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Lucas Hernandez

Together, let's stand up for our women, girls, and the preborn against the status-quo of private for-profit, abortion-on-demand.

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If you believe, as I believe, that we should support women and their babies over the multi-million dollar profits of the abortion industry, then vote for me, Lucas Hernandez.

Hello, my name is Lucas Hernandez.

In 2017 I discovered my girlfriend was pregnant. We were unwed, the child was unplanned, I was a recovering addict, and we were low income. What's more, my daughter was diagnosed with gastroschisis, a condition where the babies intestines develop outside of their own body while in the womb.

The day I first saw my daughter move on an ultrasound, the doctor asked me if I wanted to abort my child.

Today my daughter is a healthy, happy, very much alive little girl.

If you believe, as I believe, that we should support women and their babies over the multi-million dollar profits of the abortion industry, then vote for me, Lucas Hernandez. 

Together, let's stand up for our women, girls, and the preborn against the status-quo of private for-profit, abortion-on-demand.

To learn more about my campaign for change, please visit prolifealberta.com/lucas-hernandez

Thank you!

prolifealberta.com/lucas-hernandez prolifealberta.com/lucas-hernandez