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Sheila Malcolmson


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Sheila Malcolmson has a proven record of serving our community and getting results for people.

Starting in 2002, Sheila was elected to the Islands Trust for four consecutive terms. In 2008, she was elected Chair of the Islands Trust Council. In 2015 she was elected as federal MP for Nanaimo-Ladysmith.

On January 30, 2019, she was elected as the provincial MLA for Nanaimo.

Sheila is known for bringing people from different backgrounds together to work for a common cause: workers, small businesses, First Nations, community groups, and students.

As Chair of Islands Trust Council, she worked with all levels of government, championing campaigns for fair ferry service, marine safety, and oil spill prevention. She signed a government-to-government protocol between the Snuneymuxw First Nation and the Islands Trust – establishing a relationship of respect and cooperation in planning, land use management, and heritage conservation.

Sheila lives on Gabriola Island with her partner Howard, a fisheries biologist and climate change researcher.

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