners.

Working with First Nations to redesign federal policies on additions-to-reserves, and the Specific Claims process to ensure timely and just resolution to specific claims.

From Forward, retrieved 2019-09-30.

Lire moins


  • Uphold Canada's fiduciary responsibility, fulfil Canada's responsibilities and agreements, honour treaties, and respect all rights, including inherent rights of self-government.
  • Work towards an Indigenous Lands and Treaties Tribunal Act.

Lire plus

Uphold Canada’s fiduciary responsibility, fulfill Canada’s responsibilities in agreements, honour treaties, and respect all rights of Indigenous Peoples, including their inherent rights of self-government.

In partnership with Indigenous Peoples, work towards the creation of an Indigenous Lands and Treaties Tribunal Act to establish an independent body that will decide on specific claims, ensuring that treaty negotiations are conducted and financed fairly and that treaty negotiations and claims resolutions do not result in the extinguishment of aboriginal and treaty rights.

Immediately implement the lands claims agreements already negotiated and languishing for lack of funding, particularly for First Nations in the territories.

Ensure that negotiations of treaties and self-government are not based on the extinguishment of Indigenous title and rights, and on assimilation, but on reconciliation of rights and title, and that negotiations recognize the diversity of traditional self-governance.

Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples over primary hunting, fishing, trapping and logging rights on traditional lands, especially lands under federal jurisdiction, subject to standards of sustainable harvesting and traditional ecological knowledge.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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