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Government Services & Crown Corporations plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Simcoe North, et leurs partis, promettent.

Canada Post

Nous n’avons par de Liberal politiques sur Canada Post.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Canada Post.


  • Reverse recent cuts to home postal delivery.
  • Upgrade Canada Post to EVs.
  • Establish "last mile" delivery using zero-emission vehicles in urban centres.
  • Have mail carriers check on those with mobility issues or who live alone.
  • Use post offices as resource centres & meeting spaces.

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Reverse the most recent cuts to home postal delivery, a move promised by the Liberals but not delivered.

Upgrade the Canada Post fleet to electric vehicles.

Reduce pollution and congestion due to the explosion of package delivery from on-line shopping by establishing “last mile” delivery by Canada Post using zero-emission vehicles in urban centres.

Train mail carriers to check on people with mobility issues or who live alone, particularly during heat waves, storms and other emergencies.

Establish banking services and public high-speed internet access in post offices, particularly in under-serviced rural and remote communities without banks and libraries.

Where space is available, allow community meetings to be held in post offices.

Provide charging stations for electric vehicles in post office parking lots.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Canada Post.

Child care


Develop a national, public, universal child care programme.

Angelique Belcourt

Candidat du NDP dans votre district
Childcare for All

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Our vision is to give families relief. Every

parent across Canada should be able to

find the child care you need, when you need

it, with a licensed provider who is making a

fair wage. We’ll work with other levels of

government, Indigenous communities,

families and child care workers to ensure

that care is inclusive and responsive to the

needs of all Canadian children. And we’ll

introduce legislation that enshrines Canada’s

commitment to high-quality, public child care

in law. Public early childhood education and

child care that is affordable and available to

all families helps our economy and gives

parents real choices.

In the absence of federal leadership, provinces

have stepped up to take strides towards

affordable, accessible, quality child care.

Quebec continues to be a leader, and New

Democrat governments in British Columbia

and Alberta have shown that investments in

child care make a real difference in the lives of

children, women, and families.

We will build on their work to make child

care better for families by investing $1 billion

in 2020 and growing that investment annually,

along with the provinces and territories. We’re

on the side of parents to ensure affordable,

quality child care for all – because no one

should be forced to choose between having

a family and having a career.

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  • Create up to 250,000 more child care spaces for kids under 10.
  • Lower child care fees for before and after school programmes by 10%.

Lire plus

We’ve already created tens of thousands of new pre-school child care spaces, and will move forward with creating up to 250,000 more before and after school spaces for kids under 10, with at least 10 percent of these new spaces set aside for care during extended hours.

To help families with the high cost of care, we will also lower child care fees for before and after school programs by 10 per cent across the board.

More than a million families will benefit from these lower fees. For an Ontario family of four with two kids, it will mean about $800 back in their pockets,every year.

We will also move forward with more support for our early childhood educators, to ensure that across the country, they are better paid and trained to take care of our kids. This means lower tuition costs for people getting their early childhood education degree, and extra help to cover the costs for early childhood educators seeking further training.

And to ensure that every parent – no matter where they live – has access to quality, affordable childcare, we will work with provinces and territories to create a national secretariat that will lay the groundwork for a pan-Canadian child care system.

From Forward, retrieved 2019-10-01.

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Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Child care.


  • Dedicate resources to making a universal, affordable, early learning and child-care system.
  • Increase federal child care funding to achieve at least 1% of GDP, with an additional $1 billion each year until 1% is reached.
  • Eliminate GST on construction costs for child-care spaces.

Lire plus

A Green government will collaborate with provinces/territories, local communities, Indigenous communities and the child-care sector to ensure that a comprehensive short-, medium- and long-term policy road map – based on the principles of universality, affordability, quality, inclusivity and equity – finally becomes a reality.

Canada must dedicate additional resources to making a universal, affordable, early learning and child-care (ELCC) system a reality. It cannot occur without public funding. Canada needs an ELCC system that contributes to a green Canada. Thus, a Green Party government's child care plan will provide the early educator jobs that sustain local communities. It will also recognize that sparsely and unevenly available child-care services force parents to take out-of-their-way routes to child care and work, often by car. Green Party plans for child care take into account not only parents' convenience but also climate goals. Location of child care must reflect the diversity of family needs and be placed along existing public transit routes, including neighbourhood schools, other local buildings, workplaces and transportation hubs.

The best evidence suggests that ELCC is best situated within the context of other policies that support families and children. A Green Party government will follow the example of Quebec and other countries, improving and strengthening maternity/parental leave by making it more inclusive, more flexible and better paid.

Well-designed ELCC is also fundamental to meeting broader equity and social justice goals, for fighting poverty, as a foundation for children's life-long learning, and as part of the backbone of a thriving society. Quality child care yields high social and economic returns in the short and long term by:

  - Supporting women’s workforce participation, education and training.

  - Strengthening children’s health, development and well-being in the early years to provide a strong foundation for learning and living in later years.

  - Strengthening inclusion and respect for diversity for children with disabilities, diverse ethnic and racial groups, newcomers and disadvantaged Canadians.

  - Countering Canada’s slide towards being a more unequal society.

A Green Party government will immediately begin to ramp up federal child care funding to achieve the international benchmark of at least one per cent of GDP annually, adding an additional $1 billion each year until this benchmark is reached with a mature ELCC system. We will eliminate GST on all construction costs related to child-care spaces.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Child care.

Public broadcasting


  • Strengthen the regional mandate of CBC/RadioCanada so that local stations can broadcast more local news.
  • Require CBC/Radio-Canada to open up its digital platform so that journalism start-ups & community newspapers can access affordable technology to develop & distribute content.
Nous n’avons par de PPC politiques sur Public broadcasting.


  • Increase funding to CBC and Radio Canada by $315 million per year until the per-capital level of funding is equal to that of the BBC.
  • Reform the governance of CBC - Radio Canada to remove potential for political interference in board appointments.
Nous n’avons par de Conservative politiques sur Public broadcasting.